Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 20:52
The 2 issues you have had with the Twine are acknowledged. The first is easy to overcome; just use the thumb operated gizmo on the handpiece, to restrict the water flow. This will save you water AND go part way towards addressing the 2nd issue you raised (water taking too long to heat up when really cold).
We recently did a short trip in NSW which saw us camping up near Thredbo. In the morning, it was decided by 'er indoors , that a shower would be nice. Got it set-up and brought some water up from the river/creek right behind where we were camped. Man, was that water cold!!!! Also, I was going to be firing up the big noisy 6.5 Chev V8 diesel, which has a huge radiator and takes quite a while to warm up.
A decision was made to assist the process....... We boiled-up 2 kettles on the fire (didn't take long; like 5 minutes or less). Added this boiling water to the 3/4 full bucket of creek water, which made the water temp just about ideal for a shower. I didn't even need to fire up the motor, just used the electric water pump to circulate the water in the shower.
Too easy..... but not as easy as when the motor is already warm and the supply water is not at freezing point.... hahahahaha