diesel addititives

Submitted: Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 09:38
ThreadID: 6200 Views:1902 Replies:5 FollowUps:1
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has anyone had any good or bad reports with regard to the use of diesel additives
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Reply By: Member - Royce- Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 11:50

Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 11:50
My BS meter flashes with these things. My wife bought a 5l container of one and I have tried it in four vehicles. Measured distance travelled/fuel and no improvement. Of course... if you have spent hard earned cash, you look for improvement because you don't want to be a sucker.... and if you try hard enough you can imagine better running etc.

I did by accident tip a larger amount than I intended..... like 5 or 10 times the recommended dose down the filler! I did find an improved mileage on that tank, though I diluted it as soon as I could so it was only over about 50ks.

I would have thought that fuel companies would be selling this stuff as an extra option at the bowser if there was anything in it.

I put this in the same catagory as devises that make air spin as it enters the engine. COME IN SUCKER!!!

Royce www.funshow.com.au
AnswerID: 26078

Reply By: Peter - Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 14:33

Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 14:33
I have been using diesel additive on and off for years. all the time since the new low sulpfur diesel has been introduced. As to the performance improvement or fuel economy claims i havent noticed any difference.
i use it when i am going to remote areas where the fuel may be suspect.a bit of insurance i guess. even if it is only for the mind.
i use it now when fuelling up as a lubricant for my fuel pump due to the lack of sulphur in diesel now a days. a bit like people putting lead substitute additives in leaded cars.
i have a 1984 troopy and the pump hasnt been rebuilt so as i am stuck with pre1994 seals i use the additive to stop them from rupturing.
AnswerID: 26086

Reply By: Janset - Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 14:59

Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 14:59
Hi greenant.

When we talk about fuel additives in diesel I think you should not be thinking of better performance as far as get-up-and-go or better economy, rather think along the lines of maintaining the quality of your fuel in the tank , especially if you have long range fuel tanks and you do a big fuel up when the price is right, but in turn, only drive short distances..

Diesel additives in general tend to absorb water caused be condensation in low level fuel tanks. It also serves the purpose of retarding algae growth in fuel lines and tank. In a mariner environment especially, it is really a foolish saving by not using an additive as under these conditions algae growth is particularly bad if the fuel is not circulated and used on a regular basis.

The price of additives is not expensive and you only have to use a very small quantity. What have you got to loose?

Hope this helps.
AnswerID: 26089

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 15:19

Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 15:19
Ive been using Nulon for all the time Ive had the car, when I first did it it made a HUGE difference, but now, cant tell it could just be good all the time.

Your better to run it after you have injectors done, as it keeps them good.

AnswerID: 26090

Follow Up By: Alan H - Tuesday, Jul 29, 2003 at 11:24

Tuesday, Jul 29, 2003 at 11:24
I used NULON in the wifes 180,000 Camry's manual gearbox as the syncro's are getting a bit past it, and it's made a good deal of difference to the changes. Much smoother and made a possible $700 rebuild of the box unnecessary.
I'll put it in the Defender after the warranty is up. Wouldn't do it before as it might give the lousy main dealer an excuse to get out of any possible claims!
FollowupID: 17853

Reply By: howesy - Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 16:24

Sunday, Jul 27, 2003 at 16:24
They did a tst of a few in 4WD Monthly a while back and the best one according to them is Wynnes EDT. It's not stocked usually and has to be ordered. retails for around $27 for one litre and you use about 50 mls at a time.

Like the man said , these treatments are a long term protection for your fuel system and help stop condensation/water in the diesel.
AnswerID: 26096

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