Solid rubber Tyres.

Submitted: Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 13:42
ThreadID: 69796 Views:3064 Replies:5 FollowUps:2
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As a nipper i can remember the odd comment on these tyres, that were fitted to old machinery and trucks, etc. Anyone had experience with them?, Just imagine the ride!!

Cheers Axle.
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Reply By: Member - The Bushwhackers -NSW - Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 13:49

Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 13:49
Hi Axle, I have solid rubber on the forklift at work. I own a small machine shop, and the metal shavings make life unbearable for regular tyres. It only gets driven on concrete though... I can just imagine the ride on a 'good' outback road :-)
AnswerID: 369912

Follow Up By: Member - Axle - Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 14:56

Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 14:56
Whacker, sounds like they would be ideal for what your doing!,wasn't aware you could still get them.

FollowupID: 637323

Reply By: Rockape - Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 14:18

Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 14:18
I used to operate a Getman with solids on the rear so we could put the sissor lift up to it's max and still drive along without the outriggers down. Mines department would have a fit at this statement.

Top speed of Getman 18km/h with different transmission fitted "normally 12km/h".

Had them on the front but you used to get launched through the roof of the cab. Before I the solids I was 6'2" and afterwards 5'10" tall, now would I exaggerate.

You can buy semi solids with foam in them, we wrer looking to put them on a JCB telehandler so we could tram the unit with the boom extended.

AnswerID: 369914

Follow Up By: Member - Axle - Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 15:04

Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 15:04
LOL< Mate!, Workcover nightmare you were.

When thinking about it , i've watched some of these Franner cranes wallowing around on bulging tyres with a great weight hanging off the front,Not a good look either, maybe some more springs under the drivers seat,and a solid tyre for

FollowupID: 637325

Reply By: equinox - Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 15:05

Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 15:05
I have use them on a Troopie when I was working in the Tanami.

We brought them in in the back of the troopie and changed then over when we got to the work area.

They are Extremely Heavy!!

Naturally, no punctures were had which is the idea, but no desert speed records were set on this trip. You could get up to about 60 but after that the 4WD felt too unstable.


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AnswerID: 369919

Reply By: Member - Kevin J (Sunshine Coa - Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 16:28

Sunday, Jun 14, 2009 at 16:28
Can recall my dad talking about his early trucks. Either the REO or the White had solid tyres. There were some photos but the years have caught up with them too.

The trucks were tippers - steel trays - with hand winch lift. The later ones had the same mechanism for lifting the tipper but pneumatic tyres.

Kevin J
AnswerID: 369928

Reply By: Member - Russnic [NZ] - Tuesday, Jun 16, 2009 at 08:58

Tuesday, Jun 16, 2009 at 08:58
Hi Axle Check one of my blogs and look at the images of a 1926 Yorkshire Steam Wagon. It runs on solid rubber, the ride is not flash but then it only has a top speed of around 18k. the steering is reasonably heavy, two hands required. the biggest problem is the front tyres are around 15cm wide and have a boiler weighing over 6 tonne sitting over them. Needless to say absolutely hopeless in soft ground conditions. the truck has a three way hydraulic hoist and solid rubber on the back as well.
AnswerID: 370259

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