Monday, Mar 30, 2009 at 16:33
Smee again,
It will take you about 4 days to get from
Port Augusta to
There's not that much to see on the way other than the sea near the
SA/WA Border, a whale watching place near
Nullarbor Roadhouse. Don't get me wrong though, it's a trip
well worth doing, if a bit boring at times.
I suggest you invest in a publication called Camps Australia Wide. You should be able to get it at any reputable book store in Penrith Plaza. It has all of the rest areas listed, plus other information. It sells for about $40.
Be prepared to pay a lot for fuel, we always fill up at
Port Augusta, there are Woolies & Coles fuel outlets there, and fuel up at
Ceduna, where there ain't. If you are driving into the wind you will use up a fair bit more fuel, so be mindful of the fact that it is some distance between servo's.
The only place I reckon you need to concern yourself about is
Wilcannia &
Yalata. Advice is not to
camp near there, give yourself at least 20 km distance.
Ceduna &
Thevenard is worth seeing, as is
Smokey Bay.
Don't forget, travelling into S.A. you can't have fruit, & tomatoes are classed as fruit, and at times they take some veggies. W.A. is deadly, and at Border Village will
check your rig thoroughly for fruit, last visit they took honey off us too.
What we do is cut the fruit up and place it in a Tupperware container, similarly tomatoes. It is then classed as processed food & not susceptible to seizure. This was on the advice of a bloke working the fruit fly block at Oodlawirra on the Barrier Highway near