Water storage in plastic containers...
Submitted: Friday, Jan 04, 2002 at 01:00
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Lars Peterson
New Years Greetings All...
A quick question on the storage of water in plastic containers, does water go off after a certain period of time? and if so, would water be better kept in clear plastic 25ltr containers, or in black plastic 25ltr containers, I suppose the issue here is does sunlight breakdown/harm water etc. Add to this that the containers will be in direct sunlight in the back of my 4wd ute.
Many thanx for your time, and safe travels.
Reply By: Steven - Sunday, Jan 06, 2002 at 01:00
Sunday, Jan 06, 2002 at 01:00
Lars,Water certainly does go off in plastic containers and much quicker in clear plastic, however at least with clear you can see the algae growth and take preventitive steps.
Example I carry water in the centre console in clear Gatorade 600ml. bottles, if I fill with
Melbourne water it starts to smell/taste after 4 or 5 days; if I fill with tank water I'm lucky to get 2/3 days. Why? City water has chlorine and copper sulphide and other chemicals added.
I did a
Simpson Desert crossing in 2000 and carried water ratchet strapped in the rear footwell of my Jackaroo in 10L.(easier to handle than 25's) clear plastic with no probs. Go for clear and wrap each one in black plastic. Also carry some Puritabs (or a film container of stabilised chlorine granules, much cheaper)in case you get some iffy water, (boil to remove chlorine taste. hope this helps, safe travelling, Steven P.
Follow Up By: Lars Peterson - Tuesday, Jan 08, 2002 at 01:00
Tuesday, Jan 08, 2002 at 01:00
Many thanks for your reply steve...love the tip on stabilised chlorine granules!
All the best for 2002!