East to West Across OZ
Submitted: Saturday, Mar 07, 2009 at 19:37
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Member - John Roslyn K (QLD)
We just did an east to west across Oz,
It was a helluva lot easier than the way the old
explorers did it.
Camping in our 20ft BT van every night with cold drinks and nibblies under the stars etc.
Actully we left from
Toowoomba Q. via Goondoowindi, Thargominda, Innaminka,Strzelecki,
Marree, William Ck, Coobar pedy, 3 ways, Uluru, Olgas, Great Centre road,
Leonora, Leinster, Mt, Magnet,
Port Hedland.
That was about the most direct route as we were to join friends here in Hedland to go prospecting.
We did it in 15 days with having a fairly good look at most points of interest close along the way.
It is pretty
well exactly 6,000 klms.
We don't think we want to add up the fuel bills to find out the cost.
we just know we have to get out and find a lot of gold ASAP
Reply By: Member - Alanc - Saturday, Mar 07, 2009 at 20:19
Saturday, Mar 07, 2009 at 20:19
Sounds like life is a bit of a bugga ah? but I suppose someone has to do it and its now your turn.
We did a three month lap of the "block" late last year which has wet our caravanning/travel appetite and are now planning our next trip which hopefully will include some prospecting. We are/will be novices at this prospecting caper, can I ask what sort of detector you have and how do you find it?(The detector that is., I know you are not going to tell about the gold) I'm currently looking at 2nd hand minelab units which seem to be all the go.
Reply By: Bob of KAOS - Sunday, Mar 08, 2009 at 18:08
Sunday, Mar 08, 2009 at 18:08
It sounds great.
Any rain?
I went
Maroochydore to
Carnarvon just over 10 yrs ago (Nov 98).
The rain in QLD meant we had to stick to the bitumen to
Tennant Creek. Then Alice was in flood too.
We then went GCR, GBH to
Meekatharra, Gascoigne
I was as crook as Rookwood so a lot of the trip was a bit of a blur. I nearly carked it doing the top walk at Kings Canyon in 45 degree heat (I was on chemo at the time).
I'll never forget the thrill of reaching the ocean near
Thanks for igniting the memories.
Follow Up By: Member - John Roslyn K (QLD) - Sunday, Mar 08, 2009 at 23:18
Sunday, Mar 08, 2009 at 23:18
Yes we had a bit of wet stuff thru the Centre rd., actually the last ones thru for a week, mud over the van roof. ( looks great like it is being used for what it was built for)
Not even a flat tyre for the trip
Detectors- Minelabs are the only ones,, The 4000 is a great buy 2nd hand, I just got one for $3,500,and my old Extreme takes some beating, They'll all find gold IF you go to the right place, Do your research, Learn how to use it AND put in the Time
I've been using them since 1978.