Thursday, May 29, 2003 at 21:12
Wherethe..., the comment above, followup #4 was not posted by me. Some chicken s%*t thought it would be funny to use my ID (David, surely you can prevent that. Other sites do.). Not enough balls to ask the question directly, perhaps.
To whoever it was: Do I love myself? Sure do. Those that don't probably won't find anyone else to, so you may as
well drive that 4x4 off a steep
cliff. Am I a wanker? Probably and that's my problem, not yours, but at least I don't hide.
BTW, Wherethe... , there's nothing wrong with your screen name (a mapping software product uses the second half of it), its just too damn long to type everytime. So's the new one.
LOLLife just ain't that serious.
Rohan (