Off road Caravan 2nd hand Kedron V New Royal Flair Discovery.
Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 12:17
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Member - D V (QLD)
HI all,
i know this has been covered a 100 times before have done searches and looked through a lot of sites. At the moment i am looking at a couple of off road vans. 1st one being A Kedron 06 18ft top ender with all the lurks and perks in reasonable condition or a new Royal flair Discovery 19 '6 with full ensuite and a few more items that need to be added ie; more solar, batteries, etc etc.
Big question is I know the Kedron will have better resale value in the future, but the layout is single beds and a small shower/
toilet combo. And i will have to spend a bit on it to get it the way my missus wants it.
Or go the discovery about 10 grand cheaper spend the money on the upgrades i need, plus the problem of buying new and taking the first initial hit when i drive it out of the yard.
Your comments would be much appreciated.
Reply By: Member - T N (Qld) - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 12:45
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 12:45
D V,
Answer the Kedron is not for you!
Reply By: deserter - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 12:57
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 12:57
No decision as far as I am concerned. The Kedron is simply a much stronger, better built van. By heaps.
Reply By: Member - D V (QLD) - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:08
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:08
I know the kedron have a better reputation etc etc just the layout i cannot talk my missus into. Problem is i need the van within a month and there are not alot of offroad vans around atm.
thanks for the comments
Follow Up By: MEMBER - Darian (SA) - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:19
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:19
Last time I looked on Trading Post, RV Point and Eoz Trader, overall there were quite a lot of offroaders to choose from - mainly Bushtrackers and Kedrons. Some appeared to be specced to the point that weight may have prompted the sales though.
Not much point though if you have to travel too far to inspect.
We're buying new in May to get the plan and specs that we want, even though there are used vans to look through. I guess its one option, or the other. Re Royal Flair - in talk around the traps from offroader owners and others, I've not seen Royal Flair mentioned as belonging in the same league as the really robust 'off-roaders'.
Reply By: Motherhen - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:38
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:38
It depends on what sort of roads you want to travel on D V.
Obviously, if the missus isn't happy with what you purchase - nor will you be.
As the recession bites, i think we will see more top of the range vans coming onto the market second hand, although they still seemed to sell quickly. When spending big money on a good van, it is worth travelling to any state. You can have pictures and layout plan emailed so would have a good idea if it worth travelling to make final decision on purchase.
From a female perspective - a small combo
toilet and shower is not a problem - it is luxury after tenting! Why drag a big bathroom around the country?
Reply By: Member - Norm C (QLD) - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:54
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:54
DV, if you want a 'real' off road van, in my opinion it is worth looking further / longer for a Kedron or Bushtracker (also perhaps a Phoenix or Trackmaster) that meets your needs.
Good ones with island queen bed go very fast, so you have to be ready for a quick decision. Single bed models don't sell as
This was posted on the Bushtracker Owners group
forum a couple of days ago: '20 foot bushtracker for sale phone 0418810441 or email for all the info on the van.'
Also, Kedron has a display yard that sometimes has second hand Kedrons in stock. Jan McNeil is the lady who runs the yard and is very helpful.
Kedron contact details (click on contact button)
You are right that Kedron / Bustracker type vans hold their value. We looked for second had for a while, but wouldnot compromise on queen island bed and cafe style dining. Found a couple, but the newish ones in good condition were asking 85 to 90% (sometimes more) of new value. But with economic situation the way it is, there might be some
Grey Nomads looking for some cash.
Norm C
Follow Up By: Member - Norm C (QLD) - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 14:03
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 14:03
There are quite a few 20 foot Bushtrackers on RV Point at the moment. If they are 20 ft internal (how Bushtrackers and Kedrons are normally measured), they might be a bit heavy. My 18 ft 6 inch (internal) Kedron goes the full 3,500 KG when fully loaded, including outboard motor on front and fold up trailer on back.
RV Point
Reply By: Mikee5 (Logan QLD) - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:59
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 13:59
It seems you have the choice of an already built Royal Flair from a yard here in Qld. I had my Royal Flair custom designed, commencing with a meeting in the factory with Bill Derelas (spelling) owner of the company. I cannot speak too highly of the service and attention I received, and of the van itself.
Reply By: Willem - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 14:29
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 14:29
If you are thinking of buying a van with a potential resale value in mind please take heed of the economic downturn presently being experienced here and everywhere else in the world and of the recovery which may take up to 5 years. Unwanted vans and RV's might be clogging up the
supermarket notice boards!
Reply By: Member - D V (QLD) - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 18:52
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 18:52
Hi all,
Thanks for all your replies. I should have been a little bit more specific in that i pretty dont want to go over 18 or 19 foot external for weight reasons. Have been looking at trading post and rv point etc and still can find nothing around 2 years old.
There is a good phoenix in WA bit pricey but they hold there values
well. Had a look at the kedron yard on saturday and the perfect van is there, just the layout. Have even tried to convince the missus that i do a little mini reno in it but she wont be in it.
It is pretty obvious that there are 4 recognized TRUE OFFROAD vans, and these vans sell like hotcakes when the come on to the second hand market. Had a look at the discovery this arvo and i'm not convinced after seein the kedron.
Thanks again for your comments.
Follow Up By: Saharaman (aka Geepeem) - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 20:05
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 20:05
Did you have alook at the Royal Flair Tuff Roder Off Road van in the trading post for sale. I know its a little larger than you want (and a little older) but it appears to have the configuration you want. And its in Queensland. Its distance travelled and how its been treated rather than age.It is Item TP001530347. Just thought it may be worth a look if its not too far to travel.
I have no association with seller.
Reply By: Motherhen - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 19:30
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 19:30
D V I am a firm believer that if you do not compromise on what will please you both, the right van for you will come, even in a short time frame. Search hard. I have seen this happen time and time again.
The only compromise may be in having a small combination bathroom due to your size/weight constraints. I can assure you, that with an 18' i prefer larger living and sleeping area to the bathroom. Some people even compromise further by having an external shower, shower/
toilet tent and portable loo when looking at 'smaller' vans, however having been spoilt with an inside bathroom - even a small one - i would not like to go without now.
Reply By: Member - D V (QLD) - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 19:53
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 19:53
Cheers have been searching hard on the net,magazines etc.
Basically do a search every morning on trading post, rv point.
toilet combo is no probs, just need the north south layout. The only other pre requisite is 16" wheels so i can change with tow vehicle if need be.
Follow Up By: toyocrusa - Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 20:22
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2009 at 20:22
Sorry,After scrolling right thru it has been sold. Should have been removed. Bob.