Nissan Patrol 3.0L turbo diesel

Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 22:36
ThreadID: 66750 Views:23620 Replies:14 FollowUps:6
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We have never owned a 4WD before, but are interested in a 2nd hand Nissan Patrol 3.0L turbo diesel auto. However, have been warned by a couple of people that they have engine trouble. The dealers advise us that in the later models, since 2006 the problem has been fixed. Does anyone have any advice please?
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Reply By: Member - Andrew (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 22:44

Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 22:44
You will get plenty of replies on this one but easiest thing to do is to do a thread 'Search' on your'll get plenty of reading.

I'm afraid the general consensus is they are great engines until they explode.

I'd look at something else. IMHO.
AnswerID: 353512

Reply By: Member - Mick O (VIC) - Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 22:55

Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 22:55
I have the 3 litre myself but a 2002 model. Yes there have been some issues with early models (GU II). Best place to pose your question is at the PATROL website. Follow that link. Still a a great beast off road.

Cheers Mick
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AnswerID: 353513

Reply By: Member - William H (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 23:03

Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 23:03
Make it a "Toyota" and you can get a good 80 series, for around $7,000 to $9000, dollars, and you will only have half of the trouble, do a thread search, on both then make up your mind.

Cheers for now...William H...Bunbury...WA.

PS...I hope i havent upset some people.
AnswerID: 353515

Follow Up By: Motherhen - Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 23:12

Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 23:12
Almost William - I love my Patrol

We have had Cruisers for years and we really surprised the family when we came home with the Patrol. With Cruisers, we have had numerous gearbox, transfer case and engine problems. Our Patrol has never given us a bit of trouble. It is very comfortable, plenty of pick up (unlike the 4.2 litre slugs), and is roomier than the Cruisers for my large husband. Add to that the price difference and Patrol owners are way in front.



Red desert dreaming

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FollowupID: 621643

Follow Up By: Member - William H (WA) - Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 00:37

Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 00:37

You are so down to earth, with your thread's and Followup's and your positive answers, also thank you for your help in up loading Morties photo's of his stolden Carravan from Queensland, he will be at the carravan show in perth this year, and i will get to see him then.

Cheers for now...William H...Bunbury...WA.
FollowupID: 621661

Follow Up By: Motherhen - Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 00:47

Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 00:47
Hi William and thanks, but i can't take the credit for helping with loading the caravan photos.


Red desert dreaming

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FollowupID: 621665

Reply By: Motherhen - Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 23:03

Wednesday, Mar 11, 2009 at 23:03
Spikey, Anything from October 2001 onward is the 'improved' series III, prior to which there was an acknowledged problem. There have been reports of problems in later models, although we have had more problems with Landcruisers, while our only Nissan in the stable being Feb 2002 model has never had anything go wrong with it. There are so many of them out there, mostly still going strong. Putting on gauges such as Exhaust Gas Temperature and Boost ensures you can monitor that the engine is not being unduly stressed. We also wanted to fit a gear box oil temp gauge, but Nissan dealership wouldn't do it because it has an oil temp light. This no doubt goes on a bit later than we would like although it has never happened even when towing a heavy van through the mountains of Tasmania.


Red desert dreaming

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AnswerID: 353516

Reply By: Kroozer - Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 04:05

Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 04:05
Do a search and see what you come up with. The price is very very tempting but i would go for the 4.2L Turbo Diesel. I am a Toyota man and have never had any problems other then usual routine maintenance and upkeep. Toyotas and Nissan are the best in many ways, its just the 3L has a bad reputation. But beware as many opinions are biased so ask a few mechanics. They know why things fail and can give you a slightly more reliable opinion.
AnswerID: 353534

Reply By: puttputt - Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 05:28

Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 05:28
All I can say is, steer clear, they go great until......................
AnswerID: 353535

Reply By: psproule - Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 06:54

Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 06:54
Post series III owners shouldn't be so smug. Nissan changed little other than the dipstick level and the newer ones do suffer the same fate. They also didn't change their attitude towards out of warranty claims. The problem is actually in the way the engine management is set up, with the MAF fouling easily with EGR and other by-products causing a chain reaction of more boost, then more fuel, then extreme EGT's and then holey pistons.

There is a fabulous document over at the forums which details how to keep one alive. Blocking EGR, cleaning MAF regularly, adding boost and EGT gauges and adding decent boost control valves is the recommended series of mods. The added bonus from this is that the boost curve is much smoother with some of the lag ironed out. Negative is you have to play with emissions control to do it.
AnswerID: 353538

Follow Up By: Boobook2 - Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 08:31

Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 08:31
Agreed, many owners end up with so many mods and guages that their dashboard ends up looking like that of a Jumbo Jet ( or a Rice Burner), EGT and boost guages etc. And this is just to keep the thing from blowing up, then they go on to say Nissans are reliable. This really turned me off getting a 3.0l patrol and sadly they don't make the 4.2 which does truely appear to deserve the reliable reputation of Patrols in the past.

If you go to that Patrol website and read the experiences, including many who sing the praises until one day BANG, then go on to complain about little or no support from Nissan, and THEN buy one, you are a braver man than me Gungadin. You certainly wouldn't want to have a worry type personality to own one.
FollowupID: 621679

Reply By: garrycol - Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:37

Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:37
If you are a risk taker and happy to do your money - go for it - me I would rather put the money on the Gee Gees - a better chance of keeping my money.

AnswerID: 353568

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:18

Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:18
Just make sure you have a spare $10-15k in the bank for when it goes bang.

There are still new grenades going off.

And now that Val Davis got the bullett from Nissan Aust, who was the one to complain to and apparently helped owners of 3.0's that blew up, things will be even worse for grenade owners trying to get things fixed. although there is a bloke doing a bulk buy on these engines on outerlimits if you want a cheap spare to throw in the shed for later.

If you dont mind the thought of being stuck in middle of nowhere with a hole in a piston, go ahead.

Also check ->

But there are other options out there Patrol or not.
AnswerID: 353582

Follow Up By: cookie63 - Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 18:11

Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 18:11
Hi there what about the new common rail has any-one had any problems yet, cheers .
FollowupID: 621796

Reply By: Boobook2 - Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 19:05

Thursday, Mar 12, 2009 at 19:05
The amaizing thing about the CRD is that is is not sold in any country other than Australia or NZ. That seems very strange to me. UK, Africa and Europe all sell the Di version still. Middle East sells the 4.2

Whats that, 5 - 6000 units sold world wide? Say 10,000 by the time the "new Patrol" come out. What will getting spares be like in 5 years? Also check the same forums for excessive fuel consumption of the CRD. I think many but not all owners are getting 17 plus l /100km on the highway.
AnswerID: 353647

Reply By: psproule - Friday, Mar 13, 2009 at 06:01

Friday, Mar 13, 2009 at 06:01
Unconfirmed, as in I didnt see it first hand, but I have heard reports of 3 CRD's going pop.
AnswerID: 353729

Reply By: snow - Friday, Mar 13, 2009 at 12:42

Friday, Mar 13, 2009 at 12:42

We owned an '03 model TD with which we towed a 20 foot van around much of OZ which we sold with just over 100k on clock and generally trouble free motoring. (Maybe got rid of it just in time...perhaps).

We traded the '03 on an '05 TD which is still in the family and has towed the same van up and down the east coast many times and with about 70 thou on clock still trouble free at this stage.

Both of these were/are automatics and although I found them very sluggish vehicles still thought they represented good value for the time.

In the meantime I had the good fortune of driving Toyotas (with work) and my opinion of the Patrol as a vehicle has altered significantly. I found the the all round difference between same year model (Toyo Vs Nissan) quite remarkable with the toyo being a much better vehicle to drive, handling, accelration, braking etc. I will hasten to add that I have no bias to vehicle make..a car is a car to me.

I have recently been provided an '06 manual TD Patrol as a work vehicle which has 40 thou on clock and I can quite categorically state that I really do not like the vehicle at all...I find it to be an allround poor performer and will be glad when it is replaced to be honest.

My experience and opinion only, each to their own etc.

AnswerID: 353783

Reply By: mohdkhan - Tuesday, Mar 17, 2009 at 20:05

Tuesday, Mar 17, 2009 at 20:05
Nissan Patrol 3.0L turbo diesel
Yes have one of them 2003 model done about 95k
no problems
Thank good
i have heard too but i think i am lucky
AnswerID: 354582

Follow Up By: Motherhen - Wednesday, Mar 18, 2009 at 16:10

Wednesday, Mar 18, 2009 at 16:10
Our 2/2002 model has done 145,000 and not a bit of trouble. Excellent vehicle.


Red desert dreaming

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FollowupID: 622837

Reply By: Axel [ the real one ] - Wednesday, Mar 18, 2009 at 17:22

Wednesday, Mar 18, 2009 at 17:22
Buy with your head not with your heart , the patrol is 1 very nice vehicle and nissans in general are good for the long term BUT the 3lt motor as in the patrol is a repair waiting to happen ,, 1st series fix was to shorten the dipstick [ ok fault ,engine needs more oil to keep cool ] ,, series 2 fix was to increase sump capacity [ok fault same as series 1 ] now series 3 one would think that the problems have all been "fixed",, SORRY the damn things still go bang bigtime on a fairly regular basis ,, the 3lt is just not RIGHT for the patrol , source a 4.2 and save the anguish and heartache.........remember 2 that the dealer wants you to buy to get your money so his advise comes at a cost , yours.
AnswerID: 354734

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