Tom Tom

Submitted: Friday, Apr 24, 2009 at 20:45
ThreadID: 68177 Views:3369 Replies:2 FollowUps:9
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Recently I had to upgrade my Tom Tom and I had a liitle whinge about spending $149 as the mapping was way out of date .

A few days ago I was crossing a bridge going north in NSW and the new Tom Tom started going Bong Bong Bong and straight away I took my foot off and around the next corner the highway patrol with a speed camera missed his bonus for the day.

I now consider the cost of the upgrade well spent and thats on top of the Blue tooth benefit that once cost me $238 for answering the phone in front of a man in blue.
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Reply By: toyocrusa - Friday, Apr 24, 2009 at 20:56

Friday, Apr 24, 2009 at 20:56
Hi RV Powerstream. Does that mean it detected a mobile radar/camera. I upgraded my GO720 in August last year but it only signals stationary cameras. Regards,Bob.
AnswerID: 361362

Follow Up By: RV Powerstream P/L - Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 05:24

Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 05:24
I do not travel through towns very often and the Tom Tom was telling me I was exceeding the speed for that location 50Ks and I immediately took my foot off and thank goodness I did.
FollowupID: 629121

Reply By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Friday, Apr 24, 2009 at 23:30

Friday, Apr 24, 2009 at 23:30
Using Mapshare you can send POI's and map corrections to Tom Tom and they can be D/Loaded to your unit.
Could have been a regular place that someone uploaded to help others.
Have just bought a TO tom Go 730 and it has this ability also has spoken street names if you set it up correctly

AnswerID: 361388

Follow Up By: Sand Man (SA) - Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 00:26

Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 00:26

The 720 does spoken street names too.

It's just a matter of selecting a "computer voice" which is required to perform the written names to spoken names.

What's all this upgrading anyway?
My 720 has had regular map and software updates ever since I have had it. Just a matter of installing the Tomtom Home software and it serches for updates each time you connect it to the PC.

Better still, it's all free. (well included in the initial cost of the unit)



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FollowupID: 629118

Follow Up By: RV Powerstream P/L - Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 05:31

Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 05:31
Mine is a Tom Tom 500 and the only reason I have it as I traded it in on some other equipment.
I joined Tom Tom home because the unit said it had sereies 1 maps and to upgrade to series 3 I had to pay $149 so i did that and upgraded whatever needed upgrading at the same time.
It appears that it is still a year behind as I had to go to the Twine factory to see darren and when I got to Nabiac it told me to turn right to get on the Gloucester Road but not wanting to drive over the medium strip and have a head on with northbound traffic I turned left and went over the overpass just past the Nabiac pub.
If I didb have the saved camera incident I would have been swearing about the $149.
FollowupID: 629122

Follow Up By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 08:30

Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 08:30
To Sandman
I am aware of that, according to the website all the 7** series do but it not set as a default.

TOTOM offer a free map upgrade within 30 days if when u buy one if it doesnt have the latest map. After that you have to pay for it.
Interestingly mine has a map with a series number like 0501.0501 and on the website they are selling 0501.640 which is obviously later but it says I have the latest. Those numbers are not exact but give the idea.
I intend to ask them about that.
Corrections and software updates are free.

All maps are not completely up to date as how could they be.
Roads are changing all the time and faster than the maps are produced.
However have heard of some roads several years old not being included or accurate.
I guess nothing is perfect.
Will be fun when Adelaide change all the speed limits in the city.
Have to wait and see.

You can look in the TomTom and see what map version you have.
You can also look on the net and sometimes find them as well.

FollowupID: 629130

Follow Up By: Sand Man (SA) - Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 09:25

Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 09:25

Your information is contrary to my experience matey.

When I connect the 720 to the computer, it automatically searches the Tomtom website and downloads any updates required.
This includes the occasional software changes, GPSFix and Mapshare updates.

Mapshare is always in a state of flux, as changes to existing road conditions occur and feedback from users are reflected in the updates.
How long does this take?
Not sure. (I'm not a Mapshare contributor)
I guess there are many locations where Tomtom don't receive updates from users, as they rely on this feedback to remain as accurate as possible.
Also, there would certainly be a delay due to processing, etc. but I'm confident Tomtom is as "up to date" as it possibly can be.

I also have a copy of CoPilot I use on the PDA on occasions, but this is not updated on a regular basis like Tomtom.
With CoPilot, you need to pay around the $150 mark for a complete upgrade as new versions are released every few years.

How serious are Tomtom?
A couple of years ago, I purchased a map of Hong Kong to use while holidaying there. The original map showed the Chinese pronunciation of street names, plus the names in Cantonese as well.
This was useless to us and I emailed Tomtom stating that Hong Kong was a multi-cultural destination and printed maps and street signs show the names in English and Cantonese.
To my surprise, I received a reply from Tomtom stating it was policy to produce local maps showing local language but admitted places like Hong Kong were special and had passed on my comments to their development Department.

About three weeks later, was advised (through Tomtom Home) that there was a free Map Update for Hong Kong available for download.
Lo and Behold, my Hong Kong map now showed the street names in both English and Cantonese.

I was quite impressed with the response from a "user" although I must admit with all the buildings, etc. the practical use of The device while in Hong Kong was not realised and a paper map proved to be much more functional.



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FollowupID: 629140

Follow Up By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 17:43

Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 17:43
Yes you are correct it does do that but Complete map UPGRADE to a newer version as in what I said are NOT free.

Look on the website and you will see there is a map on there ver?????? which is later than mine but I cant download it without paying for it.
As I said in the box it says, if a NEWER VERSION map is available WITHIN 30 days it will be free otherwise you have to buy it.

I also have Copilot version 8 and have had extensive dialog with the makers in the USA as to why it wont do certain things and I finally got the answer that after VERSION 10 which is the version here in Australia now THEY WILL NOT BE SUPPORTING ANY NEW VERSIONS HERE and it will no longer be available.
I didnt speak to the Aussie distributor ,only the American maker.
Ver 11 has been out in USA for some months and I asked when it would be available here. The answer was NEVER.
So much for that if it in fact happens.
Am much happier with my TomTom Go 730 than the nuvi 310 I had previously.
FollowupID: 629213

Follow Up By: Member - colin M (NSW) - Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 18:27

Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 18:27
Do any of the Tom Tom units show the tracks on StrzeleeckiBirdsville and Onnadata. When i did the Savanagh Way from Kurumba to Darwin in 2006 my Navaman iC520 went walkabout it only showed bitumen roads. Cant evem het a response from Navman on how to get latest map chip.
FollowupID: 629222

Follow Up By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 18:49

Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 18:49
Dont really know but they are mainly street navigators.

If u go to the gpsastralia forum there is a section on how to unlock some navman units to runoffroad maps.

FollowupID: 629227

Follow Up By: Sand Man (SA) - Monday, Apr 27, 2009 at 18:43

Monday, Apr 27, 2009 at 18:43

Outside of Cities and major towns, the only display you may get is the road, or track you are on. No other detail.

The Tomtom and most other voice guided navigators are for use in metropolitan areas and major country towns.

For Country driving you need something like OziExplorer and Natmaps running on a PDA or Laptop, or Hema Navigator, or the Garmin Nuvi with Shonky Maps or Mapsource.



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FollowupID: 629670

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