Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 09:25
Your information is contrary to my experience matey.
When I connect the 720 to the computer, it automatically searches the Tomtom website and downloads any updates required.
This includes the occasional software changes, GPSFix and Mapshare updates.
Mapshare is always in a state of flux, as changes to existing road conditions occur and
feedback from users are reflected in the updates.
How long does this take?
Not sure. (I'm not a Mapshare contributor)
I guess there are many locations where Tomtom don't receive updates from users, as they rely on this
feedback to remain as accurate as possible.
Also, there would certainly be a delay due to processing, etc. but I'm confident Tomtom is as "up to date" as it possibly can be.
I also have a copy of CoPilot I use on the PDA on occasions, but this is not updated on a regular basis like Tomtom.
With CoPilot, you need to pay around the $150 mark for a complete upgrade as new versions are released every few years.
How serious are Tomtom?
A couple of years ago, I purchased a map of Hong Kong to use while holidaying there. The original map showed the Chinese pronunciation of street names, plus the names in Cantonese as
This was useless to us and I emailed Tomtom stating that Hong Kong was a multi-cultural destination and printed maps and street signs show the names in English and Cantonese.
To my surprise, I received a reply from Tomtom stating it was policy to produce local maps showing local language but admitted
places like Hong Kong were special and had passed on my comments to their development Department.
About three weeks later, was advised (through Tomtom
Home) that there was a free Map Update for Hong Kong available for download.
Lo and Behold, my Hong Kong map now showed the street names in both English and Cantonese.
I was quite impressed with the response from a "user" although I must admit with all the buildings, etc. the practical use of The device while in Hong Kong was not realised and a paper map proved to be much more functional.