Simpson - French Line

Submitted: Sunday, Jun 22, 2003 at 22:39
ThreadID: 5599 Views:1951 Replies:4 FollowUps:1
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I am planning a trip accross the french line in august and I were trying to work out how much fuel to take. I have a gas/petrol 80 series 4.5l , I was planning to use the fuel as my main with the gas as a backup (as might have trouble getting it filled). I was thinking to take a bout 60l extra fuel. Also doues anyone know about the avalablity of gas in the are ie Birdsville
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Reply By: Member - Bob W - Monday, Jun 23, 2003 at 10:55

Monday, Jun 23, 2003 at 10:55
No LPG available in Birdsville.
Allow at least 33% higher fuel consuption in the sand dunes. It is 570 klms approx Birdsville to New Crown Homestead (thats via Rig Road though, longer than French line but easier and more to see)
I would be using LPG first as you can not refill untill Kulgera on highway, use it up on easy sections (less power required). I damaged my LPG system and ended up not being able to use it at all, LPG hose under wheel arch rubbed through and leaked -- I patched with fibreglass bandage until Birdsville where garage cut in half then decided they were not able to repair leagally -- not happy. Also my petrol gauge packed up around the same time, a 100 klm detour was then required to get round flooded creek -- reached Birdsville with 30 litres left (calculated after re-fueling) Interesting trip !!!!
Could not use LPG until replaced hose in Melbourne ater a lot of fuel stops to fill 75 litre tank in GQ Patrol. Be prepared and have a good trip.
Bob W
AnswerID: 23267

Reply By: petprass - Monday, Jun 23, 2003 at 13:55

Monday, Jun 23, 2003 at 13:55

We did the Simpson west to east a few years ago in June/July in a Nissan GQ petrol/gas. The sand dunes were quite firm after a lot of rain earlier that year and consequently we did not use as much fuel as I thought we would. We even tried going over the dunes in 2wd a couple of times to see if we could and there were no problems - (However not recommended as the front wheels push the sand in front of themselves and create bumps.)

I had 96 ltr gas (120ltr tank), 75 ltr petrol sub tank and two 20 ltr jerry cans - total of 211 ltrs of fuel.

We filled up at Mt. Dare with ULP. We already had a full tank of LPG from Alice Springs - about the only place in the region that has LPG. Non at Birdsville. We used up the petrol first and switched over to gas when we were nearly at the other end - probably didn't have to but I thought I may as well have some petrol reserve just in case the LPG system played up. Got to Birdsville and filled up the 75 ltr petrol sub tank with about 65ltrs of ULP to fill the tank. Didn't refill the the jerry cans as we still had most of the LPG and so enough fuel to go down Birdsville Track. So after the crossing I estimated that I still had enough fuel for about a further 220km range.

However if I do it again I would take exactly the same amount of fuel for peace of mind. Members from our club did the same track in the same year, but in September and found the going really tough. It was a lot warmer and the sand was quite loose and there were quite a few vehicles getting stuck on the steeper dunes. One GQ Patrol (petrol/LPG from memory) arrived at Birdsville with an estimated 30 km range!

hope this is of some assistance

AnswerID: 23277

Reply By: Member -BJ (Sydney) - Monday, Jun 23, 2003 at 15:49

Monday, Jun 23, 2003 at 15:49
Did it last year in a 3.0ltr auto patrol av 4.5 ltr p/km west to eastRegards Bob
27th June Gulf trip
AnswerID: 23292

Follow Up By: Member -BJ (Sydney) - Monday, Jun 23, 2003 at 17:58

Monday, Jun 23, 2003 at 17:58
Use channel 10 in the Simpson, thats the official desert channel.Regards Bob
27th June Gulf trip
FollowupID: 15484

Reply By: Ruth - Monday, Jun 23, 2003 at 20:58

Monday, Jun 23, 2003 at 20:58
The Desert is very soft and the dunes badly cut up by too high a tyre pressure and those trailers! No rain since February and not much chance now before August. This month is famous for the dust storms and high winds which makes the dunes slightly softer which crests on them, although the way people are driving in there at the present time they will have graded the tops on all the dunes anyway. Why should they care about the dunes - as long as they make it to the Pub! Can't help you with fuel consumption but I think in Trek Notes or Archives I think this has been covered fairly well. Definitely no LPG available in Birdsville. 2 degrees this a.m. - fairly chilly but lovely day - not above 18 max. Enjoy the trip. Wish they could make it a rule that if you are not prepared to lower your tyre pressure (to save dunes, vehicles, family stress) then you shouldn't be allowed to go in the Desert. Just wishing.
AnswerID: 23324

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