Is it Friday 13th today????? Dunno
Went to pay some money off my bill today. Proceedings started off OK but a couple of seconds later things went pear shaped.
Me: G'day X, Hows things?
Him: G'day Willie
Me: You want the good news or the bad news?
Him: Either:
Me: Good news is I am bringing you some money.
Him Good. And what's the bad news.
Me: Those hubs are still heating up too much. It's a pity your mechanic didn't think of looking at the brakes because I now suspect that this might be an underlying problem.
Him: (He starts to talk but can't. His voice goes into anger mode with a high pitch while he is writing out a receipt for me. He starts shaking) and says: "You inconsiderate prick, all you can do is to complain. You always come here and criticise. You are never happy with a job.
Me: Hey, I am the customer and just how many jobs have you lot stuffed up over the years. How many times did the gearbox come out? How many wheel bearings have we replaced?
Him: (Now in a violent rage)...Get the F,,,, off my premises. (He hands me a receipt) I never want to see you again. I can do without your business. Just F....O....!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me:(A bit shaken) No worries X, I'll come back later and finalise this account.
Him: (With tears welling in his eyes) Just F....O......!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I go back later and he has retired for the day(Stress leave). His wife gives me a final account. I ask my missus to go and pay it when she goes to town. When that happens Workshop owners wife says sorry made a mistake...... there is another invoice. Missus says OK and pays all the debt. We get
home and I
check the account. He has made a $200 error in my favour.
Should I go back and say here's the $200 you under charged me??? LOL
Geeez, I dunno......some people...................