hj60 suspension, OME, one leaf is definatly coming out
Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 15:13
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i have 2 hj60s ,the first suffered from the saggs.After some questions iwas told that retempering
the springs just ammounted to supporting them with a block and belting them[one by one] with a sledge hammer.S i dismantled them,then using another car and a friend to steady and shift
the springs i used two blocks with the spring hanging between them and drove back and
forth over them,and put a bit more bend back into them.Packed them with grease and reasembled them. They have been great for about two years so far showing no
sign of sagging so far. PS one extra leaf added from the wreckers$50
the second hj60 ive just bought has new set of OME springs with 2" lift.It has less body roll but is SO SO uncomfortable to drive theres just no give.I get out with a really soar back every time i drive more than 10ks, most of my time i spend bouncing between the
seat and the roof with my right foot intermitantly hitting the throttle and opening it fully, just driving on the bitumen
i know they are brand new and do actually feel good just at the moment you bounce through a creek bottom. BUT at least one leaf is coming out so that i can enjoy 99.9% of my driving,i will simply have to hit that once in a blue moon big bump a bit slower
Reply By: splits - Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 23:32
Tuesday, Feb 05, 2008 at 23:32
There are two basic spring specifications that should be considered when buying springs that very few people ever consider or even know about. One is the spring "load' and the other is the spring "rate".
The "load" is the weight it will support at a given height. The manufacturer knows a spring has to support say 500 kgs and they want the body to be X number of millimetres off the ground so they design the spring to hold that weight at that height.
The "rate" involves compressing the spring. It is a measurement of the weight that is required to compress it 1 inch. A 200 kg spring for example will compress 1 inch when a 200 kg weight is placed on it. 400 kgs will compress it 2 inches. 600 kgs will compress it 3 inches and so on. There are also variable rate springs that take a certain amount of weight to compress them to a certain point then more weight to go beyond that point. If the "rate" is too low but the "load" is correct, the car will sit at the right height but the
suspension could bottom out easily on bumps. If the "rate" is too high but the "load" is correct, it will sit at the right height but the
suspension may not move easily enough and the ride will be too hard.
Your rough ride is the result of the spring holding the car at the required height, i.e. 50 mm higher than stock, so the load is correct but the rate is too high and it requires too much weight to compress it. If you take a leaf out you will affect the load and the car is going to sit lower, which is probably not what you want, but you still don't know what the new rate will be so you won't know how it will ride.
Hopefully the car won't be too low and the ride will be ok but if things are still not right then you will have to take it to a spring specialists and discuss both load and rate.
If the owner wants to give a car a lift and the car is otherwise stock and is carring loads within factory specifications, then the ideal spring would probably be one designed to hold the car up at the new height while retaining the same rate as the original factory spring. Problems can arise when people buy "heavy duty" high lift springs without knowing exactly what they are getting.
Follow Up By: Member - Ian W (NSW) - Wednesday, Feb 06, 2008 at 08:17
Wednesday, Feb 06, 2008 at 08:17
Bloody Hell!
What an informed reply, now have a much greater understanding of the subject.
Them springie things aren't anywhere near as simple as I previously thought.
Follow Up By: splits - Wednesday, Feb 06, 2008 at 12:20
Wednesday, Feb 06, 2008 at 12:20
Nothing in a car is as simple as it looks and there is always more to the design than meets the eye. If you change something you will affect something else. That is not always a bad thing but it helps if you have some understanding of what is happening before you start.
Follow Up By: dagwill - Friday, Feb 08, 2008 at 11:54
Friday, Feb 08, 2008 at 11:54
thanks for the explanation vg
as im not too worried if the car drops an inch or two i will remove one leaf from each spring and see how i go.
i removed the bull bar and replaced it with a 100ltr
water tank even when full it made no diff at all to the height or ride,so irecon one leaf out will be better.
ive got a 59 morris minor with original
suspension,it hasnt dropped at all in nearly 50 years