Sunday, Jan 06, 2008 at 04:01
Actually broadcast is moving away from tape. XDCAM HD optical disc is filling
the gap from Digital Betacam (standard def digital broadcast tape) and XDCAM EX records to a memory card in a similar 35mb/s codec to XDCAM HD. The memory cards used are SxS Express Cards. Both these formats have proven to me more reliable, more robust and more cost efficient, and time efficient than DVCAM, DigiBeta etc. The most common repair job for video cameras was the tape drive mechanism, heads etc. HDCAM SR still sits at the top in the Sony broadcast world, which is still tape based, but is used mainly for recording movies. I have no doubt it will be replaced by solid state recording, when it can handle hours of footage in 100-400mb/s cost effectively.
Back to the consumer camcorder world, my opinion is that cameras with removable media is the way to go (not hard drive) the current consumer Memory Stick camcorders don't record the same quality as the disc or HDD camcorders, so that would leave me with choosing disc recording. However, I would wait until Sony start selling the Mini Blu Ray camcorders in full HD 1080 24p, which I am sure is just around the corner. The media is already available.
If I was buying a semi-pro camcorder, it would be the Sony PMW-EX1 XDCAM EX
So verdict for Pyro 1, Mini Blu Ray that does FULL HD 1080 at 24 frames per second (progressive scan), if not, then 25p would be good too.