cheap real estate

Submitted: Friday, May 08, 2009 at 16:05
ThreadID: 68640 Views:3093 Replies:7 FollowUps:7
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hello all you sesoned travellers. i was thinking of getting out of darwins humidity for a while. looking on real a few cheap properties at mount burr near milicent. any comments on this town. i need a family friendly quiet town for kids.apprecitae your thoughts thanks..
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Reply By: Peter_n_Margaret - Friday, May 08, 2009 at 16:13

Friday, May 08, 2009 at 16:13
Nice country town to bring a family up in.
Bit cold and damp in winter tho.

OKA196 Motorhome
AnswerID: 363870

Reply By: Member - Kevin J (Sunshine Coa - Friday, May 08, 2009 at 16:51

Friday, May 08, 2009 at 16:51
While not wishing to promote an OT posting and at the same time declaring a vested interest I suggest you look at Nambour on the Sunshine Coast.

20 minutes to superb beaches and 10 minutes to the mountains.

Good choice of schools. Prices are ridiculously low. I know cause we are trying to sell and the agents want me to give it away.

Kevin J
AnswerID: 363878

Follow Up By: Saharaman (aka Geepeem) - Friday, May 08, 2009 at 19:20

Friday, May 08, 2009 at 19:20
Yes, Kevin is absolutely correct.
The Great South East is the place to be.
Just north of Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast is an eclectic mix of stunning coastline and lush hinterland including the spectacular Glass House Mountains, laid back beachfront towns basking in the sun & stylish Noosa, with it’s combination of pristine beaches & five star dining & shopping.
If you want a smaller country town atmosphere there are plenty close by - Wamuran, Kilcoy, Woodford, Peachester, Landsborough, Palmwoods, Woombye, Nambour etc etc with realistic real estate prices - even for a few acres. Get the kids a horse or smoe other animals. Great place to grow up. But you are still close enough to Brisbane for kids to go to Uni. Tafe college etc in the future or Sunshine Coast Uni at Sippy Downs. Plus good career opportunities.
Great 4x4 tracks in forests, beaches etc. So much to do. Great climate, fishing, beaches etc etc.
Dont take any notice of what anybody else says - the Great South East is your

FollowupID: 631570

Follow Up By: happytravelers - Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 08:43

Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 08:43
The Sunshine coast was good 20yrs ago, it's now getting very over crowded, massive development everywhere, nose to tail traffic, can't find a parking space without hassle, it certainly no longer has the laid back easy going life style that real estate agents, developers and tourism organisations like to promote. Also crime has increased here significantly in the last ten years.
FollowupID: 631614

Follow Up By: Saharaman (aka Geepeem) - Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 09:24

Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 09:24
I agree Jon the Sunshine Coast has certainly changed over the years and the highly developed areas to me are no longer desirable places to live. My followup really highlighted the hinterland towns that I feel still have something to offer as small country towns. I deliberately left out Maleny, Buderim and the likes as they are expensive and are getting too commercialised for my liking. I still think the SE is a great place to live (in selected areas) as you can still easily access all the great natural wonders of the area and even spend a day in the tourist meccas of Noosa, Caloundra etc if you want to.
FollowupID: 631626

Follow Up By: Member - Kevin J (Sunshine Coa - Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 09:35

Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 09:35
If you are talking about the coastal strip I would agree. Hinterland areas are still affordable and livable. Median house prices vary considerably between say Buderim/MalenyMaroochydore and Nambour/Beerwah/Glasshouse.

Looked at a house in Palmwoods $455000. Similar house in Sippy Downs (near Uni) $515000. Nambour $415000. Caloundra to Maroochydore $600000.

Climate very stable and yes the traffic can be a buggar anywhere which is considered desirable just as numbers bring the un-desirable.

Kevin J
FollowupID: 631632

Follow Up By: Member - Kevin J (Sunshine Coa - Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 09:40

Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 09:40
If you are talking about the coastal strip I would agree. Hinterland areas are still affordable and livable. Median house prices vary considerably between say Buderim/MalenyMaroochydore and Nambour/Beerwah/Glasshouse.

Looked at a house in Palmwoods $455000. Similar house in Sippy Downs (near Uni) $515000. Nambour $415000. Caloundra to Maroochydore $600000.

Climate very stable and yes the traffic can be a buggar anywhere which is considered desirable just as numbers bring the un-desirable.

Kevin J
FollowupID: 631635

Reply By: kiwicol - Friday, May 08, 2009 at 16:52

Friday, May 08, 2009 at 16:52
Look at Atherton tablelands, very good cliamate,and very kid oriantated, lake Tinaroo, water sking, Barra fishing, Cairns and barrier reef 1 hr away.Col
AnswerID: 363879

Reply By: Willem - Friday, May 08, 2009 at 18:49

Friday, May 08, 2009 at 18:49
Ahh........ Come to Peterborough SA

Wheat, sheep and cattle farming

200km south of Northern Flinders Ranges

Regional Centres closeby
Adelaide 250km

Population 2500
All facilities

3 schools
2 hardware
4 Pubs
1 motel
Medical Clinic and Hospital
Post Office
2 Mech repairs
4 fuel outlets

Quiet place, low crime

Can still buy a house for under $100,000 on half an acre
Or rent for $120- $160 pw

Mining opportunities closeby Fly in - Fly Out
Farmwork available
Plumbers, Electricians and Builders needed

2 months HOT weather
3 montrhs COLD weather
7 months MILD weather

AnswerID: 363906

Follow Up By: Steve Ellis - Friday, May 08, 2009 at 19:30

Friday, May 08, 2009 at 19:30
And Willem for a neighbour.
FollowupID: 631571

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, May 08, 2009 at 19:41

Friday, May 08, 2009 at 19:41
No, this street is fully occupied. Mainly Bogans though :-)
FollowupID: 631573

Reply By: Member - Fred B (NT) - Friday, May 08, 2009 at 19:44

Friday, May 08, 2009 at 19:44
Qubert, the answer is ...
Simple.... it's the dry season... no humidity for a while.... stay in Darwin you will have fulfilled your wish (ie no humidity for a while..) and saved a lot of money in moving.... lol....
from a guy who loves the NT.... (:
Fred B
VKS 737: Mobile/Selcall 1334

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AnswerID: 363918

Reply By: Flywest - Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 14:01

Saturday, May 09, 2009 at 14:01
Article in todays Sat West about a developer selling rural blocks of land for I think 40K at Ravensthorpe, where BHP just shut down one fo their big mines and abandoned the town,- he throws in a free gun (rifle) with every block purchased!

(He's a lawyer specialises in defending people on firearms charges, and holds a firearms dealers license go figure, and a vocal sporting shooter advocate).

If you want to get away from the madding crowd, and join a neighbourhood of fellow firearms enthusiasts, who knows!

Maybe your neighbours will be:-

Ronnie Biggs
Jack Van Tongren
Pauline Pantsdown
Yosemite Sam

Could make for an "interesting" social life! ;o)

AnswerID: 364003

Reply By: Member - Robert R1 (SA) - Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 00:49

Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 00:49
Mount Burr is a great little town with lots of nice, respectable people. It is an old Mill town. Most of the houses are weatherboard and most are now owned by the people who live in them and who take pride in them. It is in a bit of a valley amongst pine plantations and can get a bit cold in winter.

It has an excellent Primary School with the nearest High School in Millicent.

It has a strong sporting club with football, cricket and netball played with reasonable success.

There is a General Store/ Post Office/ Bottle Shop although many people shop in Millicent.

I don't live there and have never lived there but I did play footy for them.

And he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended, And at night the wondrous glory of the everlasting stars. Clancy of the Overflow.

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AnswerID: 364102

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