Looking to buy a 2000 GU Nissan Patrol 4.2 TD

Submitted: Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 15:11
ThreadID: 69370 Views:5537 Replies:5 FollowUps:21
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Basically just after some info on these trucks. I'm not going to be using this for any outback touring, mainly just the occasional camping trip and 4WD treks to Moreton Is and Fraser etc.

I got my eye on a 2000 model, it has all the good bits already fitted, 3in OME lift kit, ARB compressor, dual batt, bar, luggage rack etc, 9500lb winch new COOPER 265 tyres yadda yadda ...

Just after peoples opinions on these, fuel consumption etc


Any links with any info that will help me out will be greatly appreciated also : )
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Reply By: Member -Dodger - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 15:27

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 15:27
The lurv fuel.
Mine has done 200,000k without major repairs with over 100,000k towing a van of 1800kg. ( only tow in 4th )
Fuel consumption
Best when mt 13ltr 100k normal is 14.5 to 15ltr 100k
Best when towing fully loaded 17ltr 100k Normal 18ltr 100k
Worst ever 80ltrs in 80klm towing in real soft sand. Yep worked its ring off.
Only repairs so far have been new muffler, crushed the old one on a 4wd trip.
Just keep regular service up to them and they will go n go.
Some 2000 models had a dicky 5th gear.
Over all I am pleased with mine. Had it since new in 2000.
Modifications have been
Motsons stage 2 upgrade to turbo and exhaust.
50mm lift kit by ome.
sub tank replaced with 90ltr tank for long range towing.
Cruise control. and lots more. Yadda Yadda.

In short go for it.
I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

Cheers Dodg.

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AnswerID: 367772

Follow Up By: MR_SKITZ - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 16:55

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 16:55
All things considered, the fuel consumption seems to be quite reasonable given the conditions driven and overall the weight of the truck and size of the motor.

What benefits did you gain from the turbo and exhaust upgrade besides good torque increases? You just have to LURVE the sound the ol' girl makes now I bet. Do you have any comparable power/torque figures?

What size tanks (primrary and sub) do these come with as standard? Wife is a little reluctant to be rid of our little eco car, we also own a 5.7ltr Commodore, so she is thinking of the extra $$ on fuel etc where as I don't care as long as I have my toys!

So i'm doing my homework on every conceivable aspect on this to have an informed idea on what to do (read plenty of ammo for me and alot of dead end arguements for her to run into ;) ) Not that she is not into the whole getting a 4WD or cars for that matter, she's every bit a rev head and enthusiast as much as I am, she's the minister for war, finance and reproduction, so she "apparently" looks at things from a logical perspective! ... Damn women! LOL

Thanks for your reply Dodger! ... Keep them comiong guys

BTW I lol'd at the sarcastic yadda yadda bit thrown in at the end there Dodger! : )
FollowupID: 635395

Follow Up By: Member -Dodger - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 17:17

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 17:17
As I tow I left the main tank at 90ltr and upgraded the sub which is 30 ltrs standard (piddly amount).
The motson upgrade increased torque and power by a little more than 20% which has made the vehicle much more drivable.
Draw back if you use this extra grunt you pay for it at the bowser.
All mods were done before 30 thousand with some funny remarks like, Why would you want to rip the front diff out and put a lockrite in before warranty runs out?
The comfort level with the 50mm lift improved the ride.
I also am a firm believer in lower tyre pressures and run the Nissan when mt at 30psi and when towing @ max 40psi in rear and 35 in front.
Then when off road or on badly corrugated roads lower all pressures to around 25 psi including the van. Never had trouble as I always lower speeds in conjunction.
I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

Cheers Dodg.

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FollowupID: 635399

Follow Up By: Roach"ee" - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 18:55

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 18:55
I agree with Dodger.

Only thing I could add is to check the rear spring towers where they are welded to the chassis. If it's done much hard work when fully loaded, these towers have a nasty habit of cracking away from the side of the chassis. No biggy to fix; but could be a few $$$$ you'll need to negoiate about.

FollowupID: 635406

Follow Up By: Member - Bucky, the "Mexican"- Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 03:16

Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 03:16
G day Roachie
Now I know 3 people that have had the rear spring towers go on them.

Mate over here, swerved to miss a cow, on the road, and run his patrol into a drain. (Lucky not to roll her) Was fully loaded, going up the Vic High country for the weekend on Bambi.

All were being loaded up heavily.

Seen 5th gear and shaft problem, ( from 2000 Patrol ) first hand on Saturday.
mechanic showed me exactly what went wrong with the design. Spline just not long enuf, ( kinda reminds me of something else .. hehehe)
Probably some nuckle-head school boy designer, that knew more than anybody else, or maybe the General Manager's son.
Never mind Nissan honored the warranty.

FollowupID: 635443

Follow Up By: MR_SKITZ - Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 19:15

Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 19:15
FollowupID: 635555

Follow Up By: Member - Bucky, the "Mexican"- Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 05:27

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 05:27

Got a t-shirt too but it don't fit over my gut, at the moment

Cheers Bucky
FollowupID: 635628

Follow Up By: MR_SKITZ - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 08:22

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 08:22
Hope ya dont mind, but I copied that pic and used it as my facebook profile pic! : D
FollowupID: 635645

Follow Up By: MR_SKITZ - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:25

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:25
Just on that gear problem, Bucky, did the mechanic give you any ideas on the cost to swap out the dicky spline shaft?
I guess it'd be worth doing what ever the cost, saving a major failure down the track, especially if you're out in the middle of nowhere ...
FollowupID: 635649

Follow Up By: Member - Bucky, the "Mexican"- Wednesday, Jun 03, 2009 at 04:39

Wednesday, Jun 03, 2009 at 04:39

I think $500 was mentioned, but I could be wrong, the base unit may be cheaper.
$'s are in stripping gearbox down , and setting up again.

FollowupID: 635761

Reply By: Member - joc45 (WA) - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 19:12

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 19:12
Hi Mr Skitz,
Have done over 210,000km in mine since 2000 and have been pretty happy with it. It's pretty bog-standard apart from rear air bags and heavier front springs.
No major problems with it apart from the 5th gear problem which occurred in mine at about 120,000, and was repaired under the extended warranty, and a turbo oil leak which was also replaced under warranty at about 100k (twice!). Do a bit of researching on the 5th gear problem. Mine was a Dec 1999 build and it failed. Never towed anything either. I think the problem was not evident in the Series II onwards. I'd check its history on this one, as the Series I gearbox has this design problem.
Also, climb under and check the rear spring towers for cracks. These can occur if heavily laden on rough roads. Usually when air bags installed. Mine had just started to develop minute fractures last year, and I had reinforcing plates installed, supplied by ATOK Engineering, Melb.
Re economy, when I travelled in convoy with a 100 series Cruiser TD, the cruiser, similarly laden, consistently gave about 1-2L/100k better than the Patrol. Both heavy load and roof rack make a difference to the economy. Laden with roof rack gives me about 13L/100km at 100km/h. Around the city, I get about 11.5. It's a clunker, but a very reliable diesel.
My biggest bitches have been to do with Nissan service, but that's all behind me now it's well out of warranty.
AnswerID: 367807

Follow Up By: Member - joc45 (WA) - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 19:14

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 19:14
Meant to add, I replaced the original clutch at about 200k.
FollowupID: 635412

Follow Up By: MR_SKITZ - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:53

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:53
There seem to be alot of good things to be said about these trucks with a less equal amount of bad ... As with any vehilce, if you look after it, it will return the favour.
If you are managing them kind of fuel consumption figures around town (i'll be driving mine to and from work, mainly highway from Narangba to Eagle Farm) then i'm sold on the 4.2 ... Im managing in my 5.7ltr Commodore around the same, slightly less than the 11.5 you claim ... Hell, i'm even happy with 13/100 ... Its just a little more than my current to and fro work car though, at its absolute worst I manage 6.5/100 its a 1.2ltr Proton Savvy LOL!

I have been told I should trade my Commodore in and keep the Savvy?!


Thats just the same as telling me I should trade my Holden in on a Ford!!!! hahaha

FollowupID: 635652

Follow Up By: Member - joc45 (WA) - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 10:41

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 10:41
Keep the Savvy? Perhaps not so stupid!! I've recently bought a little Mazda 2 for my town forays so I save both fuel, and I'm not wearing out the Patrol round town. The downside was I had to clear out the garage to make room for the little TukTuk!

I should add, I'm not a lead-foot around town with the Patrol, hence the good town figures.
I can get good figures in the country when unladen, but it's pretty rare that I take the beast out to the sticks with no load :D
Also, I use a cruise control all the time in the country; If I was to drive without the CC and handle hills more sensibly, it'd do better as well.
Interestingly, I'm still on my original set of front brake pads at 210,000. Have had a set of spare ones sitting in the garage just waiting for the opportunity to go in, but the old ones just keep going. (replaced the back ones at about 130,000, tho Nissan dealer reckoned they should be changed back at 80,000)

Re the 5th gear, it looks like it was right across the Series I and early on the Series II (I recall that some 3.0L ones were doing gearboxes). Certainly worth checking if the work has already been done, as the mainshaft and 5th gear runs to about $1500, plus labour, I've been told. There's a test for oil colour which gives an indication whether the splines are on the way out; you'd need to do a search on this one.

FollowupID: 635663

Reply By: Trevor R (QLD) - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 20:03

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 20:03
I just love both of mine to bits. My Green one is a one owner with 380 000km on the clock and worked to the hilt. Running nearly 100% over standard power figures. This one turned out so good when the opportunity to buy my uncle's 2001 model I did. It had 150 000 less k's on it than mine and I figured I could run the k's up in the new one and have both of them last a lot longer. My wife now drives the older green one around town.

As mentioned 5th gear was a problem in them and both mine have had the g/box ripped out and repaired ($3000 job).

They run hot on the Nissan gauge when worked hard, it is very disheartning to see this happen but believe me they do cope with it, my green one has done it since 2000km old and it is still original at 380 000km with a compression test done last year proving it is still ready and able to accept a bigger turbo to give it even more go. (My uncle's truck sucked up the funds and put pay to that idea though).

As mentioned fuel is anywhere between 14 and 16lt/100km unladen and 18 to 20lt/100km when towing. My van is pushing 2.5+T but my green one will still drag this van at whatever speed I want to drive at, temps are the only limiting factor at times.

As mentioned by someone else, Nissan warranty and service has been cr@p for me but you are well and truely out of that scene in a 2000 model anyway so should not be an issue for you.

Out of interest, and if you don't mind telling what dollars are they still fetching? I was offered (and offended) from a dealer recently 19G for my 2001 with only 180 000km on it I told him he was dreaming and to get back to me when he was serious about doing a deal.

Good luck with it.

AnswerID: 367818

Follow Up By: MR_SKITZ - Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 19:14

Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 19:14
This is the GU im looking at

Its 30k ... the lesser are lookin around mid-high 20s.

With everything that everyone has told me about and the reading up I have done on these so far, the only "major" issues with the truck are 5th gear and the spring cradles ... everything else is fine.

Let me know what you guys think of this particular truck, this one or another will be my first 4B (hoping to jump into one soon) so im a greenhorn and will be taking in every bit of advice and knowledge you guys can throw at me.

Cheers guys! : )

still trying to figure out this website!!! : S LOL
FollowupID: 635554

Follow Up By: Trevor R (QLD) - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 08:11

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 08:11
The truck you are looking at has got plenty of goodies that's for sure. If you do get really serious with it, get it inspected and make sure things like the lockers are still installed. Being your first 4B it would be overkill but that is better than having something that's a little under your requirements. They are a wierd car in that you will either learn to love it or hate it and offload it quick. The reason I say that is, they are not the most comfortable on road, they are not the quickest on road, they are not the easiest to manouver or park around town, they are not the most economical and the list of negatives go on BUT....and it is a big but, they are amongst the most reliable and predictable vehicles to ever make it on the road in my opinion and are completely awesome off road.

As a side note, sand driving is more power to weight so as others have suggested a lighter more powerful petrol 4B may actually be a worthy contender if that is all you intend on using it for. The 4.2 will handle it but it will not be the only vehicle to do so. Don't forget to drop tyre pressure in the soft stuff, I dropped mine to 10 (front) and 14 (rear) to crest Big Red on the edge of the Simpson a few years ago but if you go this low don't do anything silly or fast as you will roll a tyre off the rim. I was the only vehicle in our party to do all three crossings of Big Red at the time and I put it down to tyre pressure as I was the heaviest out of our party and had no right to make all three crossings.

Cheers, Trevor.
FollowupID: 635642

Follow Up By: Member -Dodger - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 08:17

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 08:17
Have a good look at it as the add reads,
Front & rear ARB diff locks then says limited slip diff. Can't have both.
Also add says electronic fuel injection, this is not so in the 4.2td as the fuel pump and injectors are mechanical.
So I would go over it with a very critical eye before the purchase.
But certainly looks the goods with plenty of aftermarket stuff.
Also noticed that the rear dicky seats are missing.
I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

Cheers Dodg.

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FollowupID: 635643

Follow Up By: MR_SKITZ - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:11

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:11
I'll be combing the whole truck before I make any decisions thats for sure. Thanks to you guys, I have a comprehensive list put together of things to look at.

Dodger, I noticed the discrepancies in the ad also, but think that what they listed there are like a generic option list like on carsales, to outline different features of the vehicle, but having said that, I never trust car yards, so that would be the starting point of my inspection.

If I do get serious about this jigger, i'll be taking it for a nice little drive, testing out the diffs, transfer case, hi/lo 2B and 4B, gearbox etc making sure there is nothing wrong with them and checking all ancillaries to make sure every thing that has been fitted out aftermarket, works.

I just can't let my impatience to buy a truck let me make stupid "she'll be right mate" decisions ...
FollowupID: 635648

Follow Up By: Trevor R (QLD) - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 16:31

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 16:31
Yeah I noticed the LSD thing too Dodger, part of the reason for my response to check that the lockers are there (you can't have it both ways can you!!).

If the rear seats are missing that should reduce the price by heaps.

Cheers guys,
FollowupID: 635690

Reply By: Best Off Road - Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 20:29

Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 20:29
Given the area you live, I assume you have access to cheap LPG.

You'd do a lot better with a 4.8 Petrol on dual fuel. Heaps more power and torque and much cheaper to run. The bonus is you'll get a newer vehicle at the money.

Or if your budget is tight, a 4.5 on dual fuel will still give you better power at bargain basement prices.

4wd's don't have to be diesel. In fact for your application a Petrol is a better option. Diesel only comes into its own when you need extreme range in the outback.



AnswerID: 368021

Follow Up By: Robin Miller - Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 22:19

Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 22:19
How could anyone disagree with that logic.
Robin Miller

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FollowupID: 635606

Follow Up By: MR_SKITZ - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 08:46

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 08:46
Certainly not going to get any arguments from me.
Though I would never rule out an outback tour, I wouldn't be out there every weekend, So logic has it at a duel fuel rig.

On the other hand, should I have at set-up like this particular GU or one of the like, i'd have a more versatile vehicle at the ready.

I guess i'll just have to weigh up the options ... I HATE DECISIONS!!!!! LOL :D
FollowupID: 635646

Follow Up By: jocker - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 11:23

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 11:23
"4wd's don't have to be diesel. In fact for your application a Petrol is a better option. Diesel only comes into its own when you need extreme range in the outback"
Unless the rattle of a diesel is music to your ears ...and the smell of unburnt particulate a taste sensation....
FollowupID: 635667

Follow Up By: MR_SKITZ - Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 14:17

Tuesday, Jun 02, 2009 at 14:17
Driving big jigger Kenworth 104s every day got me trainned to like rattley diesels : D

FollowupID: 635682

Reply By: Member - Mudduck (NSW) - Friday, Jun 05, 2009 at 22:40

Friday, Jun 05, 2009 at 22:40
Just go for it and buy one, you'll love it I love mine.

4.2s the only way to go
I have a 99 Gu
and a 91 80 series
Cheers Steve VK2UD
Dents are like scratches but with better stories

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AnswerID: 368650

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