Tambo camper trailers

Submitted: Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 19:08
ThreadID: 53555 Views:5539 Replies:5 FollowUps:4
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I researched long and hard, l looked far and wide and decided after the numerous comments on exploroz.com.au that i would buy a "Tambo camper trailer". Decided to buy a second hand one to get all the things l wanted for the price l could afford. Now come the questions.(Not that they are expensive!!!!)
1. From handbrake to beer, how long to set it up after some practice?
2. Extra bedroom, cannot seem to get it "taught", any tips???
3. I have heard, that when fitted with the "side lift hinge" makes setting up a little quicker. Any thoughts...

Thanks for all your comments on this site. You all should be applauded for your constructive and insightful comments about a large range of topics. Makes "newbie's" like me more confident on the road.
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Reply By: Member - Mick O (VIC) - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 21:25

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 21:25

good choice. Had the Cooper which I hauled around Oz for 12 months in 2006. I reckon your only major problem with the Tambo will actually be sourcing a second hand unit (unless you've bought it already).Mine went within a day of listing on trading section here. First bloke to see bought. Now to your questions.

Beer in hand in 5-7 minutes max if there's two of you setting up and it's basic set-up (No awning). That includes swinging the kitchen out, hooking up the gas to the stove and sourcing the chair! 10 minutes if it's one of you. You have four pegs, two internal poles and the spreaders. Done. Add 5-10 minutes for the awning depending ir you leave it zipped on when packing up.

No experience with a second bedroom, just the annex.

Side lift was great and I wouldn't be without it. Allows access to all the stuff in the trailer even when tent set up. Also access while on the road if need be. Hope that helps. Great trailer. Miss mine.

Cheers. Mick

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AnswerID: 281992

Follow Up By: mattd - Friday, Jan 18, 2008 at 15:15

Friday, Jan 18, 2008 at 15:15
Thanks for that Mick O,

Got a second hand one about 3 weeks ago. Cooper, extra bedroom, side lift, awning wall, tail gate kitchen, electric brakes, tool box and draught skirt.
Thanks for the word on setting up.

FollowupID: 546773

Reply By: Crackles - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 21:50

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 21:50
Matt I don't own one but have been taking notice of a couple of different Tambo's being set up each day on extended trips as I've been comparing a few different brands. On average the Tambo was taking around 15 to 20 minutes from go to woa setting up & a bit more putting it away.
They occationally had trouble getting the canvas taught if the trailer or site wasn't flat, not sure if that was an issue for you.
Cheers Craig............
AnswerID: 282001

Reply By: Member - Nick (TAS) - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 22:08

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 22:08
We've had our Cooper for 3yrs now and love it.With two setting up its a simple 5-6 min job.By my self its about 8min tops.Add a couple of mins to pack up.The side lift is great, I wouldnt own a camper that didnt have this.I have a mate who owns another make of camper and I always laugh at him getting stuff in and out as he is laying full length in the trailer trying to sort stuff out.
Carnt help with bedroom, sorry.
I have made a few mods to ours to get it how I want it,in built pole carrier, slide out pantry, tail gate kitchen, side mount spare wheel carrier, high lift jack mount/holder, stone guard, extended draw bar and a divider through the trailer body.
I still dont think you can beat the finish, quality and value of a Tambo.
AnswerID: 282003

Reply By: Shaker - Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 23:40

Wednesday, Jan 16, 2008 at 23:40
I have camper trailer, not a Tambo & I won't cloud the thread by mentioning the brand, but what I don't understand is the paranoia over set up time.
Does it really make much difference if it takes 5 minutes or 15 minutes, are holiday timetables so precise that a few minutes either way will really matter?
Lets face it, if you set up on a bowling green it will take a lot less time than on an uneven, irregular campsite.
As far as getting the canvas 'taut', remember they are built on a level concrete factory floor, so obviously some terrain irregularities will make it nearly impossible to get it 'perfect'.
AnswerID: 282023

Follow Up By: T-Ribby - Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 22:59

Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 22:59
Spot on. Setup time doesn't matter if you have the beer first.
As far as making canvas taut, on one trip I overtightened all the guys and about midnight something in the rig let go, there was a loud bang and the trailer moved about half a meter sideways. Thought a semi had hit me side on - frightened the bleep es outa me. So don't worry if the canvas looks a bit slack, unless it's raining and then you can use one of those flat swivelling thingies that go on the end of a spare tent pole and props up the centre of the roof (available in most camping stores).
FollowupID: 546684

Reply By: Moggs - Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 08:02

Thursday, Jan 17, 2008 at 08:02
Good choice with the Tambo. We bought one in Feb 2006 and love it. A few things: The side lift can only be fitted at manufacture - it cannot be retro-fitted. We also had problems with getting the rear bedroom taught. In the end we had Tambo sew two small triangle flaps on each side of the roof seam with a pole eyelet. We then use two additional poles and ropes to get it tight. I believe Tambo are now doing this standard on the rear bedroom. Another good idea is to get eyelets sewn into the side of the annex - makes tensioning the annex roof easier and helps support the annex walls if you have them.

Hope you enjoy your Cooper!
AnswerID: 282040

Follow Up By: mattd - Friday, Jan 18, 2008 at 15:22

Friday, Jan 18, 2008 at 15:22
Thanks Moggs,
In relation to the rear bedroom eyelets, are they on the "drawbar "side of the bedroom and the"side" facing the car??? Cost???. The eyelets on the annex, are they beside the "plastic" window or on the awning.
It already has side lift. Couldn't do without this option!!!!

FollowupID: 546774

Follow Up By: Moggs - Saturday, Jan 19, 2008 at 08:08

Saturday, Jan 19, 2008 at 08:08
Hi Matt,
The rear bedroom eyelets are sewn into the roof seam in the middle of two sides - when the bedroom is set up 1 eyelet is on the drawbar side and the other is opposite. The eyelets in the awning are in the roof on each end in the middle. As for cost - Tambo didn't charge me anything as they wanted to ensure I was happy with their camper in all aspects.

Yep, the side lift is great - sure makes it easy to pack and unload - is also great because you can still use the side lift when the camper is set up.
FollowupID: 546922

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