Canning Stock Route
Submitted: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 20:14
This Thread has been Archived
Member -Pinko (NSW)
Hello All
Travelling the Canning S.R. July - August south to north. Towing an Ultimate camper with 70 series V8 ute. Then onto Karijini NP. and
Broome . Have travelled
Hay River and
Simpson Desert twice with the same rig. Advice from others that have towed across the CSR please.
Reply By: Wayne (NSW) - Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 21:53
Wednesday, May 06, 2009 at 21:53
I have not towed a camper, but I might be able to help.
The dunes on the CSR are similar to the
Hay River. They have a turn at the approach to the climb, a bowl on top of the dune, with a turn at the exit of the dune.
They are not as high as the dunes in the Simpson, but just as challenging.
You will not come across much sand until
Well 10 and will have to come in from the private property (
Granite Peak) at
Well 5. Fees apply.
If you are going to Karijini NP. I would assume that you would be turning off at
Georgia Bore.
Depending on how much fuel you will be carrying at the start of the CSR, you should be able to make it to Cotton Creek. Fuel last year at Cotton Creek was $4.00 p/l cash only.
Reply By: Member - Mark C (NSW) - Thursday, May 07, 2009 at 07:24
Thursday, May 07, 2009 at 07:24
Travelled CSR south to north last may with others in group towing trailers/campers. If your not overloaded and use correct tyre pressures you will be alright. The approaches to the dunes normally have a turn just before u start to climb or the ruts dug in the track by those not doing the right thing will slow u down, but as always " that oh what a feeling" toyota will get u through. One of our group had a 4.2 diesel troopy with 3 adults 1 teenager loaded to the hilt with extra fuel and supplies towing an aussie swag camper and only needed a couple of snatches, but if it had of been a turbo he would have been right. Another in group had a turbo jackaroo and a camper trailer with two kids and enough gear for a year but needed towing a lot and fixing a lot. By the time the jackaroo came out the other end it needed a whole new rear diff housing. My son and I went in our 4.2 turbo tray back and loaded sensibly with 200 litres of extra fuel etc cruised through the whole csr although we did our share of recovering others.
Reply By: Member - DickyBeach - Thursday, May 07, 2009 at 15:11
Thursday, May 07, 2009 at 15:11
G'Day Pinko,
We did the CSR, GBB, Karrijini, etc in a 3-month trip through WA a few years back towing a KK - see my archived post 7590 re the CSR.
Enjoy it all, would love to do it again but presently overseas.
Hope you like corrugations (on the CSR).
Reply By: PatrolSTL04 - Thursday, May 07, 2009 at 22:22
Thursday, May 07, 2009 at 22:22
The right tyre pressures...and with your grunt, you will be fine.
Its one of the top three trailers that will handle it with ease.
Have fun.
Reply By: Member -Pinko (NSW) - Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 11:10
Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 11:10
Thanks to all you members that replied to my post.
We will probably get back
home and wonder what all the whohah was about.
We will be away from
home for over two months and like Dickeybeach said they won't come if they have to rough it an extended length of time.
Thanks again guys