Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 01:22
I find it "interesting" that there appears to be an expectation that a poster should "justify" his post to another who either has a different life experience or holds an alternate view.
This issue does BUG me, with forums threads, where IF a reader doesn't agree with a stated opinion, he or she feels the need to post their demand for "justification" because they don't agree and want everyone reading and posting, to agree wth THEIR particular point of view.
This is NOT the school yard - where there is ONLY one right question and it's the one the teacher says is right and we have to argue about it ad nauseum until we all agree 100% on everything!
That type of approach to forms threads is so immature.
Every Poster has their own opinion on a subject based on THEIR specific life experience.
To share that opinion willingly and then be "attacked for it" is NOT conducive to further involvement or expression of opinion.
We should as adults be able to agree to disagree about a subject and move on - there may well be other topics about which we do agree / share common beliefs etc.
Where every thread descends into needless attacks on one or more posters who hold different opinions - is so immature and helps drive people away.
Basically when someone asks / posts a question, you SHOULD be able to respond with your advice / opinion, or what your life experience has taught you and leave it at that!
Why should anyone have to "justfy" their opinion because someone else disagrees?
Surely the poster is allowed the freedom of choice to sift thru all the replies and select those peices of opinion, advice etc that THEY wish to extract from the thread and make whatever decision they choose to follow - without having to get all thread contributors general agreement with, his or her proposed course of action.
It GENERALLY appears that a LOT of the younger crowd these days, want fast food / instant reposne, type advice, in no more than 2 sentences of words no more than 4 letters and two syllables in length.
Hungry Jacks and their Mobile Phone text is the extent of their attention span and degree of interest.
An older person might have a lifetimes experience with the subject they asked about and be prepared to share all of that in a response.
The often quite rude younger set, will just post "TMI" (too much information) for their pea brain retention, comprehension, capability and skip the reply, not bothering to even say "Thanks" or read the detailed reply.
The younger set don't have the divine right to turn the internet and forums etc into their own form of instant response Mobile Phone text speak domain and run those with different methods of communicating off the forums with such "justification demand" type harrassement.
It shows a total lack of respect for age and experience.
Maybe theres a need for "separate" forums based on age or intellectualability &
communications skills - where the kiddy texters can interact discussing the most important issue of the day (Pinks new fashion pants) and the rest of us interested in assiting others and learning about travel and 4wd in
Australia can communicate in an intelligent fashion.
Surely those without the requisit skills to communicate effectively and politely -on these forums can get all the 4wd and outdoor advice they need on facebook and myspace, twitter etc?
Keeping the forums for those who wish to communicate in a grown up manner, agree to disagree, without getting into "
forum rage" etc might be a really good start.
Add in the
forum decifiency's in lack of emoticons to convey mood - is probably partly responsible for people not taking posts in the way the author intended.
This is the world wide web - you will get participants from all nations and walks of life and they all have to get on for it to work. Not everyone HAS to be an ocker and adhere to bogan or ocker standards to be able to post here.
Those from different age classes and cultural backgrounds, will probably not get along well - where our Ozzie language is not their native tongue and where we all have different expectations about what is and is NOT acceptable internet/forums ettiquette due to cultural or age divide.
Sometimes those demanding the loudest and most, often have little real knowledge of what the correct etiquette really is for
communications in an international
forum of the world wide web.
Thats why we have mods and admins etc - to sort out the mess!
Their job would be a lot easier, IF we ALL had the same expecations, as them.
Standby for the next issue of war n peace! ;o)
Follow Up By: Member - Amy G (SA) - Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 09:06
Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 09:06
It may be useful for Exploroz to keep things coherent by having a set of guidelines for correct use of grammar etc when posting. I am one of that younger generation you mention in your post but there are plenty of us who can't stand text speak and have the ability to form a coherent sentence!
I am a member of another (non-4WD/
forum where the guidelines for use of English in posting are clearly outlined and text-speak is banned. Any new posts that use text-speak or aren't intelligible are edited by the moderators and the poster is notified. As a result all posts on the board are clear and legible and the offenders do not re-offend.
Those posting questions using poorly constructed sentences may also find they get better responses when people can understand their questions (I know that I often do not read past the first sentence when there are no commas, full stops or similar).
I think that attributing harrassment and want of justification (even generally, as you mentioned) to the younger generation is rather unfair, particularly when there is nothing revealing the age of each poster on their posts- in my somewhat limited experience on this
forum it is usually the result of a few bullies who are quite clearly not in their 20s.
That's my two cents, I am hopping off of my grammar high horse now...
Follow Up By: tim_c - Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 12:44
Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 12:44
Flywest, I hear where you're coming from - we shouldn't have to prove that we are worthy of posting. Perhaps what you have touched on is our tendency that we all like to be able to convince others to share our opinion because the more people we can sway, the more sure we are that we were right afterall. HOWEVER, it is very important to be able justify opinions. If an opinion can't stand up to scrutiny, it's really not worth much. It is always good to have a certain amount of skepticism (don't just believe everything someone tells you). The difficulty is not simply questioning someone's opinion, but doing it respectfully.
I'm 29 and I completely agree that the literary standards of the younger generation are grossly lacking, and more seriously, so too is their respect for older people in general. HOWEVER (again), I find it very interesting that you seem to attribute (generally) most of the 'attacks' to the younger crowd - the most memorable (and childish) attacks I have seen against other forumites were by someone who is old enough to have fathered me, legitimately.
As for Amy's advice: "It may be useful for Exploroz to keep things coherent by having a set of guidelines for correct use of grammar etc when posting." Wasn't this the responsibility of your Primary and Secondary school english teachers?! ExplorOz is not an educational institution (even though we are all here to learn) and teaching english, spelling and grammar is far beyond the area of their responsibility.
Follow Up By: Nargun51 - Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 13:54
Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 13:54
You stated
“This issue does BUG me, with forums threads, where IF a reader doesn't agree with a stated opinion, he or she feels the need to post their demand for "justification" because they don't agree and want everyone reading and posting, to agree wth (sic) THEIR particular point of view.
This is NOT the school yard - where there is ONLY one right question and it's the one the teacher says is right and we have to argue about it ad nauseum until we all agree 100% on everything!”
“Basically when someone asks / posts a question, you SHOULD be able to respond with your advice / opinion, or what your life experience has taught you and leave it at that!
Why should anyone have to "justfy" (sic) their opinion because someone else disagrees?”
I have a different perspective; I want to learn from other people’s opinions and to do so I need to know the basis for them…they might have knowledge that I don’t possess, have experiences that I have never experienced or are making assumptions that I have never considered. I need to know what has formed their opinions so I can explore them. Only then, can I can judge the appropriateness of the opinions and possibly of even adopting them. I will question the proofs and logic behind them. To learn from these opinions and to integrate these into a cohesive world view I need to challenge what is presented to me
I also find that by explaining and justifying my opinions to those that challenge me can force me to fully explore and articulate my viewpoint. This process opens up the logic, assumptions and biases behind my opinions. That is one reason I willing accept anything I express to being challenged (logically and with sufficient proof)
English is a living language and changes on a daily basis; I rue the loss of some slang and usage I grew up with, but readily adopt modern usage as well. To freeze English usage in time essentially emasculates the ability for the language to be used as a tool to reflect the world in which we live (However, I use paragraphs on my text messages, but am old enough to remember cutting words out in a telegram to stay under minimum charges)
I would love to fully express my opinion (to the limit of my vocabulary within common usage, accepted “proper” usage and “Strine”) but the
moderation policy would quite appropriately delete my post.
I will, however, paraphrase it: “If your not willing to put up, shut up”
Follow Up By: Member - Amy G (SA) - Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 20:30
Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 20:30
Tim, Flywest lamented the use of text speak, which is what my post primarily addressed. I wholly agree that it is not up to Exploroz to teach us how to write properly- however, a "no text speak" or similar policy goes a long way to keeping things coherent. It was a suggestion that I have seen work successfully on other forums and I thought may help to address some of Flywest's complaints. I think you have misunderstood what I said.
Follow Up By: Member - Ed. C. (QLD) - Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 21:32
Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 21:32
Well put Nargun51, and if I may say so, very well articulated;-)
I am of a similar disposition, in that while some things are self-evident, if someone says to me "I have a better mousetrap than yours", I will ask them to demonstrate to me, why they think it is better..
I will then make up my own mind (based on the evidence presented) whether (or not) it is indeed, a better mousetrap..
If I still think my mousetrap is the better one, then I shall attempt to illustrate my reason for thinking so...
And so it goes on..............
| Confucius say.....
"He who lie underneath automobile with tool in hand,
....Not necessarily mechanic!!"Member My Profile Send Message |
Follow Up By: tim_c - Thursday, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:31
Thursday, Jun 18, 2009 at 11:31
Amy, yes & sorry, I had misunderstood you! I'm all for "no text speak" because I believe it is the result of a lazy and selfish disrespect for the reader(s): "I can't be bothered typing proper words/sentences for you". An attitude of respect considers the audience/reader and writes in such a way as to communicate clearly to that particular audience/reader. I can understand why text-speak originated - it's a pain trying to type a 26 letter alphabet using only 8 buttons, but predictive text should have all but eliminated text speak by now.
I worked in a project team with the
technical director of an international company (in other words, not a pleb) and he'd send these cryptic one line emails with no punctuation or capitalisation, etc. and it would take me longer to work out what he was trying to say than it would have taken him just to write properly in the first place, but he didn't care... And he obviously didn't care too much about his professional image either.