fridge question 10000000001
Submitted: Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 17:30
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bruce.h (WA)
ok guys & shellas
Question how do you all hold yor fridge in place when off road
Have a set of roller draws with a fridge slide & are looking for ways to stop the fridge bouncing off of the kids heads, Hopefully some thing that is flat when not in use
thanks Bruce
Reply By: Member - Kim (mr) - Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 17:53
Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 17:53
hay bruce i thuoght on the fridge slides they had counter sunk tie down points, but i seem to be wrong. but since there not there all you need to do is drill a hole through the slide and get a flat piece of metal with somthing welded on that no thicker than the fridge slide and srew it on from underneth, so then you will have somthing to hook somthing onto without anything protruding out. I dont even uderstand that so you have no hope sorryMore drive'n less talk'n
Reply By: Williewags- Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 19:50
Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 19:50
Hi Bruce,
Although my fridge is built in, it stands loose, and it can be removed. You fellas all drive too hard and that is why the fridge bounces around. Take it easy !
You could use eye bolts and tie the fridge down.
WillieAlways going somewhere
Reply By: CirclingVulture - Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 20:19
Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 20:19
Got any chewing gum ?
Reply By: Allfour4x4 - Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 21:32
Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 21:32
Maybe consult the roller draw & fridge slide man?
Fridge straps work
Glenn B.
Reply By: Member - Alpaca (SA) - Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 21:40
Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 21:40
I have a trailblazer with handles for carrying fitted. I bought some smallish but strong chain that I used an equally small shackle to secure the chain to the handles. Then using an turnbuckle with one end hooked into chain and the other end bolted to
my home made fridge slide. Turnbuckle tightened up secures everything in place so that if you are forced to stop in a hurry, the fridge wont be bouncing off the kids heads into yours. I also have a cargo barrier but I hate things rattling around. Works for me.Alpaca
Reply By: Member - Al & Mrs Al (Vic) - Saturday, Aug 16, 2003 at 07:57
Saturday, Aug 16, 2003 at 07:57
Hi Bruce....
when I was reading through the Opposite Lock Catalogue, I came across a "cargo bar" - it's listed as a Ute accessory, and I don't know whether can be rigged up for your caught Mr. Al's attention, this is what the catalogue says..
"heres a great idea, moveable bar simply extends to lock your load in place - great for securing your fridge or space cases"
it's been added to "things for the lad" list...
Lyn [Mrs. Al]Laugh's too short not to....
the lad's "shed" !!!...or is that his castle?
Reply By: Member - Wherethehellawi - Saturday, Aug 16, 2003 at 12:39
Saturday, Aug 16, 2003 at 12:39
My fridge slide is fastened to a sheet of ply. Holes strategicly placed in the ply utilises existing holes in floor of 100 series. These are rear
seat anchor points (my rear seats are permantly removed but it can also be done with seats folded up) and child
seat restraint. One has to remove the plates etc to get to holes. I can have my
tools and shelf racking out, and the trailblazer? (its a copy) in place in less than 1/2 hour. (takes me longer to load the missus and kids)Wow! am I cute
Reply By: Old Jack - Sunday, Aug 17, 2003 at 18:12
Sunday, Aug 17, 2003 at 18:12
In my truck the right hand rear
seat has been removed(60/40 split fold
seat) and the fridge mounted thus!
2 X 1000kg(rated)ratchet load binding straps though the handles them attached to the
seat base mounting points, might seem a bit extream but
hay it's never going to break away in a crash and seeing it's behind me in the truck it's the last thing I need passing through me if In a crash. Everything else lives in the back behind the cargo barrier.
what ever you do make sure it's strong! you might never have an accident but you never know when someone is going to fall asleep and drive into you! I pulled up at a crash when just a teenager where the toolbox in the back of a station wagon passed through the top of the drivers head into the passenger side of the other car, both dead, the other people who wear in the fronts of the cars lived!
Not Pretty!
Reply By: bruce.h (WA) - Monday, Aug 18, 2003 at 10:59
Monday, Aug 18, 2003 at 10:59
thanks for your response ishall follow up on somr of the ideas, altho i am not to surte i can chew enough gum to hold the fridge down with the way i drive.
Thanks Bruce