Eee PC XP installation.
Submitted: Friday, Jan 16, 2009 at 21:39
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Member - Paul W (VIC)
Evening all, i have an Eee PC 701 with Linux but want to install XP pro which some people have done but i cant get it to open the files, i have an external drive in a USB port,it reads the disc but wont let me open it,doesnt help that i am a PC dunce also, any ideas??? i have looked on the Eee PC
forum but after reading 25 pages my eyes have gone square!!! cheers in advance Paul
Reply By: a convict - Friday, Jan 16, 2009 at 21:53
Friday, Jan 16, 2009 at 21:53
..bit of a mouthful but try here..
..are u really 'sure' u need XP? Only asking.
Don't forget u will have to install ALLl the MS XP security updates, and the service packs to get a so called safe system.
Reply By: Member - Malcolm (Townsville) - Friday, Jan 16, 2009 at 22:41
Friday, Jan 16, 2009 at 22:41
I have an ASUS Eee PC 900 - this was already installed with XP. Has a 30GB CF HDD, which is great - no moving parts bouncing around.
IMHO Linux is NOT the operating system for 1st time users. That said, this is the way *I* would tackle it:
1. Reformat Drive C:
2. From a bootable USB DVD/CD drive insert the XP install disk.
3. Follow all the prompts and install.
4. Install your anti Virus software.
5. Connect to Internet and install the 1001 downloads and security updates to bring XP up to date.
BTW most users DO NOT NEED MS Office. If you just write the odd letter, use Wordpad or Notepad. If you do need something more sophisticated you can download (google it).
If you DO need Office I totally recommend you keep away from Office 2007 - it has a totally different GUI (Graphic User Interface) than the earlier versions of Office and my initial reaction was "What the (*(*^".
Reply By: age - Saturday, Jan 17, 2009 at 08:00
Saturday, Jan 17, 2009 at 08:00
You need to go into the BIOS of the EEEPC and change the setting that makes it boot from HDD to the external DVD drive. You will then boot into the XP setup menu on your XP CD. Make sure when it asks to delete all existing partitions (the ex Linux configuration) make sure you eliminate them all (even the one that looks like it is integral to the BIOS of the computer) or XP wont create its boot area properly and will fail on install. Not sure if you have an early 701 with 4gb HDD or th latest with the 8GB, but follow some of the recommendations in the manual for trimming down XP as with the 4gb HDD it gets used up pretty quickly - you may need to tweak page file assigned sizes, turn off hibernate and eliminate or move where temporary files are stored etc -plenty of good guidance on the EEEPC forums.
BTW, I hated the Xandros Linux install on my EEE, and blew it away for a nlited (removes all the bloat) version of XP and have never looked back -30sec boot times etc
Follow Up By: x - Saturday, Jan 17, 2009 at 21:35
Saturday, Jan 17, 2009 at 21:35
Thats right.
You can press F2 when prompted during booting to get into Bios. Go to 'Boot' volume and choose the drive with XP.
Or press Esc while booting and select the volume in the USB slot.