Wednesday, Jun 17, 2009 at 20:15
OK I think I see your problem, and it is the same one that I started out with when I was looking for options.
My garage door, opened is 194 high. The car at normal ride height is around 2 metres high at the rear and 190 at the front (approximate figures). NB - I am running 285/75 BFG AT tyres, which I think are 2" (5 cm) higher than standard.
Lowered, right onto the bump stops, the car is now 186 cm at the back and 187 in the front. This is with the 2" extra coils on the front.
Does this help? If you can get away with a similar system to what I have, you will save heaps and I think get a superior result.
(BTW - the front airbag used in this kit was sold ad Graeme Cooper's (Range Rover) in
Sydney for about $180 each (again from memory)... Not sure what price now, but seriously cheaper than what is in the kit.)
I think that the 80/100/200 series might be very similar in the installation of the airsprings in the back. Yes there is a disk that goes on top of the airbags, with a couple of holes drilled in, one for the airhose and one to install a large screw into the alloy top of the airspring. Then I think the rest is bolted onto the chassis - my memory is being tested here! :( It ain't hard to do.
Not sure if photos would help, if so that would have to be done in the weekend, let me know (too tired and too old to crawl under the car at 8:00PM at night ;) )