Thursday, Mar 05, 2009 at 15:39
A little headsup bout the metric system in Australia.
For a start there are no centimeters.
Not in the Australian metric system we legislated - they don't exist!
A standard building industry door frame is 2040 x 820 mm
A sheet of melamne for your cupboards is 2420 x1810 mm
See - no centimeters - thats part of the European metric system not ours - all house plans in meters and millimeters - no centimeters.
So - wy do our kids school rulers have centimeters marked on them & why are schoopl kids taught centimeters, just another example of where our school system is failing us - some poor kids gonne get an apprenticeship and not be any use to his emplyer until they slap the school indoctinated beliefe in centimeters outta the kid so he can talk the same language as his tradesman employer.
OK now thats out the way - Tyres in inches coz the bulk of the worlds production is for the US which is still imperial measures.
Sadly i was born in 1959 and taught imperial at school then taught metric after the intro of decimal currency in 1996 & the intro of metric system in whatever year it was.
Being fluent in both is a blessing except that generations born before metrics can't speak it and generations born after can't speak imperial and evenn those who speak metric mostly don't understand it hence the misconception that we have centimeters in our metric system.
How many centimeters of rain does the weatherman report?
Thats right - zero - he reports in milimeters UNLESS theres more than 1000mm in a 24 hour period when he reports in meters!
Ring your local sawmill/lumber yard etc and ask for timber (or most any other building material) in centimeters!
Why is a door 2040 x 820?
Why aren't sheets of wall cladding etc in meter wide strips - why are sheets of corrugated roofing iron in widths of 1100 mm etc, NOT even spacings of 1 meter?
Well the answers in the OLD imperial building system with standard spacings for ceiling joists, floor joists, wall studs etc - in fractions of feet, such as wall studs at 2ft 6 inch centers! (762mm).
IF you bought sheets in say 1 meter widths - youd have to cut 238mm OFF the sheet to be able to join it over the wall stud and that would be very wastefull.
So - MOST of the industries, from Plans drawers (architects) builders and materials manufacturers, when they went metric stuck with the old imperial measurements and specifications for building widths spacings setbacks etc etc and manufactured sheets in sizes that would fit the old imperial spacings, and just labelled in millimeters, in odd sizings like 2040 x 820 (6ft 8 inches x 2ft 8inches)
Same as doors nowdays made to the same meaurements to fit those door jambs/frames.
Our metric system makes no sense at all and should be scrapped!.
Not that imperials any better!
An English imperial gallon is 4.54 liters, while a US gallon is 3.78 liters!
Ever wondered, why European (English) cars get more
miles to a gallon that US Cars of similar design / displacement?
Yep english gallons are bigger than US Gallons.
Our Aussie/English 44 Gallon drum, is a 5 gallon drum in the USA!
Theres a zillion examples of where thewhole metric system is totally screwed.
We need to go back to basics.
A good question is why havent we metricated time yet?
Why have a time system in units of 60 hours minutes seconds...and a distance system in kilometers - it doesnt make any sense!
60 miless an hours is a mile a minute!
100 kms an hour is how many kilometers a minute?
It's stupid to have systems that arent easey to manipulate like the old imperial system was.!
Metrics suck and ony helps to keep the world confused...
Imperial was based on things we could see - the old cubit being the length of a persons arm from fingertip to elbow and inch being the length of the second joint on your index finger, a foot litterally the length of your foot and so on.
A pint being the amount a day a good wetnurse could supply an infant!
(Theres a couple pints day rack!) ;o) LOL
Ohh what the heck - no one understands any more - we are all soooo screwed!
IF you REALLY REALY REALLY HONESTLY 100% wanted to'd study other cutlures time measurement systems - like the anchient Maya / &later, Azteks, whose calendric system had 2 measurements of time, one a 260 day SACRED YEAR related to sunspots activity & the other a 365 day VAGUE YEAR, related to the earths orbit about the sun.
The use of the 260 dayTzolkin year is very ancient, seeming to go back to at least the time of the olmecs.
Their calendar measures 1,366,560 days (5256 years of 260 days).
Maya used cycles of:-
144,000 days (1000 times a dozen dozen just as the bible taks about the 144000 who will be saved in the first tribulation of revelations).
7200 days
360 days
20 days
They also had a fascination with the number 9
144,000 x 9 = 1,296,000
7200 x 9 = 64,800
360 x 9 = 3240
260 x 9 = 2340
20 x 9 = 180
1,296,000 + 64,800 + 3,240 + 2,340 + 180 = 1,366,560 days or the Maya great year!
The Maya had a belief in time cycles based on 52 years (52 cards in a deck of cards!) called Aztec centuries.
First Sun - Duration 676 years (52 x 13).
Second Sun - Duration 364 years (52 x 7)
Third Sun - Duration 312 years (52 x 6)
Fourth Sun - Duration 676 years (52 x 13)
In essence the Mayan system of 2 time measurements (Sacred and Vague years) measured the two primary influences affecting the earth.
Its somethng we as modern man have forgeooten and one of the reasons we constantly believe in false rumours like global warming - we have forgptten about the Sacred year measure that remates sunspots activity upon the earth on all of our weather and ocean systems and all our natural cycles.
The other 360 day year cycle accurately measures the phenomenon we understand in equinoctial precession - the precession of the equinoxes for our 26,000 something great year, and addresses the wanderings of our OWN magnetic poles over lengthy periods.
The Maya measured BOTH effects and as a reslt had a far better understanding than us of natural cycles and events.
At the end of the day metrication is only an attempt to take man further away from his natural roots such tha he doesn't even come to understand the fundamental relationships of TIME - and the effects of the Suns pulsating magnetic poles (it has 4) upon the earth and thus the effect of equinoctial precession upon our own magnetic poles.
The Maya could for example predict WHEN our own earth would suffer magnetic pole reversal as a result of the effect of the suns magnetic poles pulsation.
Earths Magnetic Pole reversal is a gologically proven fact - we KNOW it has happened inthe past we just don't know WHEN or WHY.
The Maya did - AND they had a system for predicting WHEN it would occur!
For those interested - the Mayan Calendar predicts the next Earth Magnetic Pole Reversal (Age of the Fifth sun)! as due in our gerogian calendar year 2012, on December 21 or 23rd -= depending who you believe!
Many people are expecting the "end of the world", "end of time" , or biblical "Time of the End", at the now
well publicised date of December 21 (or 23) 2012, there are heaps of prophecy websites out there prediciting the worst.
If you think about Magnetic pole reversal on earth, it will indeed be a "end of time as we know it" and the beginning of a new age just as it has before at each of the ages of the new sun!
Not so difficult really - but then agan a LOT of people would rather believe the doomsdayers than do a little study of their own!
Those who try to analyse these natural cycles in metrics ahavent got a hopebecause they won't see the patterns of numbers occurring - with which we are familiar.
We can all see 52 cards in deck of cards, but who can see the reciprocal of the Fine structure constant
Alpha (1/137th) in the great year, who can spot a goldem mean ration (as described by a fibonnachi sequence) in the sunspots activity cycle?
We ARE being deliberately decieved with our metric system in order to keep us DUMB to the comming changes - that other advaced civilisations were able to measure andunderstand.
The clues are all there for us - but how many of is understand and can see clearly?