Hema Great Desert Track/Oziexplorer

Submitted: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 17:03
ThreadID: 5031 Views:4889 Replies:5 FollowUps:3
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I have been using registered Oziexplorer software quite successfully with the Auslig maps, but for the life of me I can't get it to run the Hema Great Desert Track Maps. What I have done is attempted to import the Hema Maps using the import command under the file menu. At best I get the message '0 maps successfully imported'. Can anyone help? I am finding the Oziexplorer discussion group is becoming too high power for such a simple question.
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Reply By: Member - Dave (Pilbara) - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 17:21

Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 17:21
Im certainly no expert I have only just started to use the software myself.
Do you have the .map files installed as well. If not I think they may be avalible on the Oziexplorer site. Or they should be on the CD
AnswerID: 20578

Reply By: Member - Sam (NSW) - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 17:52

Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 17:52

how have you got the Auslig maps set up? Have you copied the *.ecw files to the hard disk and modifited the *.map files to point to the right directory or do you just use the CD?

The Hema Great Desert Track Maps should work exactly the same way as the Auslig ones (i am only guessing here as I don't own a copy of the Great Desert Track maps).

You shouldn't need to import the maps. As Dave said, the *.map files for the Great Desert Track maps are on the OziExplorer CD (think the installer gives you the option of having it install the *.map files for you). Best bet would be to re-install these. I would think that by default the map image path for the GDT maps would point to the GDT CD(s).

If you have copied the GDT images to the hard disk, you might need to change the image path of the *.map files. You can do this using the below method.

Goto File -> Change Image File Name, Path & Drive -> Change Image File Path for All Maps in Selected Folder -> select the directory where the GDT *.map files are and then select the directory where the image files are (*.map files should use the cd(s) as the default path) -> then click on Change and Save Maps.

But I would first try just re-installing the GDT map files from the OziExplorer CD.

Hope i haven't made things too confusing.

AnswerID: 20583

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - David - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 18:32

Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 18:32

Hang on! You do not need to import the GDT maps. Let's start again.

1. Un-install/remove the GDT maps that you have installed/copied (if any).
2. Open the GDT CD in Windows Explorer (My Computer - Select CD from drop down)
3. You will see a file called setup.exe - double left click. This will install the GDT CD onto your hard drive (recommended). I would also suggest that you create a new folder/directory called C:\GPS and another sub folder called MAPS and install the GDT CD software into C:\GPS\MAPS\GDT. (Also I would suggest you create a folder called C:\GPS\MAPS\Auslig and copy all your Auslig .map files into this)
4. Once installed you will see in the GDT directory a sub-folder called Maps. This is the directory that contains the actual .map files for OziExplorer and also the actual map images. (Have a look you will see .legend .map and .ozf2 filetypes).
5. Now open lets setup a few things here firstly the location of .map files go into configuration (FILE - CONFIGURATION), on this page setup the map file path to C:\GPS\MAPS. (I have also create a DATA directory on C:\GPS and setup this directory also - you do not have to).
6. Now hit the Index Map button or select MAP - INDEX MAP. When this comes up select the Australia.map file from the Index Map subdirectory. Make sure the search path is to C:\GPS\MAPS - tick the sub-folders open then close and re-open the index map

Hey presto the entire Auslig and GDT maps displayed on an Australian Index Map. Hover your mouse over a map and hit it to select it.

Hope this helps. Regards
ExplorOz Team - David
Always working, not enough travelling ;-)
AnswerID: 20588

Follow Up By: Member - Mike (SA) - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 16:36

Friday, May 23, 2003 at 16:36
Please go one step further re Index maps. For some reasonI alsways have one missing - Hema SE. The 250K and Westprint show but I can not get this one into index. Boxes ticked etc.
MikeToo little time in the bush!
FollowupID: 13461

Reply By: Member - Bob - Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 21:25

Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 21:25
Thanks everyone. Finally got there. I'd have to say its hardly intuitive stuff. Guess I've been spoiled by using Macs for leasure purposes for so long. I think having separate Map file path, Image File Path and Data file Path all under different tabs is what caused the most grief.
AnswerID: 20619

Follow Up By: Member - Rohan K - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 10:16

Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 10:16
Bob, an alternative, and I find simpler, location to place the maps is in the OziExplorer folder. In there, you'll find a folder named "maps". This is where the .map files reside, however I have created several sub folders in there named "NatMapCD1", "NatMapCD2", "StateView", "map image files", etc.

I find this a lot simpler as all map files are within the "OziExplorer\Maps" folder and I can pint Ozi to this path for all maps.

If you have any more problems, try joining the Ozi users group at http://au.groups.yahoo.com

RegardsBe good, or be quick.
Rohan (Sydney)
FollowupID: 13268

Follow Up By: Ray M (Vic) - Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 18:28

Wednesday, May 21, 2003 at 18:28
I do much the same Rohan but I've got both the natmap cd's in the one sub directory and the .map files go in the same dir as the image files. Someone on the yahoo group didn't advise putting the .map files in the same dir as the image files but he couldn't remember why. I've certainly never had a problem with it. Received the NSW Stateview CD today, will copy the images over tonight.Hooroo
FollowupID: 13296

Reply By: Janset - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 16:08

Friday, May 23, 2003 at 16:08
Hi all.

I asked this question from Des Newman of OziExplorer and I was advised that their advice is to put the .map files in with the image files, that way it will always be located.

AnswerID: 20870

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