Mxed Reports Chescold RC 1180

A search suggests these gas fridges are either hated or loved. I am thinking of using the chest type Blue Chestcold RC 1180 as a stationary in camp fridge for this trip as I will be camped in the one remote base camp for four weeks. My present understanding is that they do work well on gas but only are able to maintain the fridge on 12 volt while getting from A to B so not a ideal travel fridge and I assume this is where they disappoint.
I have a 40 litre engel, 100amp battery 90 watt panel and honda powered 80 amp alternator which I intend to bring along so I will have the two fridges. I dont intend to do any other touring type holidays with the chestcold as the engel will be sufficient to meet our needs.
So for my intended application am I on the right track or I should I be thinking second engel battery and panel or can you tell me what methods you use for leveling your portable chest type gas fridge ? My aim is to minimise the use of the honda battery charger Yes I would like to hear of your experience with these Blue Chestcold RC 1180 fridges. Thanks Peter
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Reply By: Member - Jon W (Toowoomba QLD) - Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 21:18

Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 21:18
Ours works beautifully on gas, great on 240v and ordinary on 12v. That being said, we minimise our dependence on 12v to transits only. In winter, the gas is too efficient and we normally turn it off overnight.
Jon W
AnswerID: 351769

Follow Up By: Rod E B - Monday, Mar 02, 2009 at 14:13

Monday, Mar 02, 2009 at 14:13
I'm a lover
FollowupID: 620041

Reply By: Member - greg s (WA) - Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 21:32

Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 21:32
Ive got a chescold and bought for the reasons you are looking at have had it for 3 yrs. It allows us to set up camp for a lenght of time .It works great on gas even up north and also good on 240v we only use it on 12 v when we are in transit and it works a treat in the car almost freezing everything(no temp control on 12v).
they are loved and hated but have a purpose, you just need to work out if they suit your needs.
AnswerID: 351772

Reply By: Member - barbara M (NSW) - Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 21:42

Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 21:42
We have a blue one like the one you are thinking about it is fantastic we too use ours as a fridge freezer when we have set up camp for a while but have also taken it on a 5 week trip to the cape where it worked well. I think they are great to have if you tend to travel to tour camp and set up for a while. Have a great holiday.
AnswerID: 351777

Reply By: Best Off Road - Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 21:44

Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 21:44

The reason these things don't work well on 12 volt is down to the car, not the fridge.

It draws about 175 watts running on 12 volt and most 12 volt sockets in cars cannot ever supply that, hence the fridge doesn't work well.

With decent thick wiring they will work as well on 12 volt as 240.



AnswerID: 351778

Follow Up By: Nomadic Navara - Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 23:47

Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 23:47
Also replace the cigarette lighter connections with Merit connectors (or anything else that is rated for 15 A but get rid of the cigarette lighter plug.)

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FollowupID: 620000

Reply By: wendys - Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 22:43

Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 22:43
Re levelling: we carry a small spirit level, several of the rubbery wedges you can get in Bunnings for doorstops etc, plus a couple of slightly bigger wood wedges. Must make sure that it is level both ways - can take a bit of fiddling round with wedges, adjusting them under all 4 corners, but works.
AnswerID: 351792

Reply By: Member - greg s (WA) - Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 22:56

Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 22:56
In addition we also always level ours and we have ours wired through to back of car.
AnswerID: 351794

Reply By: Member - greg s (WA) - Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 22:57

Sunday, Mar 01, 2009 at 22:57
In addition we also always level ours and we have ours wired through to back of car.
AnswerID: 351795

Reply By: Axel [ the real one ] - Monday, Mar 02, 2009 at 10:11

Monday, Mar 02, 2009 at 10:11
kwk56pt ,as others have said the Chescold has its pros + cons , you say that you already have a 40Engle , Aux Batt ,90 solar panel and a [I presume] Cristies 80amp battery/generator charger ,, with all that already inplace I would go for another Engle or other brand compressor fridge freezer rather than carting round another gas bottle and a bag of wedges to level the chescold ,,,,,,, with all the gear you already have you would only need to run the genny for a 1/2 hr or so every 2nd or 3rd day running another compressor type fridge.
AnswerID: 351825

Follow Up By: kwk56pt - Monday, Mar 02, 2009 at 16:38

Monday, Mar 02, 2009 at 16:38
I did wonder about that myself. I would need to buy another 100amp battery $330. i assume the 90 amp panel will put in 30amps per day ( only just bought that ) so will have a deficit of about 30 amps a day so 60 amps over 2 days out of 2 x 100amp batteries, yes I think it could be charged every second day which would take about 50 mins. As I already have a second Engel its something I have thought about. Last years trip I needed to run the Honda twice a day but I had no solar panel.
The bosch alternator 4 hp Honda is home put togrther but I would recommend anyone else just buy the Christies unit as its surprising what it all costs to put together and the home built job has little resale value. I just take the engine off the edger for the trip but yes I should have bought a Christies but wasnt sure at the time how often I was going to do this type of camping holiday.
I think what I will do is go the Chestcold if I can find a late model used one that way I can try out the concept without to much expense should it not suit us otherwise I might just grab another battery. The chestcold should minimise the use of the honda where as I need a another solar panel and battery to get the same result. Both methods at the mement appear to have there merits.
I appreciate everyones input, Thanks Peter
FollowupID: 620052

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