Sunday, Jun 28, 2009 at 15:46
I sent you an email - did you get it.
We went up to Coffs for the new grand child and then went for a swim at the Coffs Show (It was that wet).
We saw the Vista there again and liked it but some limitations started to show up.
My body shape is square and I can not get through the door unless I go sideways. My wife was not keen on the kitchen either. All still not a major problem though.
Being that close we made the decision to head north and see the Eclipse - I have a brother there as
well, So we drove up on the Friday and then drove
home to
Canberra Saturday/Sunday. Just got
Well the long and short is that the Eclipse now is top of the list. My wife loved it so that is the main thing.
We have some issues with the tow bar as I have a Pajero and the spare wheel is in the way. If we can get that sorted and also find the money we will be going the Eclipse way as
well for similar reasons - I think we will be more comfortable touring in the Eclipse.
We talked to Steve as
well. Unfortunately we did not get the show offer - bugger.
The add ons we are interested in are hot water, shower system, mattress.
And if money available we will get the Solar system. If we don't get one we will get the wiring put in so we could use an external one.
One other thing we are thinking of is a television port for an external antenna. We have the set up but in the Quantum there are no holes to poke the cable through.
I also have to sell my Cub Camper.
So we may have an Eclipse club instead :)
PS which tyre upgrade did you get - I did not ask about that as was concerned aover the increase cost of add ons