Wednesday, Apr 23, 2008 at 21:51
Ti Trol,
I don't know of anyone in WA that does the crawlers. Mark's has a good reputation and that is who I went with for my 3.7 ratio crawler gear. Another mob I saw and thought of using were
snake racing in
Sydney. There is a few others out there so just do a search on the web and you will find a few. For the GQ it is the same as the GU and 3.7 ratio is about as low as you can go, but even this ratio requires the grinding out of the inside of the transfer case to fit it in. So it is not a job for the faint at heart or rooky....leave it to the gearbox specialist. I think Roachie's are about a 2.8 ratio??? and they fit in with less hassle. I reckon I have about 2 and a bit lower gears than the factory GU, so it does slow you down heaps.
I share your sentiments and with a standard GQ sitting in the front yard as my next "project" I was wondering whether the lockers were "more necessary" than the crawler gear. I was leaning towards doing the transfer case before the locker up front but like so many things, I always do plenty of homework then plenty of procrastination before the work begins. Thanks for the help.
Thanks for your knowledge and input. I am just a tad worried that with a locker, I will go further into the poo before I wake up to myself and realise I should never have attempted that with my limited skill, where with a crawler and standard diffs, I will still have a reality
check before it gets too dangerous for my driving ability. The little blue Blizzard I had was rear diff welded and that thing was so scary where I could put it, wheels completely skyward and the rear end would keep driving them further off the ground....something has to give and a rollover would have been all
too easy on many an occassion. I even remember getting it on one front passengers side wheel while the other three were trying to overtake it at a rate of knots on a nasty downhill once....very scary, as close as I ever want to come to rolling another car.
Cheers blokes,