Pigs on Frazer Island

Submitted: Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 01:21
ThreadID: 53810 Views:2959 Replies:4 FollowUps:16
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My family and I were on Frazer last new year, 06/07 and found it to be one of our favourite places.

I took my son there 07/01 08 until 10/01 08 The island was still great although the weather could have been better at times.

We pulled up at camp late on the first afternoon Wangai , as I set up boof head was running around playing nearby.

The next morning to my horror I noticed some broken glass (stubbies) a closer look revealed several bags of rubbish strewn about, so before I set out for the day I cleaned some of the immediate rubbish but there was still some amount left in some of the other camp-sites, In the end I cleaned up about 18 to 20 broken stubbies. and 3 bags of rubbish.

Personally I think glass should be banned from camp grounds full stop.

I alerted QPAW on my return, so I hope this has been rectified.

Cheers Steve.
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Reply By: Member - extfilm (NSW) - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 02:04

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 02:04
I am sorry to say this steve, I prefer to drink my beer from a stubby than a can...... also the brand of beer that I prefer does not come in cans (extra dry).
In my opinion it should be the iresponsible backpackers that should be banned..... And the tour operators that give the backpackers the vehicle. I have seen it first hand. 10 party kids in a troopy with all camping equipment, food and all their personal stuff to last 3 days. There is simply no room in the things..... And yes I know what your now thinking..... If u bring it in then u should bring it out..... Unfortuanetly these kids don't care because they will never be back and they are only living for their comfort zone now.......
So now next time I go to fraser I can look forward to drinking my beer out of a can..... Thanks mate
AnswerID: 283236

Follow Up By: thomasando - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 07:36

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 07:36
It's not just backpackers mate, there's plenty of other people that do it as well... I enjoy my beer out of glass as well (Extra Dry just like your good self) but I never take glass camping for this very reason (plus cans stack better in the Engel).
FollowupID: 547855

Follow Up By: Dave from P7OFFROAD Accredited Driver Training - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 07:58

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 07:58
Why is there automaticly an assumption that the backpackers cause all the problems??
FollowupID: 547863

Follow Up By: Rocky_QLD - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 08:21

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 08:21
I don't think it would be backpackers they can't afford beer, they only drink out of cardboard boxes.

FollowupID: 547864

Follow Up By: Member - extfilm (NSW) - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 10:15

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 10:15
During the past 20 years I have only been on Fraser Island around 15 times. I have hiked it 6 times, totalling over 300 kms. Driven it 6 times and done the backpacker trips when it was comfortable with 8 people in the troopie.
I am not instantly asuming it is the backpackers that cause most of the problems. I am Confirming they are a major Contributor as I have had to make sure they have grabbed all thir rubbish when I was travelling with them. They were happy to leave the rubbish behind.
Even the last trip I did up there in 06 there were 2 troopies full and when they left they also left part of them behind. which I promptly picked up and put in the back of the ute.
Ripped cans can also do damage to peoples feet. I have had the base of my feet torn open on a ripped can only on Fraser.
I am not saying it is only the backpackers but they are a major contributor.
I have seen it when I have been walking and since I have only had a backpack I could not take the rubbish out.
I think maybe the National Parks should look more into there rubbish management plan before banning glass. They are charging us enough to camp there. But yes I understand if the parks do make more of an effort in thier rubbish management they will impose another charge on us.
FollowupID: 547883

Follow Up By: Steve from Top End Explorer Tours - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 10:48

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 10:48
I alerted QPAW to the rubbish I didn't pick up, the rubbish on the beach and the unsightly view of the Eurong Resort rubbish area.

I expressed my opinion about glass in areas such as Frazer Island and alike.

The rubbish bin areas provided were clean.

The rubbish I collected was not from Backpackers as the contents would have suggested, it looked like rubbish left behind by disgruntled people who were told to leave before the bad weather.

98% of Backpackers I have taken on tour in the last 15 years, had a great respect for the environment and the Australian bush.

Cheers Steve.
FollowupID: 547886

Follow Up By: robak (QLD) - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 12:04

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 12:04
I usually find that the fraser backpackers are a lot better behaved that the locals (of the same age) that go there in groups.

FollowupID: 547904

Reply By: Member - Bucky (VIC) - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 07:19

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 07:19
Good call Steve !

I do agree with you 100 %.

I see it all the time, good camp-sites wrecked, due to broken glass.

I love my beer from stubbies, not cans, but when I am out camping up it just makes sense to me, just not to have virtually glass, just cans.

My reasoning is simple, cans can be easily crushed up and thoughtfully disposed of. All you need is a slip-up, 1 idiot, or one group of idiots, with stubbies, you got broken glass all over the place, and that is dangerous. Now try and let kids run about in that campground, and you have a disaster waiting to happen.


AnswerID: 283242

Follow Up By: sjp - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 07:41

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 07:41
i agree no glass at major events any more either,all plastic or cans (cans cool down faster anyway) helll i went to one yesterday and we got our water in plastic glasses from a plastic jug and this was only a body corporate meeting!!!!!!!!
FollowupID: 547856

Reply By: Bware (Tweed Valley) - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 08:27

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 08:27
Although I understand the reasoning behind wanting to ban glass, I'm not big on the philosophy of introducing new laws/regulations every time a minority of people are doing the wrong thing. Where does that road end?

A new law doesn't stop people doing the wrong thing (think speeding/drink-driving), it just enables prosecution if caught. If glass were banned, I bet that you will still find broken glass because the type that throw stubbies around and break them are just as likely to break the law and bring glass anyway. Apart from a deterrent effect on SOME of the stubby-smashers, what does the law do? It prevents responsible folk from doing what they enjoy; just the same as all the other regulations and by-laws in this screwed up society. No fishing here, closed tracks there, no fires allowed, no camping allowed, no dogs/4wd allowed on beaches that they used to be allowed on etc. In every one of these situations people will still do it; more than likely the type that caused the introduction of the laws.




AnswerID: 283252

Reply By: Lazybugger - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 12:07

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 12:07
I head to Fraser each year for the annual Toyota Fishing Comp. I think it worth noting that this annual comp for 1500 competitors plus sponsors and families is closely supervised by the EPA. There are camp inspections performed at least twice a week and regular education and enforcement of rules regarding the securing of rubbish.

A couple of years ago my crew decided to try to take cans of beer. Within one day it was agreed we'd never do that again, the beer just wasn't the same. We drank a lot more rum that year to make up for it.

At the end of the week after the campers leave, Toyota do an inspection of the camping areas including the main congregation at Ocean Beach and for an area that would have contained over 500 people there are usually only a couple of bags of rubbish and for the number of people that amount of rubbish is probably the amount inadvertantly missed rather than strewn about carelessly.

I guess my point is there are responsible people visiting the island. They drink out of stubbies and take good care of the rubbish they create. Don't ruin our experience because of other slobs.
AnswerID: 283296

Follow Up By: CLC50 - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 16:13

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 16:13
Hi all
It is a shame that people don't take there rubbish with them .
The Toyota & Park Rangers Plus 4x4 Clubs clean up is on this weekend coming
I am missing this year put been the last 3 years ,
The Island is getting worst which is sad.
The year 2006 32 M3 Tonnes Rubbish was pick up 250 to 300 4x4 ,about 500 Club members .
Last year 2007 57M3 Tonnes & approximately 500 4x4 & just under a 1000 People @ the clean up all worked about 1 Hour each so that's a lot plastic & rubbish
FollowupID: 547955

Follow Up By: Steve from Top End Explorer Tours - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 16:41

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 16:41
I am actually saddened by the fact that some people are more worried that my opinion on glass in these areas, and the fact that they would be put out if they couldn't drink from a stubby, is more important than the fact that people had left their rubbish about.

I had 3 weeks holiday planed after Fraser Island, This could have turned pear shaped if either of us had been seriously cut because of someone else's broken stubby.

All I ask is, that people consider my opinion on this, I haven't change the rules and can't change them.

A plea from a father please don't take glass into these areas.

Cheers Steve.
FollowupID: 547961

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 17:17

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 17:17
>> A couple of years ago my crew decided to try to take cans of beer. Within one day it was agreed we'd never do that again, the beer just wasn't the same.

FollowupID: 547972

Follow Up By: Lazybugger - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 17:29

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 17:29

Simple answer, the beer out of a can tastes only half as good as that out of glass. Thats just our opinion, some may like it out of a can, maybe its what your used to.
FollowupID: 547974

Follow Up By: Member - Barnesy (SA) - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 20:00

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 20:00
Truckster, beer out of cans taste rubbish. Thats why VB comes mostly in cans. Because it tastes crap anyway and you don't lose much flavour. It is best to pour VB straight down the toilet and save the middle man.
FollowupID: 548001

Follow Up By: sjp - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 20:48

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 20:48
what a load of wank ,if vb tastes that bad on the trip from cans either you've picked the wrong spot or in the wrong company thats leaving a bad taste in your mouth
FollowupID: 548015

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 22:00

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 22:00
Nice assumtion I drink VB.. Thats like saying Fosters is THE ONLY Australian beer to drink...

To me, doesnt make bleep difference what it comes out of, if I lower myself to beer I couldnt give a rats carrot what it came out of.

Plenty of nice beers in cans, plenty of nice beers in bottles.
FollowupID: 548038

Follow Up By: Member - Barnesy (SA) - Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 23:29

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2008 at 23:29
You should try a South Australian beer Truckster. Like Coopers for example.
FollowupID: 548075

Follow Up By: Jack180 - Thursday, Jan 24, 2008 at 00:14

Thursday, Jan 24, 2008 at 00:14
I haven't missed your point steve.

Whilst i agree with the other comments that its not all backpackers, on our last trip to fraser (only 3 weeks ago) we had nothing but trouble with backpackers.

We stayed at Central station for 4 nights, the backpackers who rolled in every day in they overfilled troopy's ignored all the 9pm curfews, left rubbish everywhere, including the shower blocks. I day we couldn't even get into the shower block, because 10 BP's decided not to bother setting up the little tents, just to camp, cook, clean and whatever else you can imagine in the shower block.

The ranger was all but powerless, when he confronted them, they threatend him.

The following morning the enforcement officers rocked up in force, and its was on. All the backpackers were kicked out.

Unfortunately it was our last day - and I for one will never camp in a designated campground on fraser again - its the beach for us or nothing.

Getting back to the point of this thread, this trip we opted to camp in a campground so the missus had some luxury, and we didn't have to worry as much about the kids with Dingoes (Central station is fenced)

Instead, one of the issues we had to deal with was not to step on broken glass, as these unrespectful idiots thought it okay to dissgard their empties wherever they finished them - when i confronted them about it they said they couldn't take it to the big bins as they had nothing to put the empties in, and the rangers would come and pick it up anyway. When i pointed out to them they might be fined, they said well were only here once so we dont really give a SxxT.

That made me irrate, and next thing i know i had 10 backpackers jump out of a troppy, mostly hot headed poms full of beer, ready to have a go.

I'm no little bloke, and can hold my own, but my missus and little boy were with me so it wasn't worth taking it any further - but this points out that their are a lot of idiots who go camping on fraser, and if glass was banned, it would at least provide one less issues to deal with (its a lot easer to pick up left over cans, that to pick up all the broken pieces of glass left behind by smashed bottles).

I never take glass stubbies with me when camping. I do agree it tastes different in a can, so instead I take my beer glass with me. I keep the glass wrapped in a towel in the esky. That way i can still drink my beer out of glass, crush the cans (easier to take out your rubbish) and only have one potential glass item to break.

Oh, and finally .... just to help you all understand why i am getting on my soapbox about this ... as we were leaving the campground, we stopped at the toilet block for a quick visit, and my 6YO son managed to step on a piece of glass, that went right through his thong, and embedded in his foot. When i went back into the toilet to see where the glass came from, i found a smashed bottle in the cubicle my son went in, and there were also red smear marks on the floor (looked like blood) where someone else had also stepped on the glass.

If any of you are upset if glass gets banned - how would you feel if your 6YO screamed for an hour in pain, and then had to have shots, and a series of blood tests to ensure he has not contracted anything.
(If your a parent, you will understand the point i am making here) We now will have some time of uncertainty and several follow up tests before we know for sure he has not contracted anything.

I for one now have no issue with banning glass beer bottles from national parks.

FollowupID: 548083

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