Thursday, Jun 11, 2009 at 21:00
Thanks Sand Man
I am thinking of getting new batteries in the Thumper, but I do *like* those AGM batteries. The Thumper in its time was the beezneez, but in terms of capacity in a given lump of lead (i.e. volume and weight in the car) I think the AGM would be better. When the Thumper dies, I'll revisit the issue - and this may take a while because I have semi-retired it - it just runs the
camp lighting now and it has capacity for a week in this mode...
I also have in my parts bin a couple of those Blue Apple switches - something else to think about.
I also have a whole lot of 30 amp auto re-setting breakers in the bin as
well - might make use of them too. I am however looking for a timer to turn the fridge off after a set run time (being eutectic it only needs 5 hours of running per day - 2 in the morning and 3 in the evening).
Before putting the 2 battery issue to bed, I have a couple of other concerns. If you have a dead flat (gel, say) battery hanging off a an AGM aux battery and connect the two, would it not cause a fuse to blow or melt some (if inadequate) wiring? Or is the an in-built resistance in the system?
Also - what thickness wiring should I be looking at from the front of the car to the rear, considering that I do not expect to exceed 15 amps continuous (that's everything on and includes a 25% reserve). I may have a start amperage of 30 amps for the fridge, but that is only momentary. Battery lead thickness, or can I go a little smaller without a voltage drop? I am using 50 amp Andersons, not the big ones.
Thanks again