great central road

Hi we are travelling this road between 14 of August 2009 to arrive
at Alice by the 20th of the month if there is any traverllers
wishing to join us it would be great as we have another couple
leaving us before this time as well there work calls,we have to get to Alice to meet other friends doing the Aussie bash.
If any of you fellow travellers are interested give us a call or
return our msg or 0413 201 444
Jan & Pete
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Reply By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Monday, Mar 23, 2009 at 07:55

Monday, Mar 23, 2009 at 07:55
Hi Jan
We are doing a very big circle of the Great Centre Road area in August. Heading out from Docker River Camp ground on Monday 3rd, then heading bush. Should then be leaving Laverton for the north bound journey about the 17th. If you are in Laverton about that time look for 3 vehicles in the Laverton Caravan Park, you will see my vehicle, very easy, Black Prado, loaded up with EO sticker on back window.


Smile like a Crocodile

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AnswerID: 355579

Reply By: Sir Kev & Darkie - Monday, Mar 23, 2009 at 08:05

Monday, Mar 23, 2009 at 08:05
Jan and Pete,

Why not create a Members Trip/gathering as this thread will become archived in a months time whereas the creation of the Trip/Gathering will remain active until departure.

It is also handy for others to find info if updates are done.

Cheers Kev
Russell Coight:
He was presented with a difficult decision: push on into the stretching deserts, or return home to his wife.

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AnswerID: 355581

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