Wednesday, Mar 18, 2009 at 17:20
The sandalwood cutters camps are on the northside and eastside of
Breaden Bluff, just follow the track that goes around the base and you'll see them.
As for the wagon,
well let me explain, in the late 80's we found a tree marked by Frank Hann at
White Cliffs at
Pine Tree Caves, We informed some people of this and people from SA came with chain saws and cut out the markings and took them back to SA, we made a vow then not to tell anyperson of other findings which we might find.
Hanns Camp is located about 15kms east of
Laverton, between
Laverton and the telecom tower east of
So I'm sorry but I would rather leave it where it is then to have people remove it, not saying that you would. I hope you understand. Another exanple was a Troopie travelling along GCR, we spotted a mile post which he took from Lake Throssels area, there are mile posts from
White Cliffs to
Warburton, we put out a message in a 4x4 mag and a few months later it turned up at the roadhouse on the GCR. If you take the track that follows the edge of Lake Throssells south of the Empress Springs turn off you will see some of these posts if they haven't been removed, there should be one at the roadhouse it self.
As for the
rock hole Mulundella, just find the 2 rocks piles facing SW in a row and you will see a small ridge the roch hole is located in that area,
All my gps readings are in Manjimup WA in a box and I have the key here, I'm in
Katherine NT barra fishing.
Hope this helps