Tuesday, Jan 13, 2009 at 20:56
This year will go down in
Ningaloo Station’s history as V/C;
And it’s all due to the tenacity and determination of the Lefroys, YOUR generous contribution to the cause, the professionalism of our solicitors, your letters and emails to politicians and the adherence to a pre election promise of the current Minister for Lands, the Honorable Brendon Grylls.
As you may be aware CALM arrogantly and unlawfully attempted to impose itself, in June 08, on
Ningaloo stations “Wilderness camping”.
CALM asserted they were in the process of obtaining a licence, under section 91 of the Land Administration act, to effect this intrusion and management of the camping on the station.
CALMs absurd actions were questioned and rejected by the Lefroys who then, by securing the
services of reputable solicitors was able to delay these matters, albeit temporarily.
Immediately after this event a snap state election was called and the government of the day moved into caretaker mode.
But to no surprise CALM must have seen the writing on the wall of the election outcome, as Colin Ingram [DECs Director of Parks and visitors
Roland Mau [DECs OIC at
Exmouth] and a number of DECs junior staff again attempted to physically impose themselves on
Ningaloo Station, without any prior notice to the station owners, and attempted to fulfill their desire to control wilderness camping on the station.
Through the efforts of the Lefroys, the professionalism of our solicitors and the W.A. Police, CALM capitulated and retreated.
Prior to and during the election campaign Brendon Grylls publicly stated that the National party would fully support “Wilderness camping” on
Ningaloo station under the management of the Lefroys. He now holds the government’s portfolio for Regional Development and Lands and has fulfilled his promise
The Minister has stated the advise from the State solicitors office is he is legally unable to issue any form of license or permit [section 91 licence] to CALM to take control of camping on
Ningaloo station, and furthermore even if he did have the authority he would not issue any such license or permit.
CALMs previous actions were unlawfully audacious, intimidating, disrespectful and deceitful.
We have been unreservedly assured by the Minister “Wilderness camping” will continue on
Ningaloo Station under the management of the Lefroys. This assurance is being enshrined in law to negate any adverse action by government or any departments in the future.
Would all campers and friends of
Ningaloo Station write, email, fax or forward a “Thankyou” card to Minister B.Grylls at brendon.grylls@dpc.wa.gov.au or Dumas House, 2 Havelock Street, West
Perth.6005, or fax [08] 92137001.
There are two other matters, pertaining to CALM illegally purchasing 50% share of the station and the pending excision of 48% of the station for the purported purpose of the
Ningaloo marine park, which are being addressed by our solicitors and the Minister, and I am hopeful to be able to inform you of the outcome by the end of January.
Again thank you for your contribution, patience, letter writing, phone calls and hard yards BUT we have won this battle [and intend not to rest until all other matters are won] and that is in part a credit to you all.
Happy New Year, best regards and ENJOY “VC” YEAR
Billie, Jane and Phillip.
Ningaloo Station