Bush accidents

Submitted: Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:26
ThreadID: 64900 Views:2787 Replies:3 FollowUps:13
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This post is in response to an e-mail I received from the Scrubby Town Mayor (Hairy) wanting to know why we weren’t taking the bleep out of each other anymore.

Seems we both did a bit of body damage over the Xmas break and collectively finished up with a broken back, buggarded ribs, concussion, broken heel, ribs, tailbone, crushed T10 vertebra and two damaged heads.

As a few of you know, most of my travel is solo and this recent incident has given me cause for reflection. I’ll try to put the same accident into context as though it happened in a remote area.

The fall happened around 9.30pm down a gully. I don’t have much recollection of it, but found myself at the top next morning.

For the next two days I couldn’t move. Therefore, it would have been impossible to reach a radio, Sat phone or EBIRB.

On the morning of the third day the extent of the injury becomes a concern, and a fair bit go’s through your mind. In this scenario it would have been the fourth or fifth day before I was able to get to the EBIRB or radio.

So, no more solo travel for me.

PS Hairys a Dill



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Reply By: Willem - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:39

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:39

So what happened? And how were you rescued?

Hairy probably fell of his barstool....lol

AnswerID: 343134

Follow Up By: Rock Crawler - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:45

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:45
g'day mate , always puts a smile on my face when I your name on here. Hope to catch up somewere soon.
FollowupID: 610891

Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:45

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:45
Hey Willem......Get stuffed!
FollowupID: 610892

Follow Up By: Willem - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 22:12

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 22:12
G'day Eric

Drop in sometime :-)

FollowupID: 610930

Follow Up By: Kim and Damn Dog - Saturday, Jan 10, 2009 at 19:06

Saturday, Jan 10, 2009 at 19:06

I called in to a mates place for a quick visit and a cup of coffee on Boxing Day. At the back of their property is a large patio, then the land drops into a steep gully.

Normally I leave by the front door and follow a track down to where the car is parked. In this instance I took a narrow path at the back of the house (without a torch) and came to grief about half way down.

I don’t have any memory of the fall or what transpired over the next two days until my mate visited me in hospital. He found the car keys on the edge of the path, and directly below that was a pool of blood on a concrete pad.

There was no rescue as such. During the night I must have crawled back to the house, where they found me laying in their lounge room in the morning. His missus heard a noise around 4am but took no notice of it because the dogs didn’t bark.

Putting this into a remote area perspective; if I fell in the evening on a Monday night, it would have been Wednesday before I was able to offer any self assistance, and that would have been minimal with a broken back.

Hence the post.


FollowupID: 611437

Follow Up By: Willem - Saturday, Jan 10, 2009 at 19:42

Saturday, Jan 10, 2009 at 19:42
Thanks for the update Kim. Sorry to hear of your mishap. We senior citizens have to be careful out there.........

FollowupID: 611440

Reply By: Hairy (NT) - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:44

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:44
Gday Kim
I think you forgot a couple of yours.
Altzeimers, dementia and old age.

I wonder if this comes under the Off Topic rule or personal attack rule...LOL


AnswerID: 343135

Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:52

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:52
Oh.....I forgot to metion...If ya werent such a grumpy ol ba$tard you wouldnt have to do everything solo!

FollowupID: 610896

Follow Up By: Kim and Damn Dog - Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:58

Wednesday, Jan 07, 2009 at 20:58

Buggar off and get a haircut, before I report you to the Chaplain.

Better still, buy a new bike and do a bit of scrub clearing!



FollowupID: 610899

Follow Up By: handy - Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 08:29

Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 08:29
hey kim the diff between you and hairys accident was his was drunken stupidity and thinking he was 10 yrs old again. ha ha ha
FollowupID: 610970

Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 09:36

Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 09:36
Whats worse...Drunken Stupidity or plain Stupidity?

FollowupID: 610977

Follow Up By: handy - Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 09:38

Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 09:38
funny that, i suffer from both. lol
FollowupID: 610978

Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 10:00

Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 10:00

FollowupID: 610981

Reply By: Member - Footloose - Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 07:47

Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 07:47
G'Day Kim et al. Such accidents can easily happen as you know, and it's always better to not be by yourself when they do.
Scary stuff at the best of times, never mind out in the remote areas. By the time you could use a phone or radio you'd have expired by the sounds of it.
I do a bit of solo travel, and am always doubly cautious about everything. When it comes to risking your scenario, I'm a chicken not the hairy chested type.
I guess you don't get to our ages by being empty headed, and having a bit of luck.
Get better soon.
AnswerID: 343178

Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 09:47

Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 09:47
"I guess you don't get to our ages by being empty headed,"

Well havent you two just blown that theory clean out of the water?
FollowupID: 610979

Follow Up By: Member - Footloose - Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 09:53

Thursday, Jan 08, 2009 at 09:53
Hairy ol son. Remember to type before drinking , and not the other way around LOL
FollowupID: 610980

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