Tuesday, Apr 29, 2008 at 07:32
I've also come to the conclusion that if you are connected to the
grid unless the govt subsidy is substantially increased then it really isn't a viable proposition.
You're right about needing to look at a whole of house change when we built we put in 12v lighting and selected the most energy efficient appliances we could find. It's also about behaviours.
If you live on a country block where power is not close by and it's going to cost big dollars to get rural power connected, Royce has mentioned in his reply that 6 years ago it would cost $46k to have this done to his block; then
solar power backed up by wind generation would have to be viable.
In my view of the govt are serious about cleaning up the environment then they should make the subsidy much more attractive.
When you think of the cost to build a power station and ongoing maintenance costs if they put those costs towards more attractive and viable subsidies then it is possible to have a significant number of houses using their own power without the need for another power station, their excess power would go into the
grid to help power the remaining requirements.
If we could have 50% of houses in this country using solar and putting excess power into the
grid we wouldn't need as many power stations.
I was over your way last year and you guys get so much consistent wind over there I joked to one of the locals that you could fill the whole of the west coast with wind generators and power the whole of Australia!!!
I did enjoy the trip though.