Friday, Feb 27, 2009 at 13:07
I never used to have much of a
First Aid kit until surviving a head-on collision on
Cape York in 1986 made me more wary.
Happy to run with the St
John's one but I've found it better to buy a tackle/tool box and fill it up with the things I want.
Mine has heaps and I have a typed list of what's in it on the inside so I can replenish it all when I get
Some ideas
Ventolin Inhaler (for asthma)
small torch
eye bath and eye pads
Nurofen liquid and tablets
Imodium (diarrhoea)
Maxolon (vomiting)
Phenergan (allergies)
Amoxil and Keflex (antibiotics)
Chlorsig Drops (eye infections)
Chlorsig Ointment (eyes and burns)
small Dettol
plastic amps of saline
Sofradex Eardrops (ear infections)
Melolin dressings (many sizes)
Fixomull (burns and grazes)
Leukostrips (like a butterfly closure for cuts)
Triangular bandages (for slings)
1% Cortisone cream
Splinter probe and Emla cream (anaesthetic)
Spare whistle and compass
razor blades
Alcohol swabs (for cleaning disinfection)
Cotton buds
Soov cream (bites and stings and cuts)
Shock blanket
First Aid instruction book (for someone else...)
Safety Pins
CPR/resus mask (put over a face so you can do mouth-to-mouth)
Betadine antiseptic
small cable ties
Asstd tapes (Micropor and strapping)
Heaps of BandAids
disposable gloves
Ear plugs (some for noise and some for swimming)
Opsite dressings
assted crepe bandages (for holding on dressings)
compression bandages (snakebites and sprains)
I also have a small bum bag with a basic kit that we take on bushwalks, daytrips away from the car.
And remember, any
First Aid kit is only as good as the person who opens the lid.........
Follow Up By: 3F62 - Friday, Feb 27, 2009 at 15:38
Friday, Feb 27, 2009 at 15:38
All good stuff in your kit.........careful with the Maxolon & Phenergan.......both have some potential nasty side effects.
Follow Up By: curious - Friday, Feb 27, 2009 at 17:18
Friday, Feb 27, 2009 at 17:18
Michael, thanks for the comprehensive list. I found the reason in brackets very useful for each item. I'll now book in for a St Johns course to learn best how to use it. - Peter