Monday, Jun 22, 2009 at 01:24
I didn't either when i started Dave - i learned the hard way (by making the mistake), of not getting the more expensive testing kit - Westrac only told me about the dearer testing with soot reporting when I ASKED, & after I'd already bought about 6 of the cheaper kits! :o(
I guess I am the crash
test dummy for this sort of thing! ;o)
I aint real
bright but I can lift heavy things! LOL
I did at least work out that this isn;t a very exact science.
I even caught one of the labs out who had "mixed up" our 3 samples when they opened the box and confused which oil & subsequent report, went with each vehicle.
test kits include a sealed plastic bottle within another plastic bottle - you put the paper with details in the dry outer container, they obviously mixed up the 3 papers with the bottles inside (because i marked the inner containers with the oil in them with my own code and matched the papaers with details to each bottle meticulously so this wouldn't be an issue when i sent them off.
Somethng to consider for the cynics among us......
IF I were a testing laboratory, associated with a business that both
services and sells new equipment, AND sales were a bt slow that month - any such "mistake" that might give YOU someone elses "bad oil result' bye mistake COULD lead to you pannicking your engines about to die and rushing into an agreement to have it fully rebilt in THEIR workshop at great cost,
You might even be convinced your machine is near screwed and to trade it for a lot less than its really worth on a NEW replacement machine, specially if your a contractor and your income depends on it. (a Win Win for the Sales guy - he gets a GOOD machine at knackered machine price, because of a errant used oil analysis, AND sells a NEW machine that wasn't really required.
Winks as good as a nod to a blind man on a galloping horse.