Anyone stayed at stop over points in the Pt Denison/Dongara in WA?
Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:59
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Waza & Wend
Hi, we are into our second week of our trip and are heading up the coast. We are booked into
Kalbarri for
Easter after leaving Moore River, however as we have to get some work done on the van Thursday, we will not get away from North
Perth till after lunch. I was wondering if anyone has stayed at any bush camps in the above areas.
It is just for the night to break up the trip, and the free camps book 4 has one at
Dongara East which would appear to be a
rest area? Any info appreciated as not familiar with this area, except what is shown on the news....... hence the question.
Reply By: Motherhen - Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 17:19
Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 17:19
Hi Waza & Wend
With no answers yet, i add i have no recent knowledge of the route you refer to, and have lent all my camping books for that area so can't
check. I think the
rest area runs a little away from the road, but not enough for a quiet night if you aren't used to traffic. You may be able to pull off the road if you find a better place prior to meeting the east-west road, and use this as back up. If that all fails, we have stayed at both CPs in Pt Denison a few years back when we were tenting, and both were OK; one on the water's edge near the fishing
boat harbour, and the other a bit further south in the sand hills near a nice swimming
the beach.
I just came across this if you want quiet and don't mind the detour. It is probably in Camps 4 also.
Ellendale Pool
Follow Up By: Waza & Wend - Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 19:12
Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 19:12
Thanks for that, I'll
check it out.
Reply By: Member - John L (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 19:19
Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 19:19
Ellendale is lovely but is also local bike gang
camp spot - should be OK on Thurs - otherwise take lots of
Easter Eggs - chocolate has a calming effect!
Reply By: Member - Duncan W (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 19:56
Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 19:56
If you go into the members only section and file swaps, GPS Doug has all the free campsites for WA and other States in an Excell program. WA alone has 500 sites listed with coordinates of course.
Reply By: gerrybhoy - Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 22:57
Wednesday, Mar 19, 2008 at 22:57
hi w&w
try cliffhead north and cliffhead south,6.7 and 6.8 down
coast road to leeman/ jurien off brand highway
junction south of
mingenew T junction.