I noticed the revamped EO Gunbarrrel trek write-up still says you can get a good range of supplies at
Carnegie Station. When we were there in August 07 though, they had no supplies whatsoever (apart from fuel & camping), and the staff said they were not going to keep supplies in future, as sales were too unreliable.
There also seems to be some doubt whether you can do the bit of the original Gunbarrel between Jackie
Junction west to Mt Samuel, part of the "abandoned" section. This is what our Ngaanyatjarra Council permit conditions for the "adandoned" section said:
"Entry to the Abandoned Section of the
Gunbarrel Highway must be through
Warakurna at the East end or
Warburton at the West end. Entry into the
Abandoned Section of the
Gunbarrel Highway is not allowed through Jackie
Junction (see attached map)".
The WA DIA website has a map that appears to say exactly the opposite though. Anyone able to clear this up?