We made to the top, what a ride and top fishing

Submitted: Monday, Jul 06, 2009 at 18:33
ThreadID: 70442 Views:5271 Replies:6 FollowUps:15
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Hi all, as sir kev posted earlier we made it to the top.
The reason I haven't posted is cause our laptop died as we left cairns. We have a new laptop now. Now for the trip run down. We had swivel hub seals replaced and bearings checked in cairns. From cairns we went to cape tribulation along the coast (creb was closed). Planned to stay at Noah beach but it was packed so went to cape trib caravan park. From there we went to Cook Town. Saw some good queenies caught. Then we went to Elim beach. Nice spot planned 2-3 nights there. Discovered Front dust seal missing and circlip missing off axle. Back to Cook town for repairs.
From Cooktown we headed up to Coen. Camped in the free site just north of Coen called the bend, really nice spot. We had passed a young couple (Nathan & Taryn) a number of times on the way up and ended up camping near them at coen. When we got to Bramwell junction we stayed on the main road they did the OTL. We headed for Ellioit falls. They arrived at about 5 pm. They had puntured a tyre so from here up we decided to travel together. We planned to do the OTL on the way down as with the car trouble we have had we wanted to get to the top. Elliot is a very nice spot with great swimming.
From Elliot we headed to Punsand bay. The road was in such good condition we sat on 80-100 kmh most the way and made really good time.
The road up to punsand was good but a little rougher. On the Pundsand bay rd we hit a crossing a bit hard and snapped a fan blade off which went through the radiator which was only 6 months old. Nathan towed us into Punsand bay camp ground so we could unload. It was actually his fault as he had just said we could walk to th tip from here so it doesn't matter what happens now then bang LOL. Got the car towed to Bamaga for repairs so now we were stuck in pundsand waiting for insurance to sort it out. Oh well there isn't much to do in punsand except FISH. So starts the fish count sir kev. Nathan had a tinnie (highly reccommended up there). Over the next 10 days the fish count was 4 mackerel, 2 coral trout off rocks at summerset, 2 riibbon fish & 6 barrcutta which we used for bait to catch 1 - 6ft bull nose & 2 - 5ft bronze whaler sharks off the beach on hand lines. We got big eyed cod and got bitten off several times. Will post fotos in profile when i can.
Then we went out on the fishing charter. Nathan, Taryn and I went as well as Julia my 7 yr old. We got 5 Tuna including a tripple hook up. 9 barramundi (julia hooked 2 barra) 4 trevally, 3 estury cod and 5 queenies. Also got to feed a 300 pound groper.Punsand was a great camp ground and very friendly atmosphere.
We got the car back and headed to Seisia for 2 nights. I have never seen so many bait fish. It was so good I even caught a small queenie in the cast net. We got smashed on mackerel but did land a couple. I caught a 3ft ribon fish which got slammed by a 7-8ft mac at the base of the jetty. All I got was 2inches of its head. I snappd the 100pound hand line on something big. Got 2 small queenies.
Left Seisia and headed for the OTL. We decided to only do the southern section as while we were in punsand 2 cars were waiting for replacement engines and 1 was drying his car interior from Nollens brook. The northern section is quite deep.
Most of the southern crossings are very easy except for gunshot and palm creek. We spent 2 hrs in gunshot winching out with the trailer. When we got to palm creek we dropped the trailer off, drove up then winched the trailer up. There were a lot more people heading up as we came down, it would be very busy up there now.
We stayed at bramwell then headed to Weipa. Fished off the jetty and caught heaps of tarpon, no good to eat but great fun to catch. All were over 600mm long. Also got a 5ft shark and got busted off by a groper. From there it was south to Tinaroo dam then on to Cairns.
It was an amazing trip and am already planning another one back up there. Don't leave it too long before you go.
Now it's back to reality and work for awhile, as the weather cools down heading south before hitting the gold coast.
Sorry it's so long but that's what happens in 4 weeks of fun.

Josh, Maree, Julia and Jasmine
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Reply By: Sir Kev & Darkie - Monday, Jul 06, 2009 at 18:56

Monday, Jul 06, 2009 at 18:56

Good to hear that you made there and back LOL

I don't believe any of your fishing stories ........ no pic no fish hahahahahaha

Cheers Kev
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AnswerID: 373347

Follow Up By: Member - Josh (VIC) - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 07:49

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 07:49
As soon as I work out how to drive the new computer the photos will come. You will need to be patient if you knew me and computers LOL. Thanks for posting the pic from the top.
FollowupID: 640554

Reply By: Member - Matt & Caz H (QLD) - Monday, Jul 06, 2009 at 20:52

Monday, Jul 06, 2009 at 20:52
Awesome!!!! knew you would get there and have the time of your lifes!!!!!

AnswerID: 373367

Follow Up By: Member - Josh (VIC) - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 07:53

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 07:53
Thanks guys,
Where are you at the moment? Hope all is well. We had a ball. After doing the OTL Jasmine said "Wow, I didn't know it was going to be that much of an adventure".
On the walk to the very tip Jasmine said to me "This is living isn't it dad". I knew then that all the car trouble was worth it. When we put the fan thru the radiator a guy asked if it was all really worth it. Absolutley without a doubt.
FollowupID: 640556

Reply By: Member - Old Girl (QLD) - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 07:22

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 07:22
What a trip you had. At least you wernt one of the poor buggers waiting for a motor. Got the old girl tuned yesterday. Far out what a difference. Taken new tyres back 4 times for balancing. Today another tyre dealer is checking the whole lot again. The other tyre dealer said something mechanical is wrong. I nearly punched him.
Were heading off on Sunday to Mackay then head north Wednesday morning. By the sounds of things were heading for a busy trip.

AnswerID: 373417

Follow Up By: Member - Josh (VIC) - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 07:59

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 07:59
Hi Sharon,
Sorry to hear you are having so much car trouble. Perservere, the top is so worth it. It is frustrating when different mechanics say different things or don't seem to know what to do. When we had the swivel hub seals done they replaced the front diff breater cause it was broken. When I got home I noticed sitting on the flat the breather hose was pulled tight, no room for axle movement. I replaced it myself and it was over 500mm longer. Why can't people think about what they are doing. Hope you get it sorted and get on the road again.

FollowupID: 640557

Follow Up By: Member - Old Girl (QLD) - Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 18:03

Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 18:03
I'm excited about going now. Sure enough the tyres were out. I drove in the shed 4 blokes came out and went to work.They rebalanced them and found the old stick ons still stuck inside. I was so relieved with the out come and it only cost me $30 to find out. I have learnt so much about the car which is a good thing. What you said about the diff breather I cant believe I actually know what you mean. Somebody must be watching over me.
FollowupID: 640762

Follow Up By: Member - Josh (VIC) - Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 20:55

Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 20:55
great to hear you got the car sorted. Hope you have a great trip. Hope it's not to busy up there for you. Have fun and stay safe.

FollowupID: 640806

Reply By: Maîneÿ . . .- Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 08:21

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 08:21
Good to read some qualified information on the area up there

Would you think a conventional 2WD vehicle could make it up to the pointy end ?

Did you see guys catching similar large fish from the shore ?
Apart from crocodile problems with shore fishing, is a boat a requirement in the area ?

Maîneÿ . . .
AnswerID: 373423

Follow Up By: Member - Josh (VIC) - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 08:33

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 08:33
It was funny to see all these modified 4x4's up there (mine included) then this young girl rocks up in a nice new holden ute. She got up there without a problem. The developement road up was like a hyway. The later in the season you leave it the worse it gets with corragations. At the moment I would tow a caravan up there behind a commadore. Puts would be slow but not a problem. We passed a guy riding a road bike all the way to the tip. There were some very simple on road vans at punsand. The only part you really need a 4x4 is the OTL. There are certainly times you would not get up there cause of the water or later in the season the road would be average condition I would think. On the gibb river road we were told not to take our trailer it would get wrecked. We got passed half way along by a commadore. If you drive to the conditions and don't go hard a 2 wd would be no worries.

FollowupID: 640560

Follow Up By: Maîneÿ . . .- Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 08:44

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 08:44
Josh, Ummm WTF is the OTL ??

Maîneÿ . . .
FollowupID: 640563

Follow Up By: Member - Tour Boy ( Bundy QLD) - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 15:39

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 15:39
Old Telegraph line
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FollowupID: 640597

Follow Up By: Member - Josh (VIC) - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 18:38

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 18:38
The delopment road is the main road up to the tip which is currently being redone into a 4 lane straight dirt highway. The OTL is the original telegraph track following the telegraph line straight up. There are some graves along the track of linesmen who died up there. Would have been hard times.
From the shore we caught 3 sharks, barracouta, 3 coral trout and cod. 2 barramundi were caught off the beach at pundsand bay. The jetty at seisia is great for big macerel (I'm talking up to 7-8 foot long if you can land them) Big queenies off there as well. A boat is an advantage but you can still catch plenty of big fish from the shore. At the very tip the locals fish for coral trout macerel and big sharks ( I mean 15 foot hammerheads)all from the rocks. At Weipa off the jetty we caught heaps of tarpon at night on the change of the tide and as mark (gafferman) said below sharks. On the way up I bought a hand line with 100 pound line on it. This was great fun catching big fish on. I lost a big gropper at Weipa on it. Weipa also gets big jewies of the jetty. Does not have to be high tech gear to catch good fish.

FollowupID: 640620

Follow Up By: Member - Josh (VIC) - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 18:41

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 18:41
I noticed WTF is not in the abbreviations LOL
FollowupID: 640621

Reply By: milly & us - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 14:59

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 14:59
hey they wouldn't be gaffermans shark at weipa would it? Nice to know you have a new laptop.
AnswerID: 373460

Follow Up By: milly & us - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 15:13

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 15:13
Hey to all out there doing a trip up to the top if you are going to breakdown anywhere josh and co are the ones to have travelling with you. Many thank again for all your help.

And for those doubters out there the fsh are all on film and very real.
FollowupID: 640594

Follow Up By: Member - Josh (VIC) - Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 18:24

Tuesday, Jul 07, 2009 at 18:24
Hi guys,
Yes we got the laptop sorted. Thanks for taking us out fishing at tinaroo. It was great to travel with you guys and thanks for your friendship. Keep in touch and when you get to tassie come and stay with us, you are welcome anytime. If anyone is wondering about gafferman just try gaffing a tarpon off the jetty at Seiisa, not easy to get pass the scales as we found out. Travel safe and have fun.

FollowupID: 640617

Reply By: Big Woody - Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 18:48

Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 18:48
Hi Josh,

Glad you guys made it to the top. It is a great trip isn't it?
We stayed at Loyalty Beach and chartered a boat to see Thursday Island and do some deep sea fishing. Sounds like you guys did better than we did from the beach.

I went for a walk through the caravan park at Seisia to see if I could find you on the dates you said but it sounds like you were having a great time at Punsand Bay. We dropped in there for a drink on our way to the tip and will probably camp there for a week or so next time.

We did the OTL from the bottom to the top as well as the Frenchmans track over to Chilli Beach. We found all tracks and river crossings particularly easy and very enjoyable due to no traffic. For most of the trip we saw very little traffic and had most bush campsites to ourselves. I learned a lesson on when not to go to the cape on seeing the numbers loaded up and heading north when we were on our way home.

Sorry to hear you still had car trouble but at least it was something easily fixed up there.

Give me a yell on your way south when near Bundaberg if you want some tips on good spots or even a yard to camp in.

AnswerID: 373649

Follow Up By: Member - Josh (VIC) - Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 21:00

Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 21:00
Good to hear your trip went well, I was wondering how you went. Sorry we missed you. Our laptop died and the internet in Seisia would not let me post anything on here. Yes it was amazing how quickly it got busy up there. Noone around on the way up then packed out on the way down. Will try and catch up on the way back down.

FollowupID: 640808

Follow Up By: Big Woody - Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 21:37

Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 21:37
I have posted some clips of some of our crossings on a thread on the cape yorker forum if you want to see what we got up to.


FollowupID: 640813

Follow Up By: Member - Josh (VIC) - Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 21:59

Wednesday, Jul 08, 2009 at 21:59
We were told the northern end was really deep so we only did the southern end but it didn't look to bad. Wish I had done it, now but still, we had a great time. Looks like you had fun, well done.


FollowupID: 640816

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