How good are the late model Nissan Patrol 3 ltr Diesel Auto-s

Submitted: Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 09:56
ThreadID: 55101 Views:10681 Replies:7 FollowUps:13
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We are considering getting a New 2007 Nissan Patrol 3 ltr Diesel
Auto, they are fully fitted out with Tow Bar, Bull Bar, Driving Lights,
Snorkle,and Rear Cargo Barrier, I think they call them the Out Back Model, I am asking genuine Nissan owners if they are happy with
the vehicles they drive, re; towing ect, We allready own a Nissan
Navara, and never had any problems with it, but the COOK wants
an Automatic so she can share the driving on long trips ect,
The Nissan dealership I do business with, honour there warranties ect
and I have been offered a good deal re dollars.


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Reply By: Leroy - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 10:11

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 10:11
Daza, You local dealer may honour their warranty to a degree but it's head office that has the final say. I won't be buying another Nissan for this reason. You've prob seen my post about their warranty.

I reckon they are a great vehicle and the auto's are great to drive off road. My next vehicle will most likely have an auto. I should of driven an auto Patrol before buying a manual as I bought the manual for better engine braking and for if I flattened my battery I could roll start it! Bzzz nope. I had a dead flat batt. and couldn't roll start it! May of well had the auto.

AnswerID: 290347

Follow Up By: Trevor R (QLD) - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 11:14

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 11:14
Sorry to Hijack the thread Daza, but why couldn't you roll start your manual Leroy?

I am of the same opinion as Leroy, regarding Nissan. No more new Nissans for me of any model. You could MM Greg S Daza, as he has had one of the new c/rail 3lt Patrols for a while now and I am sure he will fill in the blanks for you.

Cheers guys,
FollowupID: 555694

Follow Up By: Crackles - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 17:41

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 17:41
If the battery is dead flat there would be no power to turn on the computer or fuel & just roll starting would not get the alternator going fast enough to produce enough volts.
Cheers Craig...........
FollowupID: 555777

Follow Up By: Leroy - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 20:09

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 20:09
that's exactly the case Craig. Fortunately I had my boat so I popped in the boat battery and carefully swapped back in the dead patrol battery. I now have a redarc dual batter setup installed and can now jump start myself lol

FollowupID: 555812

Reply By: Member - 120scruiser (NSW) - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 11:26

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 11:26
Dazza why not consider the petrol auto and straight away convert it to gas. The dealer might honour the warranty but that doesn't help when you are 250 km north of Finke on the old ghan railway line. The petrol ones are absolutely brilliant. I am not an owner but I have been repairing these things. I have a stack of pistons in my workshop with holes in them as well as other failed items. Other than the engine, I would have one. I can honestly say the petrol ones are so smooth to drive with power to boot. An injection system LPG would be the go. Twin gas tanks down either side will leave both fuel tanks. It is the best of both worlds.
Hope this helps

AnswerID: 290358

Reply By: Member - Andrew (WA) - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 11:56

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 11:56
I agree with '120 cruiser' about the engine's just a gamble no matter how you look at it buying a 3.0Tdi Patrol

I owned a series III from new and sold it after the extended warranty ran out last year. I'm aware of all issues with the patrol engine and I must say I had a pretty good run but the long term peace of mind just isn't there.

I need a big car for the family and rolled over to a 100 series TD cruiser auto. Not a new one but it seems to be OK. In so many ways I think the Cruiser is not as good as the Patrol but in others it's far better. The power from from the 4.2 is very reassuring.

I know the cruisers have issues of their own but these can be overcome relatively easily all beit with a few $$$ unfortunately.

Have you thought about waiting for the 'new' Patrol engine,,rumoured to be a V6 Diesel out early 2009? I would if I could have waited. Not guarentee it won't have issues though. Only time will tell.

Good luck what ever you do.

AnswerID: 290364

Follow Up By: Leroy - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 20:11

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 20:11
I wouldn't buy the first run of any engine. Just me!

FollowupID: 555813

Reply By: Muzzgit [WA] - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 16:24

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 16:24
I have a year 2000 auto 3.0 patrol, and I love it. I have heard all the stories of holed pistons cracked heads yada yada yada and I have now just had my own little break down.

The car would not start a few weeks back on a Saturday night and after a few trips on the back of tilt trays it ended up at a fuel injection specialist who spent days diagnosing the problem.

It was the fuel pump, and it cost just over $3600.00 to be reconditioned.

They told me they have done many of them, but they state quite strongly that the new one with common rail are excellent and they do not hesitate to recommend one.

If you are going to tow a heavy van, keep it out of overdrive and you will enjoy it.
AnswerID: 290412

Follow Up By: Member - Bentaxle - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 22:34

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 22:34
I'm like Muzzgit I've got a year 2000 3Lauto with 286000+km on clock and have had no serious probs, apart from faulty injector sensor amd have just replaced glow plugs. Only real fault I find with the Nissans is the dealerships, they need to be re- educated on customer relations.
May the fleas of a thousand afghan camels infect the crutch of your enemy and may their arms be too short to scratch.

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FollowupID: 555856

Reply By: Member - greg S (QLD) - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 16:41

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 16:41

Having owned ours for around 7 months now, I would have to say it has performed very well. The fuel consumption sucks, but I have been told it will get better, and I have slowed down a little as well, and taken the roof racks and basket off.

We have taken ours to Fraser Island towing a Cape York Explorer deluxe hard floor camper trailer(weighed around 1.5T+). The big test was behind Indian Head (it was really soft at the time) and it did this with ease. We camped just north of Ocean lake for around 2 1/2 weeks.

I have found it to drive reasonably well on road, but you just have to remember that it is 2.5T 4wd, not a sports car.

My wife was told by a good friend of ours ( he knows who he is) that it will be an ok vehicle on road, but off road is where you will notice how comfortable it is. It is a great tourer.
I have to agree with him on this point, because on Fraser Is where my brother in his navara was bouncing around like a yoyo, the Patrol took it all in it's stride.

My wife noticed the power difference between out Terracan and the new Patrol, but you get used to it. It certainly is no rocket, but it will do everything we need it to do.

I see you have a caravan in your rig photo.
I don't know how much it weighs, but the Patrol Crd auto only has a 2500kg towing capacity. The petrol has a 3500kg capacity.

People tried to steer me away from the Patrol, but we needed a bigger 4wd and I could not get hand controls fitted to a 100 series cruiser, and the 200 was definitely out as it has knee airbags under the steering column, and that's where the controls are mounted.

Hope this helps

The big question is would I but one again, and at this point in time I would say you betcha.


AnswerID: 290414

Reply By: Robin Miller - Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 17:21

Sunday, Mar 02, 2008 at 17:21
Hi Daza

Took one for a drive last weekend as my 4800 patrol is up for replacement however it got the thumbs down.
First from my wife because the brakes were poor compared to our petrol , and then from me as the old 4 speed box wasn't really up to it when coupled to the underpowered engine.

The NVH was also much higher than expected compared to our petrol.

I will wait for a drive in a manual which has more torque over a wider spread but due to the shortage I was told I'd have to wait for 4 months.

It still the best chassis around in desperate need of of better engine, the fuel consumption at 11.8lt/100km is not to flash either.

Top of my current list is a newer Patrol Petrol on gas or a D4D Prado , both of which need improvements in one or more departments.

Robin Miller

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AnswerID: 290428

Follow Up By: Happy GU Owner - Monday, Mar 03, 2008 at 09:26

Monday, Mar 03, 2008 at 09:26

I have just purchased a new manual common rail diesel about a month ago, and just to let you know, that for the first approx. 1000 klms, it had no guts at all in third, fourth, and fifth gears - any, and I mean any, hill would cause it to slow, and cause me to change down gears.

After the first 1000 klms it started to loosen up a bit where now at 2500 klms, it is starting to pull like a train, and hopefully it will continue to loosen up even further (Most people say that they really begin to loosen up at 20,000 to 30,000 klms).

This is now my third 3 Litre Patrol, first common rail, and I can't remember the other two being anywhere near as tight when they were new. My recommendation to you is not to base your opinion on buying one from a test drive of a new one alone, as if I had have test driven my new Patrol before I bought it, there is no way I would have bought it ( I reckon I could have got more power up hill, by turning off the key and getting out the back pushing). Lucky for me there was none in the country to test drive before I purchased, because I .
My last two Patrols had the Dtronic chip installed, and I was beginning to wonder....(Maybe I should kept the old one)....???

I do agree with you on the woeful brakes - they are simply not up to scratch when you compare them to the 4.8 Brakes.

Before you base your opinion, try one that's run in a bit, and hopefully, slotted rotors should fix the brake problem.

FollowupID: 555906

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Monday, Mar 03, 2008 at 10:04

Monday, Mar 03, 2008 at 10:04
Hi Mic

I'll certainly be on the look out for a manual one to drive , as the torque boost sounds worthwhile , even a Ditronic may not add that much.

How do you find yours on take off before the turbo comes in or do you clutch alot on take off ?

Driven a few 3lt auto's including over some decent tracks to, and they usually get there ok except in real heavy sand/mud etc.

One auto I have driven now has some 300,000km up on it a lot of which has been towing a 3 ton plus drilling rig, so than can do it.
The 16 seconds to a 100kmh can keep you up with the traffic but often find I need the sub 11 seconds of the 4800.

A lot of people must drive them flat out around town also , as I often see them charge off from the lights ahead of me, and I guess that doesn't help with economy.

One part of my thinking is that I need to get sub 10lt/100km
and I think that is achieveable with the manual if set up as per my 4800 which has always run under its 17.5lt rating at 16.5

Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 555909

Follow Up By: Happy GU Owner - Monday, Mar 03, 2008 at 11:13

Monday, Mar 03, 2008 at 11:13

The new common rail is so much better on take off than the previous models ( 2001 manual and 2003 manual - can't comment on later 04-06 versions - others say that they are better than the first motors). With the old models and 33" tyres, I needed the Dtronic to help in removal of the off-boost flat spot for nose uphill, hot ambient temp take off. With the new model, I have have found none of the off-boost problems that us owners have complained about in the past. As a matter of fact, I have to try hard to stall the new one in comparison to the old one, where it would stall regularly if you weren't concentrating, or feathering the clutch.

I guess the test that we can most believe is the wife, who preferred not to drive the old one because she once stalled the last one five times at a tricky intersection (fully loaded on a hot day, pointed up a steep hill ), took the new one out on the weekend on a 100 klms round trip, came back smiling and said "wow, the new truck has got some go".

Now, me speaking again, it will still be slow on take off compared to the 4.8 - in fact that is where you will lose most of your time in comparison, but once you get it moving speed is then not an issue.

I haven't yet towed or really loaded up with the new one, so can't give you any comment from real life, but my current thinking is that I will have no issues even fully loaded - i guess time will tell on that one. For me now, I will get a Dtronic or similar - not to mask engine issues, but to have the most power available for when I need it. Turbo seems to not cut in noticably, like the older ones - whilst I know it isn't, it seems to be almost linear in performance.

My economy at the moment is somewhere between 11-12.5 litres per hundred - I can't give you exact, as I have filled up to nozzle, but haven't then re-filled again to the nozzle, only to full.

I think I passed you one day on Stud Rd ( because from your descriptions on the forums, it was very very similar to your vehicle, if not identical) so I guess I am one of those charging off ahead - although I did hover next to you for a while trying to get you to look across.

I have driven the 4.8 and was most impressed with the power output, and I don't know if this helps, but before I purchased my first GU, I drove the old 4.5 for a 2 hour test drive and was not impressed at all for the size and supposed output of the motor. I would rate the 3 Litre performance wise between the two.

FollowupID: 555913

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Monday, Mar 03, 2008 at 12:02

Monday, Mar 03, 2008 at 12:02
Hope I was on my best behaviour Mic - every once in a while
I charge off when a 3lt is baiting me.

I go down all of stud rd most days at 7am and come back up at 5pm so it probably was me. I'll look out for a new common rail (what colour?).

I was really hoping that Nissan would at least put in the 5 speed auto to seal the deal as I think the 4 speed is a bit off the pace
and makes the manual more attractive to me.

I will have to tempt you to drive up to Yarck one day where you can check out your car on our tracks without worrying about scratching it.

I find its often the subtle things that can make a car, and you don't usually get a true picture from magazines.
It could be that our natural action of reving a little as we drop the clutch and the improved common rail manual torque combine to give enough off the mark go such that it feels more linear as you suggest.
Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 555920

Follow Up By: Trevor R (QLD) - Friday, Mar 07, 2008 at 16:09

Friday, Mar 07, 2008 at 16:09
Hi Robin,

You mention 11.8lt/100km fuel economy, where do you get this figure from please?

GregS (responded above you) is getting around 16lt/100km (last time I spoke to him anyway) which is VERY DIFFERENT to 11.8. His is auto so maybe this has something to do with it but surely not an extra 4lt/100km over the manual???? Either way.....$hit fuel economy from a new crd truck.

Still think your 4.8 would make it difficult to go back to diesel, especially for towing.

Cheers, Trevor.
FollowupID: 556779

Follow Up By: Happy GU Owner - Friday, Mar 07, 2008 at 16:48

Friday, Mar 07, 2008 at 16:48

Mine is white - and yes I would love to go out and hit the tracks one day soon. Not really woried too much about scratches, as it gets used for intended purposes regularly.

Normally go away every long weekend, but sadly this weekend will be spent making up brackets to mount the new model ARB compressor, as the buyer of my last Patrol wanted most of the old bits left on it.


After reading peoples stories about their fuel usage, I had been quite worried about the changeover in trucks. So far, my economy has been quite good, with me putting around 70 litres in for around 600 klms of driving ( not 100 percent accurate though as I haven't filled up nozzle to nozzle ). Mine is a manual though, and the mauals haven't suffered as bad. I'll wait until I put the bigger tyres back on it, and the drawers back in with all the recovery gear, and we will see then.


FollowupID: 556785

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Monday, Mar 10, 2008 at 15:33

Monday, Mar 10, 2008 at 15:33
Hi Trevour

11.8 was the posted fuel consumption on the sticker of the new CRD I drove.

The manual is a bit better than the auto in this 3l model, I have driven one to about 11lt/100km

Whereas in the more modern petrol GU auto the posted figures are the other way around i.e. auto marginally better.

Any vehicle can better its adr rated fuel consumption conservatly driven , its only when we modify them with bigger tyres etc that they tend to get worse.

Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 557273

Reply By: Member - DAZA (QLD) - Monday, Mar 03, 2008 at 13:52

Monday, Mar 03, 2008 at 13:52
Thanks for your valuable input, I will take all your suggestions on
board and spend a bit of time doing test drives, I have been quoted
a good trade in figure, and that will stand for a couple of weeks or so.

AnswerID: 290579

Follow Up By: kahziem - Friday, Mar 07, 2008 at 02:18

Friday, Mar 07, 2008 at 02:18
ZD30 engines only rearlly had a problem with pistons up until late 2002. I too have plenty of blown pistons lying around the workshop. I have found in most cases if you support the product (ie servicing at the dealer, extended warranty etc) then the product (nissan) will support you.The only repairs on these I have done where nissan havent rendered assistance have been vehicles that havent lived up to service requirements etc or have been abused. The current model patrol is a great 4wd, just make sure its an auto.

Cheers Mate
FollowupID: 556691

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