Anyone travelled the
Gibb RIver Road in Early April? We have to go to
Broome for a wedding (April 2010) and afterwards am planing to drive up to
Kununurra and then back along the GRR.
I know that this might not be the best time of year to do this trip due to the chance of high water levels etc, but this is the price I pay being married to a primary school teacher which unfortunately restrict the times of year we can travel.
I have a Nissan Patrol GU with a
snorkel fitted and the other vehicles in the party (Prado, Pathfinder & Pajero) will also have snorkels fitted.
Our plan at this stage is to spend about 10 days just on the GRR then stick the wife on a plane (in
Broome) and have a quiet drive alone in the car back to
Perth ;-)
The weather can change from year to year, but I thought I would once again ask the knowledgeable bunch what their experiences have been during April.