Saturday, May 02, 2009 at 19:12
It seems no one bothers to read the ATO link I put in place above.
Its an additional 30% in the first year.
Under the Simplified Tax System (STS) you can only claim 15% with new equipment added to
the pool in normal circumstances in the first year the asset is added to
the pool then are expensed at 30% per year there after, this change will allow you to depreciate the asset by an additional 30% in the first year, meaning a 15% depreciation expense claim on new equipment plus the 30% Investment Allowance so 45% in the first year if purchased before 30th June 2009 and meeting the other turnover etc requirements.
Its designed to try and encourage business to buy new plant and equipment by giving them a larger expense claim on the item in the first year.
It will only be effective in the first year and the subsequent years will be at the normal STS 30% limits.
It applies to ALL equipment not just motor vehicles.
As always you should seek appropriate advise from you own tax
From the above link to the ATO site.
The tax break, in the form of an investment allowance will provide:
an additional tax deduction of 30 per cent of the cost of eligible new depreciating assets acquired under a contract, or started to be constructed, after 12.01am AEDT 13 December 2008 and before the end of June 2009 and installed ready for use by the end of June 2010.
an additional tax deduction of 10 per cent of the cost of eligible new depreciating assets acquired under a contract, or started to be constructed, between 1 July 2009 and 31 December 2009 and installed ready for use by the end of December 2010.
New expenditure on existing assets may also qualify.
For both periods, small businesses will be able to claim the deduction for eligible assets costing $1,000 or more. Small businesses must have a turnover of less than $2 million a year to qualify.
For other businesses, a minimum expenditure threshold of $10,000 applies.