Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 16:40
"could it be that the 'hoons' at
Bendethera may be those that will one day see others doing it somewhere else and say "I did that in their younger days"?
Timbo seeing we are now speculating My thoughts are "probably not".
If you are not born with or taught about respect for the Australian Bush then I doubt If one will ever respect it.
In my case of being a petrol head and a "hoon on the road" years before the birth of my children, I used to love fast street cars and had not a lot of respect for the law or regulations. Over many years It cost me a pretty penny in defects and speeding fines LOL, until I simmered down and learnt to do it in other ways like on a track or dirtbike in the bush.
In saying this I was taught at a very
young age to respect the bush and have no regrets to how Ive left any campsite... ever!!
I still love fast cars and have no regrets from my younger days "on the road" I only thank my lucky stars I never hurt someone or myself through it.
For the guys that ripped up
Bendethera once a tool always a tool!
My 2 cents worth