Stockton beach closed 2 4wds.

Submitted: Wednesday, Jul 02, 2003 at 15:51
ThreadID: 5780 Views:3460 Replies:5 FollowUps:6
This Thread has been Archived
from 4wdnsw

The Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council is taking o­n the Port Stephens
Council and its permit system for beach access. Emotions are running pretty
high at their Williamtown headquarters because the Worimi LALC say they are
being dudded by the local council, and the beach is not getting the attention
it deserves.

From 1st July visitors driving across Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council land
o­n their way to Stockton Beach will be stopped and given a printed handout by
land council representatives.

The handout explains the Worimi's grievances and delivers a message that if the
Worimi do not obtain satisfaction from Port Stephens Council, then the beach,
which is their private land, will be closed to the public.

The land council is taking o­n the Port Stephens Council and its permit system
for beach access. Lennie Anderson, Worimi CEO and "Bubba Loua" their head
ranger, told me today about their troubles with the local council, which
collects our money for beach access permits.

Since recognition of the Worimi's traditional ownership, it has been a long
battle for their rights to be recognised, and they have had enough of being
pressured to hand back their rights and land. First it was by the NPWS and now
it is by the council which, according to Lennie, has not met its commitment
regarding revenue from beach permits. "Over the years the council has spent
next to nothing o­n maintenance of Lavis Lane or the provision of facilities
for the thousands of drivers who each year use this entry point while, during
the same period, the council built a grand surf clubhouse at Birubi Point where
most beach users do not pay the permit fees." said Lennie Anderson.

4WD NSW&ACT members have been asked to write to the Port Stephens Council
objecting to the collection of fees that do not contribute towards the
maintenance of the beach or for its management. "Unless the Council coughs up
and does something about this diverting of revenues to other users, we will
take over the whole deal. If we collect money from drivers for permits, it will
be spent o­n the beach". Lennie also claims Port Stephens Council has reduced
its ranger presence whilst the Worimi have increased theirs. Little wonder the
Worimi are angry that two of their rangers will lose their jobs unless this
revenue issue is quickly resolved.

Members of 4WD NSW&ACT affiliated clubs, carrying their club identification,
will still be very welcome to drive o­n the beach and enjoy their visit. Even
if the beach is closed to the public, our clubs will have private access
because of our long standing relationship and history of working together.

So, warm up your computers and fire off a letter of support. The Worimi LALC
deserve all the support we can muster.

Rob Kelly
4wd NSW & ACT
good reply from bloke on patrol list!
This all begins to raise several good points...

1. In such a multi-cultural society why does EVERY form ask if I am Aboriginal
or T.S Islander?
2. Exactly HOW LONG do I have to live here to be an indiginous Australian?
According to the dictionary by being born here I am indiginous :-)
3. How long must one live in an area before they own it outright???
4. If we are ALL equal why does my unemployed mate get a LOT less help than the
Aboriginal guy down the road???

If they can (and do) restrict movement through "Native Land" then as a balance
why dont we restrict movement through "White mans land".
I doubt that would go down well... Can you just imagine it!..
"Have u got a permit to be in the Sydney CBD???" - No... Well that'll be a
$5000.00 fine thanks.

Hopping off soap-box...

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Reply By: diamond (bendigo) - Wednesday, Jul 02, 2003 at 18:05

Wednesday, Jul 02, 2003 at 18:05
that would be right .
pretty soon the only place to drive your fourby will be to school and shopping centres.looking foward to september(landcruiser park/fraser island)
AnswerID: 24049

Follow Up By: Michael - Wednesday, Jul 02, 2003 at 21:13

Wednesday, Jul 02, 2003 at 21:13
Hey Diamond, where have you been hiding for the last few years, everyone's complaining about 4x4's around skools and shopping centres LoL... You'll have to get a bigger backyard, to suit the turning circle of your vehicle!!! Michael
FollowupID: 16184

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Thursday, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:36

Thursday, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:36
Michael, dont laugh, I think its not far from happening.

Im saving for 100 acres in high country somewhere, and build my own 4wd tracks etc...

Soon with closures you wont be able to fart
FollowupID: 16211

Reply By: Member - Bonz (Vic) - Wednesday, Jul 02, 2003 at 18:59

Wednesday, Jul 02, 2003 at 18:59
Move over Mike!

These kind of stories worry me, it always seems to be about the money, never the land. You pay or we wont let you do this or do that.

I agree with Mike, in a multi-cultural society, all australians regardless of their ancestry should have access to our wonderful land. We are, after-all, all Australians together and we shoudl firstly start treating each other in that manner and then start being treated in that manner by our ELECTED representatives.

Literally lateralSo many places to go!
So much work to do :0(
AnswerID: 24054

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Thursday, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:38

Thursday, Jul 03, 2003 at 12:38
Doesnt indiginous(sp?) mean Born here??

Well majority of white people WERE born here but have no rights!

Elected reps, its like that pommy show YES PRIMINISTER... say what people want to hear
FollowupID: 16212

Follow Up By: Member - Bonz (Vic) - Saturday, Jul 05, 2003 at 08:28

Saturday, Jul 05, 2003 at 08:28
No Truckster, they say what minority groups pressure them into saying not always what people like to hear, the majority of people are silent.

Its the squeaky wheel syndrome!!

SMMTSo many places to go!
So much work to do :0(
FollowupID: 16321

Reply By: Jeff (Beddo) - Wednesday, Jul 02, 2003 at 20:49

Wednesday, Jul 02, 2003 at 20:49
Sounds like the local government is screwing the Aboriginal community again as the Aboriginal people have had since European settlement - everything from masacres, poison in flour & on blankets and the stolen children to name a few issues. I say write to council and get them to act and fix the issues. The Aboriginal people have a right to bebleepoff - there is still a lot of racism out there - we need to communicate and work as one.
Whos this Mike fella maybe he should look into Australian history and see who has been treated equally.
White mans land ? I think we stole it mate by invading !Cheers, Beddo
Surf KZN185
<- Yengo NP, Central Coast NSW
AnswerID: 24065

Reply By: Squid - Thursday, Jul 03, 2003 at 10:46

Thursday, Jul 03, 2003 at 10:46
How dare the local Aboriginal community think they can use the money from the permits to actually maintain Stockton so that we 4wders can continue to enjoy it. Better that the council continue to rake in the money and put it into god knows what.

Are you guys serious? You would rather see the council collect the money and do nothing with it rather than let the traditonal owners look after the site?

There is no doubt that segments of the indigenous population have some serious social issues, which need to be addressed, both by indigenous and the non indigenous population. However, here is a case in which the local indigenous community have stated that they would like to use the money obtained to benefit the whole community, not just theirs, and some people still lay the boot in.

If it was a non aboriginal group asking for the money to be used effectively what would people's responses be?

What are we afraid of?

AnswerID: 24098

Follow Up By: rads - Thursday, Jul 03, 2003 at 15:42

Thursday, Jul 03, 2003 at 15:42
Do we beleive that if all the money was given to the Aboriginal community that it would be spent by them on the maintenance of the area ?? Not this black duck.
FollowupID: 16224

Follow Up By: Squid - Thursday, Jul 03, 2003 at 16:22

Thursday, Jul 03, 2003 at 16:22
How much are the council spending I wonder? It would be interesting to make some enquiries. I will see what I can find out.

If Land Council say they are going to spend money maintaining Stockton I have no reason to disbelieve them.

The issue is no matter who is collecting the money from the permits a good percentage of that money should be going back into maintaining Stockton.
FollowupID: 16226

Reply By: Joe - Friday, Jul 04, 2003 at 14:23

Friday, Jul 04, 2003 at 14:23
I’d have to agree with Squid on this – as long as access permit fees go to maintenance of the land and in keeping access for all as a primary focus I wouldn’t care who collected the money.

There are an awful lot of misinformed people out there who believe that any blackfeller can simply go out and collect a new LandCruiser, run it until the fuel tank is empty and then collect another one. If these people had ever been out there then they would know that the lot of most aboriginal peoples is poverty and poor health.

It is certainly true that there are thieves and charlatans in aboriginal communities, just as there are in all other communities, but these money grabbers should not be seen as the norm. In my opinion this is one area where ATSIC has dismally failed. I have my own story of ATSIC greed where three people associated with ATSIC diverted funds to build houses for themselves instead of improving the lot of their people and it is just such stories that hit peoples imagination and make them think that all aboriginals are the same.

As for the seemingly positive discrimination in favour of aboriginal peoples, well I think we should ignore the “aboriginal” part of the discrimination and agree that any group of people that lives with such awful disadvantages needs to be helped to lift them to a standard that we would all consider acceptable.

This would include the other groups currently held in such distaste such as the boat peoples and urban homeless.

The real issue here would be in setting the level deemed to be acceptable and in making this assistance available to all people and not limiting it to particular groups.

As for who owns the land now? Well I subscribe to the old belief that “I conquered it, therefore it is mine”. That has certainly been true for the rest of the world so why not here?

AnswerID: 24204

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