Monday, Mar 02, 2009 at 16:38
I did wonder about that myself. I would need to buy another 100amp battery $330. i assume the 90 amp panel will put in 30amps per day ( only just bought that ) so will have a deficit of about 30 amps a day so 60 amps over 2 days out of 2 x 100amp batteries, yes I think it could be charged every second day which would take about 50 mins. As I already have a second Engel its something I have thought about. Last years trip I needed to run the Honda twice a day but I had no solar panel.
The bosch alternator 4 hp Honda is
home put togrther but I would recommend anyone else just buy the Christies unit as its surprising what it all costs to put together and the
home built job has little resale value. I just take the engine off the edger for the trip but yes I should have bought a Christies but wasnt sure at the time how often I was going to do this type of camping holiday.
I think what I will do is go the Chestcold if I can find a late model used one that way I can try out the concept without to much expense should it not suit us otherwise I might just grab another battery. The chestcold should minimise the use of the honda where as I need a another solar panel and battery to get the same result. Both methods at the mement appear to have there merits.
I appreciate everyones input, Thanks Peter