Hilux with ARB canopy noise
Submitted: Tuesday, Jan 27, 2009 at 08:23
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I have a 2007 SR5 Hilux Duel Cab I don't have people in the back
seat very often and I have a ARB canopy fitted, which seems to fit perfectly to me. I have noticed when I carry 2 people in the back
seat and go over small bumps there is a thumping noise coming from the back of the cab area. I thought the canopy was hitting the cab, but there are no marks on the cab. Why does it only happen when there are people in the back? Has anyone else had a similar problem?
Reply By: Batman69 - Tuesday, Jan 27, 2009 at 09:50
Tuesday, Jan 27, 2009 at 09:50
Hi Wato35,
I have a dual cab SR5 with high roof ARB canopy and have never experienced any issues like you. I have had
mine loaded to the roof with golf gear and five blokes on board and towing a trailer with no noises at all coming from the canopy... plenty from the drunks in the back though!
Seriously I have had no noise issues associated with the canopy, my only problem is the seal between the canopy and ute tub keeps coming out, I will need to remove and seal properly one day soon.
check the canopy mounting screws are all secure and the back
seat is located in the latches properly.
Sorry I couldn't offer more help.
Reply By: Member - Warfer (VIC) - Tuesday, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:49
Tuesday, Jan 27, 2009 at 12:49
Hiya Wato
Its funny you mention this but (it may not apply to you) Last time i was at
Talbotville we were going up South Basalt Knob tk when we kept hearing a thump/scrape noise in the back so i got the (missus/ex missus,we havnt worked it out yet lmao) anyway she said hey its not in the back of the cab (Hilux) so we stopped i looked around couldn't see anything.Then we took off and same bloody thing..So we stopped again where people where waiting as i was going slow to try work out the issue.
The night before we did a firewood drive throwing all the timber on my new roofrack...As it turned out a piece of wood had logged itself between the Canopy and Cab (only about 4 inches long at best too) and did it make a huge noise for what it was...It was not easy to find either you had to really look..
Yours could be a
rock ????
Goodluck !
Reply By: Member - John F (NSW) - Tuesday, Jan 27, 2009 at 16:46
Tuesday, Jan 27, 2009 at 16:46
I had a thumping over bumps in my 06 Hilux with Flexiglass canopy fitted too close. Three refits to get it right. You don't see any damage until canopy removed. It only takes a couple of mm too close to hit. Ours looks like it has about 6-8 mm minimum clearance now which is enough.
As to the occurence with passengers on board, maybe it's just enough weight to add to the flex or movement on the rubber mountings.
What you are describing sounds just like ours, though.