Treachery Camp
Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:40
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Member - John M (NSW)
We just returned from a 4 day camping weekend at Treachery
Camp near Seal Rocks.
What a beautiful place just 4 hours north of
Sydney, beautiful
camp grounds, friendly staff and very clean amenities.
A few extra friendly dingos and scrub turkeys that like to create havic with the
camp table and heaps of birds.
The beaches are relatively small but very beautiful and clean and if you are prepared to do a bit of
rock climbing we got a great feed of fish each day from the rocks in sheltered areas.
We would recommend this place as a good destination close to
Sydney and there are also cabins if required. Maybe not so good during school holidays as they say they have 400 to 600 people there during peak holidays.
On our weekend there was only about 20 friendly people.
John | Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain! Lifetime Member My Profile Send Message |
Reply By: Gronk - Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:58
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:58
Shh......don't tell everyone about these best kept secrets !! lol !!!
Reply By: pmack - Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 at 19:26
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 at 19:26
No really its a horrible place you wouldn't like it at all ; )
Reply By: RV Powerstream P/L - Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 at 21:00
Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 at 21:00
Have they still got the mini orb corrigated
toilet doors I think we still have some scraps of that from when my son built them.
Its good to hear someone remind you that you live in Paradise you get a bit complacent about it after nearly four decades.
Although driving to
Newcastle or
Sydney soon jogs your memory into reality.
Follow Up By: Gronk - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 00:35
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 00:35
But at least the kilometre after kilometre of terrible potholed dirt road will keep a few away....won't it.... lol !!
No patrolled service stations.....don't know why anyone would go there ????? lol
Reply By: RV Powerstream P/L - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 07:27
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 07:27
Actually one of the original settlers fenced off at Bongwell from the Myall to Smiths to run cattle and it was the only fence needed so mayby the National Parks will do the same for the
heritage factor or for just because they can and keep all humans out.
Follow Up By: Member - John M (NSW) - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 08:12
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 08:12
The mini orb doors are still there and the Owner's Grandsons run Treachery
Camp now.
He is about 25 years old and one of the nicest down to earth
young men I have met for a long time.
Yes, NPWS have gates on every track in close proximity just to keep us humans out of this beautiful area.
John | Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain! Lifetime Member My Profile Send Message |
Reply By: RV Powerstream P/L - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 09:17
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 09:17
Jack is the grandfather and he used to live in the house and you would wonder why he moved away.
His sons now control the property but are fully utilised in other persuits.
All the family is likewise nice people so the grandson is reflecting that trait.
We done the road up from the end of the tar past the
shop to the property by you can be rest assured the council does not like spending moneyon the crappy road from Bungwahl so it delfinately is a deterent.
Follow Up By: Member - John M (NSW) - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 10:03
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 10:03
I got all the history about the family and ownership from the grandson and what a fantastic buy it would have been in 1963. Even the Caretaker Couple were very nice people.
I used to live in Port Macquarie for 10 years and went for a drive down to Seal Rocks only one time about 15 years ago and the road was a bit rough for the city traveller.
This time I thought the road was pretty good, sure a few thousand pot holes but if you take it easy its OK. Let's hope the road stays the way it is a that will deter a lot of people and help keep the place pristine.
I wish the National Parks would open some of those bloody galvanised gates so that we can explore some of the beautiful areas that is there.
People who frequent these
places normally take care of these areas because of their beauty, peace and tranquility.
We took the quad bike and road it on
the beach and access roads to go fishing and for some strange reason I had no need or inclination to ride it on sand dunes or tear everything up and I am sure other people are the same. This is why I cannot understand why NPWS shutes everything down.
John | Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain! Lifetime Member My Profile Send Message |
Reply By: RV Powerstream P/L - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 10:21
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 10:21
newman Family is an old pioneering family from the area and Shorty
Newman had a
camp at the gibber where he lived he was an avid fisherman and one of the fastest wormers I have ever seen.
A lot of people used to
camp there and there was no nonsense and no rubbish.
On day a car load of police and heaps of NP rangers wnet in and mde him leave and then destroyed the entire
Shorty lived with and respected nature and would be more bush wise than any NP supposed academic and wizbang wonder boy.
So people that proved they lived in harmony with the area are deemed unacceptable to do so and are locked out of something they protected and respected.
camp is more than likely now full of bitou bush or
lantana as they do not practice what they preach.
Reply By: Gronk - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 11:41
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 11:41
I spent a night down off the old rutile rd a few yrs ago ( got bogged...had no choice ) but, alas, its all closed off now..
Was talking to a
ranger about the same time and what he said probably reinforces the decision to close things.....they were having no end of problems with "tourists" from
Sydney coming up for a weekend who were determined to
test their 4wd....up over the rear dunes on
the beach....making new tracks thru the scrub....cutting trees down etc, etc........even after being told not to...
But back to Treachery.....the more popular the place gets the sooner the tar gets finished and the sooner apartments and big development goes ahead !!
Sad fact of life !!
PS; don't tell anybody !!!!!!! lol