Hard Floor Camper Trailer
Submitted: Thursday, Feb 19, 2009 at 19:45
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Member - Robyn B (NSW)
Hi eveyone,
I am looking at buying a used Cub Supamatic Drover (inside kitchen version). Has anyone got any info on how this trailer is off road or what we should look out for.
Reply By: stumbly - Thursday, Feb 19, 2009 at 20:56
Thursday, Feb 19, 2009 at 20:56
g'day Robin,
we just traded our supamatic offroad for a caravan. Ours had the beam axle and leaf but i believe the drover has independent
suspension so should be a little better than ours.
Offroad ours went fine on mild tracks (washaways, ruts, small jump ups etc.) as long as i picked the right line and took it easy.
Just remember they aren't as strongly put together as some others that you pay a premium for.
Dust sealing on the front box and battery box could be better.
The welds on the aluminium rack on top could be a bit stronger - don't use the rack as a tie down point ( found out the hard way )
Never had any major failures in the 12 months we had it, only got rid of it to get more size and comfort.
Every body's idea of off road is different and depends what you want to do with it.
I hope that is of some help and best of luck with whatever you decide.
cheers, Keith
Follow Up By: Outbackogre - Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 10:00
Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 10:00
Hi Keith, do you know if the Supamatic you traded is still available through the dealer? I'm on the
lookout for a similar unit. Thanks. Rob.
Reply By: stumbly - Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 11:37
Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 11:37
yes Robyn, its still available at george day caravans in kenwick w.a.
their number is 9493 5557. They want 21k for it but would take less as they only gave me 18k for it.
It has only done 5000 kms
Reply By: Best Off Road - Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:29
Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:29
I know this does not
answer question directly but Westlat Campers in
Ballarat have just put onto the market a hard floor camper for 10 grand.
I've looked it over and it has to be the best value thing on the market.
Jim from Best Off Road.
Reply By: GHThommo - Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 15:58
Friday, Feb 20, 2009 at 15:58
Hey Robyn,
We have a 2008 Cub Supamatic Regal with the transcontinental pack that sits between their on road and off road models in that it is rated for moderate off road use. Haven't had any problems with it off the tar on corrugated roads.
Well sealed with no dust ingress if you cover over the fridge vent. Haven't gone over anything exceptionally rugged but unsure what that really means since in Tassie a lot of our back roads are dirt and have taken a
sedan where a lot of people wouldn't take their 4wd. We got this model because it suited our tow vehicle's capabilities (Suzuki Grand Vitara). Cub seem to progressively upgrade their models so hard to say what to look out for without knowing what year you are looking at. Our model has a self locking winch in contrast to previous models which you had to manually lock while opening up and closing down. You need to stop winching occasionally when closing to tuck the canvas in, so an automatic locking winch is far more convenient. This winch is also set higher which according to one person I met with the older model, means that there is less rubbing of the closing stap on the canvas.
Follow Up By: Outbackogre - Sunday, Feb 22, 2009 at 13:31
Sunday, Feb 22, 2009 at 13:31
Hi Thommno, not sure if you'll get this late followup, but could I ask - do you have to use extension side mirrors on your Suzi for the Cub? My research suggests the Supamatics are 6'4'' wide, and I thought that might be too wide even for my GQ Patrol.
Thanks. Rob.
Follow Up By: GHThommo - Monday, Feb 23, 2009 at 14:53
Monday, Feb 23, 2009 at 14:53
Hey Rob,
No problems with either the side or rear view mirrors, the rear depending on whether you have anyting on top of the Cub. The side mirrors on the Suzi are quite large and they give a broad field of vision.
Reply By: stumbly - Monday, Feb 23, 2009 at 00:46
Monday, Feb 23, 2009 at 00:46
hey outbackogre, towed
mine with a GU patrol and didn't need big mirrors - could see fine.
Follow Up By: Outbackogre - Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 at 09:17
Tuesday, Feb 24, 2009 at 09:17
Thanks for replies Thommo and Keith. An off road Supamatic is increasingly firming at the top of my list. I still have some doubts about their ruggedness compared to top of the range hard floor jobs (
Kimberley, Aussie Swag, Pioneer, etc) but I really don't want to tow more than a tonne. It will be used for touring (blacktop and dirt) so not really off road. Cheers. Rob.