Monday, Feb 04, 2008 at 00:03
Yes, oil companies should make a profit, banks, etc all should. Wage-earners deserve to get paid for their work, and they deserve less than an entrepreneur who employs them. That's how our system works, the other system of socialism never works.
But there is plenty of evidence of price gouging, collusion and price fixing by monopolists which undermines our system, and leads to those of us who know this to occasionally need a moan about it to repair our enthusiasm to go on :)
Which industries are guilty - let's see, a few come readily to mind - telcos, banks, local government, state government, oil companies, cardboard packaging suppliers, your turn ......
It's mainly to do with the fact that we can't "hit back" against the "bodies" or the "system" when we know we are being fleeced again.
If you believe
Caltex is only making 2c a litre, I think you are being nieve. They've been saying that since petrol was 7c a litre in 1966.