
Submitted: Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 06:24
ThreadID: 5900 Views:2330 Replies:10 FollowUps:13
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Already asked this question before but asking others of their experiences.
If you have been to the Mitchell Plateau area put your hand up!!
Whilst there how many encounters did you have with CALM rangers?
Despite the fact that I have a dog what is the penalty for ignoring the "national park rules" despite the feral donkeys, cats, dogs, goats, horses etc.

I've been quoted $400.00 to board muttley at the Broome Kennel for three weeks.

According to the Kimberley map majority (90%) of it allows dogs, very little prohibits them eg. Tunnel creek and 'actual' mitchell plateau areas otherwise they're fine.

For dog haters you can go to the next post because this question is not for you.

Figuring that if you're up on the Plateau innocently walking you dog on a "lead" what the fine is. If it's a hundred bucks...keep going and it's worth it.

AGAIN...HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE ENCOUNTERED RANGERS IN THE MITCHELL PLATEAU AREA? and don't spin the garbage that station owners will shoot your dog because they can't if it's on a lead!!Gibb River in July.
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Reply By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 08:01

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 08:01
Could be worth it to test the rangers if its going to cost $400 for boarding. I dont know what the maximum fine would be but its rare to get fined the max.

But what If????? the dog did get loose and got lost??? what if i ask again... how would you handle it knowing that your dog was lost and would possibly starve to death or worse still, shot by a Park Ranger, station owner or hunter out culling feral pests.

Its your pet/best Friend???

Wow! am I cute
AnswerID: 24580

Follow Up By: Chris (W.A.) - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 13:45

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 13:45
Hudson(dog) is our best friend and we're probably alot more attached to it than just some Alby Mangel relationship.

Being responsible owners he's well behaved and we would never let him off the leash. If he got off....well I guess that's life, that could happen anywhere but he's not the type to run off.
I was speaking to a Derby ranger and he reckons that you're lucky to come across one ranger up on the plateau and if he's there it's mainly to collect camping fees.

The most frustrating thing is looking at the map the road only goes into the Mitchell Plateau Nat. Pk. a few kms before terminating. So like me you drive 3000kms for a nice holiday to be stopped 10 or 20kms from one of the biggest attractions in the Kimberley because you're a "responsible dog owner."

Nice photo, wouldn't be a baby boomer would you?
Gibb River in July.
FollowupID: 16538

Reply By: Chris (Yarra Valley - Vic) - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 09:36

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 09:36
Can’t comment about the Mitchell Plateau area, I’m from Victoria and I’m sick to death of not being able to go anywhere with my best friend - Mindy.

I lived in the UK for a few years, bought her in a pub in Aylesbury. She’s travelled all over the UK – stayed in hotels and B&B’s, she’s come to dinner with us in country pubs and even immigrated to the other side of the world on a plane. She’s only a small little thing (Jack Russel cross), soft as anything but she’s been more places, seen more things and is better behaved that most of the bureaucrats that have banned her from National Parks. I just don’t understand why? What damage could she cause?

I don’t mind having her on a lead and when she’s off it she’s never more the 10 metres from me. She doesn’t chase other animals and I always pickup any mess she makes. So someone please tell me the reason why I can’t enjoy 4Wding and the bush with my best mate (all be it she’s a bitch).
AnswerID: 24584

Follow Up By: Chris (W.A.) - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 13:53

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 13:53
Our dog's 8 months old now and never realised how many places don't allow them until we went away the first couple of times.
Have you seen the 'life be in it' book called "holidaying with dogs"?
It's a fairly informative book and lists all the different types of accommodation that allows dogs.
Unfortunately it mainly targets caravan parks and the like, not bush areas.
This is what cracks me up......You're allowed to stay at a site at a 5 star resort with a dog - El Questro station, but out of the 5 or so caravan parks in broome only one allows them and it's 5 kms out of town.

Talk about flattering themselves.
ChrisGibb River in July.
FollowupID: 16539

Follow Up By: crowe - Friday, Jul 11, 2003 at 12:03

Friday, Jul 11, 2003 at 12:03
chris, if you think broome is good wait until you get to kununurra, from memory none of the caravan parks allow dogs and that people with dogs camping have to stay at the showgrounds where facilities are limited and the couincil still charges you a hefty rate, this may have changed in the last couple of years but check to be sure.

The funniest thing about this is that there are dogs always wandering around town through the parks and the ranger at the time didnt seem to give a bleep .
FollowupID: 16610

Reply By: Member - Alex B - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 14:14

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 14:14
Like most rules and regulations – they tend to “punish the masses because of the few”. Unfortunately not ALL pet owners are “responsible” and many a dog has been dumped, got away , broken a lead or worst still been put onto native wildlife for a bit of a laugh by their moronic masters!

My (late) dogs have always been like family and only ever had one encounter with NPWS -entering the Kosciusko Nat park form the Cooma end – heading for Albury. They wanted me to backtrack and go around the Park (as if). But after some sensible non-confronting discussions (along with some major sucking up and my dog befriending the ranger) he agreed to let me through as long as I didn’t stop and camp in the park – fair enough.

I doubt that if you came across a ranger in the Kimberly’s or any other remote national park and you treated him/her with respect you would in fact get fined –but then again stranger things have happened

If you want to put your mind at ease - test the water- call the ranger and explain your concerns and that it’s just the last 20k’s, suck up, etc - you have nothing to loose, he won’t know who you are or when your going! But you will get a fair idea of how tough or otherwise theey are on the issue.

PS Give Muttley a pat for us
AnswerID: 24592

Reply By: bruce.h (WA) - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 14:28

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 14:28
Gday Chris
the bigist miss conception with the dog rules in national parks is that the dog will get off its lead & kill native wild life, the problem with domestic animals is the desease that they carry & leave behind in their dropings which our native wild life has little or no protection against so yes one dog can be devistating to the nation park population,the other thing to remember is that national parks are heavly baited for ferral animals & you could run the risk of your dog getting piosoned, so this is the reason as i understand them to date, but if you are truely interested , iam about to do a calm rangers course this week end & i will put the question of dogs in national parks to the instructors & get the facts for you
Regards Bruce
AnswerID: 24595

Follow Up By: Member - Errol (WA) - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 16:28

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 16:28
Chris , i think that a lot of us will be interested in what you can find out . I myself will be going to the kimblerys next year and would like to take my Lil Bill with us , he,s usualey only about a meter behind me most times and if we,re out somewhere , he,s always on a lead . I also carnt understand there reasaning at times . Please put up a post about it when you finish your course or e-mail me at Thanks ERROLWhy go overseas when you can ExplorOz
FollowupID: 16541

Follow Up By: Andi - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 17:19

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 17:19
Bruce, I would also be very interested to see how you go. I am in total agreement with your reply & having toured extensively through the Victorian Alpine National Park, I would hate for it to be spoiled by one thoughtless act. Laws are laws people. They are generally there for yours, mine and everybodys protection. Do we like them all NO, do we abide by them YES, because that is what responsible grown up people do. Our circle of fourby friends ALL have dogs and we agreed that if a National park visit is involved then we make arangemnets for our four legged family member to stay elsewhere. If all dog /Four-wheel-drive owners thought "My little (insert dogs name here) is always on lead and so well trianed he/she will be ok just this once." Then the National Parks would potentially not be the same beautiful, quiet, teeming with Native wildlife places they are today but just another Sunday outing with the kids and the dog caravan park scenario.
FollowupID: 16544

Follow Up By: Chris (W.A.) - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 18:26

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 18:26
Cheers Bruce, that would be good. I would have thought with the abundance of feral animals already running rampant in the Kimberley combined with all Hudson's vaccinations he would'nt pose too much of a threat.
Let me know what you find out.

Errol, I'll let you know how we got along with the dog when we get back. He says g'day.Gibb River in July.
FollowupID: 16548

Follow Up By: bruce.h (WA) - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 19:43

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 19:43
no probs will let you know what i find out ,but what you have to remember all the laws are not aimed at hounest people, the problem is that we all consider ourselfs to be honest ,so the laws have to catter to the lowest commen denominator,so while most of our scruffies are probably vaccinated how does a ranger tell which are & which are not ,you sure as hell could not rely on peoples honesty.
Regards Bruce
FollowupID: 16553

Reply By: Member - Errol (WA) - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 16:35

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 16:35
Let me know how you go , aswe will be going up there next year and would like to take Lil Bill with us ,so am quite interesred to know your resolts . You can put up another post or e-mail me at Thanks ERROLWhy go overseas when you can ExplorOz
AnswerID: 24606

Reply By: Peter - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 17:57

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 17:57
beware ...the kimberley is lousy with ticks,,,so i am told
AnswerID: 24614

Follow Up By: Chris (W.A.) - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 18:19

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 18:19
..speaking of ticks, getting him vaccinated for them this weekend.Gibb River in July.
FollowupID: 16547

Follow Up By: Bob Y. - Qld - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 20:21

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 20:21

Was in the Kimberley - east side, about 30 years ago. Had a couple of poodles over the 6 years I was there, and never had any problems with ticks. Apart from cattle tick, there were only brown legged tick. These get onto dogs, but don't do any real harm, unlike the roo tick. Never saw any of them up there, and we used to camp in all sorts of areas on the stations.

Enjoy the trip Chris, Hooroo...
FollowupID: 16559

Follow Up By: Member - Willem- Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 22:32

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 22:32
And don't forget the Heartworm tablets....check with your vet. The only time I see Rangers are at Ranger Stations. In the remore areas you are more likely to see the local Police on patrol than a Ranger. Up north Rangers are known as PTD's.......Professional Toyota Drivers...And down south PND's...........Professional Nissan Drivers :-)))Cheers, Willem
Never a dull moment
FollowupID: 16570

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 22:36

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 22:36
Dont forget theres BAITS out everywhere your best friend may die where you camp.

The other thing is, rangers are going to go

I too have a 9mth old Lab that I would love to take everywhere, but at that price for bording, id look around! or give a mate $200 to look after him for yoU!
AnswerID: 24641

Reply By: Billowaggi - Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 23:16

Thursday, Jul 10, 2003 at 23:16
Hi Chris. We were at the Mitchell Plateau in May this year, A CALM ranger and Aboriginal helpers live at the falls camping area and patrol regularly during the tourist season.This however was the only place on the Kimberley trip that I thought a dog would have been a problem.We asked at some of the station stays and at Kalumburu, as one of our party had a pooch all said no probs.
Regards Ken.

AnswerID: 24650

Reply By: Allyn (Pilbara) - Friday, Jul 11, 2003 at 08:45

Friday, Jul 11, 2003 at 08:45
At MP you will find several rangers during tourist season with a heap of volunteers to boot. All station owners in Kimberley will shoot your dog on sight if it's loose - lead or not (it's their station after all) but it's bigger dogs they're more concerned with. A high price to pay but it sounds as though Muttley is a home boy anyway whereas mine would be off like a shot.
From memory, Old Mornington, Bell Gorge, Tunnel Creek & Mitchell Plateau all will not take dogs, and that is just about the pick of the crop as far as places to see go.

I am assuming that the $400 includes three weeks worth of food, in which case this lowers your actual cost for calculations when assessing whether or not to ignore National Park rules or many places, so little time !!!
AnswerID: 24671

Follow Up By: Chris (W.A.) - Friday, Jul 11, 2003 at 11:24

Friday, Jul 11, 2003 at 11:24
Hi Allyn,

I'm probably not so worried about station country as the main areas we're staying is Kalumburu and if need be just outside the MP boundaries if it has to come down to it, anywhere else will most likely be on the side of the road and some of the many roadside stops in Ron & Viv Moons book.
Fortunately there is a dog minder on Windjana road which will allow us to leave him while we xplor the gorge, tunnel creek etc.
It's these little conveniences that make it almost possible to explore the whole GRR without dog problems. I know it would be easier to leave him at home but he's part of us and when you meet him you'll know why -not being a snob, just dog stupid - six weeks of not watching your pup grow is alot.
In regards to the shooting of him even on a lead, I'm looking at the more technical aspect that any bloke that's got the balls to discharge a firearm in close proximity to members of the public will be looking down his own barrel, whether it's his land or not.
Only 8 bloody days to go.
Making up that anti sandfly stuff right now.
FollowupID: 16603

Follow Up By: Chris (W.A.) - Friday, Jul 11, 2003 at 11:36

Friday, Jul 11, 2003 at 11:36
Of course in regards to station owner's, if I was advised before hand by them not to bring the dog on their land, fair enough, I simply wouldn't bother otherwise you'd be asking for it.
Gibb River in July.
FollowupID: 16609

Follow Up By: Allyn (Pilbara) - Saturday, Jul 12, 2003 at 08:01

Saturday, Jul 12, 2003 at 08:01
doesn't sound like he'll be a problem and you've obviously thought it through. Mine would definitely be different, as well trained as they are they love to roam the countryside without their owner(s) and I can't take my eyes off 'em.
See you soonso many places, so little time !!!
FollowupID: 16656

Reply By: Member - Royce- Saturday, Jul 12, 2003 at 16:00

Saturday, Jul 12, 2003 at 16:00
So if I didn't like the thought of you taking your dog along... would I be a "dog hater"?

I have two working dogs. One in particular travels between the farming blocks and sometimes into town. She travels in the foot well of the passenger seat... happy ... and I'm glad of the company.

I would love to take her away with me on trips, but you know... I never consider it nowadays.

I have had a few bad experiences with other peoples dogs, so have you probably. My kids were baled up by a couple once and it was a close thing until the owner realized what they were up to and called them off. "They've never done that before" she said.

I'm guessing that your pooch is well trained and a good dog. The problem is that a heap of people can't control their dogs. They bark, craap, and wander where they want. Some people find it very uncomfortable to have a dog on the lead walk past them. My dad had a chunk the size of a billiard ball taken out of his calf by an Australian terrier on a lead as he walked past on a track when I was a kid.

So... Even though I would love to take my dog with me... I can't... because I'm considerate of others and I know that the laws have to be pretty broad to cover the idiots. Sad but true. Give your pup a pat for me and enjoy your trips. Cheers RoyceRoyce
AnswerID: 24769

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