
Submitted: Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 14:30
ThreadID: 74795 Views:4824 Replies:15 FollowUps:34
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I like cats... and foxes and rabbits and sparrows..... but not here.

I'm holidaying at sis in law's at Airey Inlet. A discussion started about another thread where a bloke has four cats and lets them eat the wildlife...

My brother is just as bad. He lives near Merri Ck in the mid of Melb. Lets his FIVE cats run free all night.

The neighbour here has a cat. Beautiful bushland with not a skink to be seen. Sad.

I've seen cats all through the outback and through all types of bush. Surely time will come when people just don't let these animals outside anymore.

Maybe a new year's resolution?
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Reply By: Ozboc - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 14:42

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 14:42
Same can be said for dogs also , and i am now guilty of this .... I live on acerage and have an abundance of wild life inc walabys , roos , wombats and echidnas and large variety of reptiles.

I had previously seen my dog race off down the back - or next door chasing a rabbit or some other creature - though he would only chase rabbits so didn't care to much about it. Yesterday whilst i was fixing fences - i seen a small kangeroo racing past me from next doors fence line --- my dog was after it ---- i called it back ... Nope -- not listening to me. I Then hear it barking it head off about 200 meters or so away ... i go to investigate ..... he had this Roo pinned down in the dam and was tearing strips from it ... Mind you this dog is a Cockerspanial x cavalier so only a knee high dog and not know as hunting dogs

After i rescued this poor thing - looks to be about 8 months out of the pouch -- ear badly cut -- and few bite marks ---- i put it in the garage and got the neighbour to come up ( wires guy )

Anyway -- our other dog - a Black lab x kelpie -- does not show any interest and is free to roam - does not venture - just stay at the house or follows around the property( never races of to chase anything other than a ball )

the Other dog is now regarded to me as a "Live stock risk" and will be on a chain now till he is re housed - he is lucky as most farmers ( which i am not ) would have just shot it at first signs of this disobedience and aggression to all animals. neighbour had just come over and mentioned one of his sheep are missing ....

So its not just Cats --- dogs can be just as bad.

AnswerID: 397198

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 15:41

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 15:41
Yep .. around here a dog is shot if seen chasing stock.

All dogs will. It's a big responsibility.
FollowupID: 666008

Follow Up By: Richard Kovac - Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 03:15

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 03:15

was not it you the said Never feed a stray dog?

FollowupID: 666110

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 15:53

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 15:53
I can't remember saying that on this forum.... but it certainly IS what I believe. Years ago my dog strayed up the road. It was a great sheep dog and usually lived on the chain.

The distant neighbour liked him and fed him...... DAMN!
From then on he would nick up the road whenever let off the chain. I'd need to go and fetch him all the time. Then he was hit by a car... dead.

The only good part of this tale is that he mated with the neighbour's bitch who produced a beautiful litter a month later. We have the last of the line growing old at the moment.

FollowupID: 666159

Follow Up By: Richard Kovac - Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 16:41

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 16:41

You always tell a good story, so they are easy to remember..


FollowupID: 666166

Reply By: Atta Boy Luther - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 14:54

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 14:54
If owning of native wildlife was opened up and regulated by registering to everyone then wouldnt there be less cats and dog owners . I had pet wallabies as pets when i was a child . Sure we had to have 6 foot high fence but they were fun .
AnswerID: 397203

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 15:42

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 15:42
Good enough idea. Of course, animals outside their natural environment can cause problems... imagine pet Tassie devils!

I used to have caged birds years ago, now I enjoy the wild ones that live in and around my home. Another reason not to have cats!
FollowupID: 666009

Follow Up By: Member - Allan B (QLD) - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 16:07

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 16:07
If native wildlife was "owned" then it wouldn't be wildlife, would it?

And I detest seeing caged birds of any type, anywhere. Of all animals they should be free to soar the skies.


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FollowupID: 666014

Follow Up By: Fatso - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 19:33

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 19:33
I heard a comment once that there were more Sugar Gliders in North America than Australia. The reason is there is a market for them & it is legal. In N America they are called Pygmey Possums. In Australia we are not allowed to keep them & they are endangered. If we were allowed to keep them like the N Americans the accidental releases would probably restock wild populations.
Another classic is the Golden Shouldered Parrot. They breed quite freely in captivity & are down to a few hundred in the wild. The EPA takes as many steps as it can to prevent captive breeding. Bird breeders in NQ have offered to do captive breeding programs for restocking in the past & been denied. They come into one of the highest cattegories for licensing. You can't even be licensed to keep them in the old Mareeba & Cook shires.
Take a look at the humble budgerigar. The most kept bird in the world.
There are, only god knows how many, more Gouldian Finches in captivity than in the wild. There is a captive breeding program going on in Mareeba.
What about the Kangaroo. You can eat them, feed them to your pets, cull them, wear them on your feet & even export them as prime beef. But take a joey home for the kids & the Urban Yuppies who know SFA will scream blue murder.
How about the Northern Quoll, aka Native Cat. We had one when I was a kid untill he got let go. They would make a wonderfull pet & would displace cats for sure. They are endangered.
Probably make better environmental sense if all non native species required a special permit & we had natives for household pets.
FollowupID: 666052

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 19:38

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 19:38
very well put
FollowupID: 666054

Reply By: Member - Bucky - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 15:59

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 15:59
If I see cats foxes ect. and feral animals in the wild, they are shot on site.

No ifs or buts, and dogs too if I see them in the High Country

Call me a red neck if you like, but the damage they cause to the native population in this Country is phenomenal, and should never be tolerated.


AnswerID: 397209

Follow Up By: Member - Porl - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:38

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:38
I'll camp with you.
FollowupID: 666021

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:45

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:45
Not a red neck... an environmentalist ... forcefully... :-]]
FollowupID: 666022

Follow Up By: Mudripper - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 21:00

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 21:00
Agree 100%.
FollowupID: 666078

Follow Up By: Member - Scoot (SA) - Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 18:43

Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 18:43
Cats are NICE ................. when you make them into a hat.

Cheers Scoot . :-)
FollowupID: 666316

Reply By: Russ n Sue - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 16:09

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 16:09
G'day Royce

A mate of mine has a copy of "101 Uses for a Dead Cat". Would you like me to borrow it for you?

That's the problem with Australia......too many cats, not enough recipes.


AnswerID: 397211

Reply By: Member - Rob S (NSW) - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 16:15

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 16:15
I like cats, they taste like chicken LOL

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I only ever made one mistake
and that's when I thought I was wrong!

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AnswerID: 397212

Follow Up By: Gramps - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 16:43

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 16:43

and another
FollowupID: 666016

Follow Up By: Member - Rob S (NSW) - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:51

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:51
Hey Gramps
Nice Blunderbuss you got there, what is it?
Not a bad size cougar either makes my juvenile puddy cat look small.
I got some big ones my self over the years and they are almost the size of a small fox. Some feral cats get quit big in the bush.

I only ever made one mistake
and that's when I thought I was wrong!

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FollowupID: 666023

Follow Up By: Willem - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 18:40

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 18:40
This is what you need....... LOL

Image Could Not Be Found

FollowupID: 666036

Follow Up By: Gramps - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 19:02

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 19:02

It's a H&R Handi-rifle, single shot in .204 Ruger. Very accurate and perfect for cats and foxes. Yeah, feral cats do grow to a fair size, if they live that long LOL.

I'm happy with cats at home but in the bush, all bets are off.


He looks suspiciously like the one that took a pot shot at me a while back :)))


FollowupID: 666038

Follow Up By: Top End Explorer - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 22:42

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 22:42
Wicking is the cartoonist for the NT News

Here is his site link he loves cats as well, this one suits this thread and you can see more.

Wicking's view on cats.

Cheers Steve.

FollowupID: 666096

Follow Up By: Richard Kovac - Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 03:33

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 03:33
is this the small appendage reply post.. LOL

got any bigger guns and kills you can show off ... :-((

Boy O Boy...



FollowupID: 666112

Follow Up By: Gramps - Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 07:16

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 07:16

I was wondering when the oxygen thief would show up.

FollowupID: 666115

Follow Up By: get outmore - Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 07:38

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 07:38
a shot cat isnt a kill, its giving life to all the natives it would have killed

Ive always said you dont kill a cat you save natives
FollowupID: 666116

Follow Up By: fisho64 - Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 21:42

Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 21:42
got 6 myself a couple weeks back plus 6 foxes.

Got a "domestic" cat at home but it doesnt smell as someone else has mentioned?

If it doesnt have a collar and out of suburbia, they are generally considered feral.
FollowupID: 666361

Reply By: Member - Willie , Sydney. - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 16:19

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 16:19
Maybe if the Govt made it very expensive to own a non desexed cat or dog,
the problem could be brought under control.
AnswerID: 397213

Follow Up By: Richard Kovac - Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 03:20

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 03:20
No I don't think so.... people stiil smoke..

Cheers & Happy NY
FollowupID: 666111

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 15:55

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 15:55
It's not cheap now.

But... less people smoke now....
FollowupID: 666160

Reply By: Notso - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:01

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:01
It's too late to control em now, the flaming things are everywhere, Cats, that is!

They live in the drains, the bush, they are all over the Kimberlys.

They need something like calici virus for cats. Then release a vaccine but only let people have it if they have the pussies desexed.

AnswerID: 397219

Reply By: Nic I - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:31

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:31
Sorry Royce, you came in at the end of some very tongue in cheek light-heartedness, and it seems as though you may have misinterpreted the mood. Perhaps the reference to cats eating dogs and beer drinkers may have given it away ?

I'm the one with four cats, and what wasn't mentioned, because everyone just assumed otherwise and didn't ask, is that these cats have always been kept inside after dark, and during the day they are always kept in a large netted area in the back garden, which covers about one-third of it.

So they have never killed a bird or a marsupial (not that we have marsupials, we're in deep suburbia), and as stated they can't get to frogs and are not really interested in them anyway. Yes, they've killed some small skinks, but there are literally hundreds of these in the non-cat majority of the garden. And the cats and the four 4 large bluetongue lizards mutually ignore each other.

Please, and this goes for everyone, don't assume that pet owners don't take proper care of their pets and other local animals in a responsible manner.

AnswerID: 397222

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:54

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 17:54
Okay... looked back and I see what you mean. It touched a nerve. I sometimes stay with my brother. It's just offensive. The house stinks like cat. They pester you whereever you sit, and then he lets them out to wreak havoc.

You would be surprised at what wildlife would come to visit even in suburbia without cats.

In the dark ages we had three cats at the one time. Can't think why really. As I say... I like cats, just like I like other animals. I guess we can't turn back the clock. Just imagine Oz without them though. Lovely.

FollowupID: 666024

Follow Up By: Nic I - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 18:10

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 18:10
Hi Royce,

Maybe we are a little different to some, because they are very rarely in the house, the house doesn't smell, and they wouldn't pester anyone, especially strangers. They have their section of the garden and a large shed, and we have the house. We do share a big verandah (netted), which is where we enjoy having them around, and they us (although cats are rather inscrutable, so who can tell for sure ?).

Judging by the large numbers of birds visiting the (cat-free) part of the garden, I suspect that they're not deterred by the cats at all - they probably taunt them and laugh, which is rather a role reversal !

FollowupID: 666030

Reply By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 18:50

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 18:50
We live in suburbia and own a cat.
It got into trouble once for bailing up the neighbour's dog.
We have a "river" across the road - cat's too scared to go over there - the birds swoop on it and scare the living daylights out of it!

Nothing worse than seeing feral cats out in the desert - its a huge problem. Problem is that they are pretty much another breed, unrelated to the domestic cats. They were released over a century ago to control rabbits, rats and mice but developed into a killing machine for everything else.
AnswerID: 397238

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 19:40

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 19:40
Hopefully your moggy is locked up at night.... otherwise I guarantee it's out hunting at the river.
FollowupID: 666056

Follow Up By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 19:49

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 19:49
Yep, cat gets locked in every night.
In my line of work, I see a lot more serious damage from dogs. Every week we attempt to repair the damage done to the faces of small children from "domestic" dogs.
FollowupID: 666058

Follow Up By: fisho64 - Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 21:39

Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 21:39
Phil Im guessing that your a para or nurse, and also get to see lots of motor vehicle damage......?
FollowupID: 666360

Reply By: Member - Axle - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 20:34

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 20:34
G/day Royce, Domestic animals neglected; naturally turn feral to survive

So the problem starts from the owner!

We have 6 Burmese cats , all one family.....around the 17yr old mark now!;

Have you ever seen a rat (large) Scurry over a sleeping cat, then watch the cat open a eye and think," stuff it not worth the effort"....Thats what its like around here.....LOL, Lizards , Birds, snakes,feel very comfortable around this back yard..

Cheers Axle

AnswerID: 397252

Follow Up By: Member - Royce- Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 22:05

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 22:05
This sounds strangely like the pit bull terrier owner who says "my dog won't hurt anyone.... he plays with my little children all the time".... until......
FollowupID: 666089

Reply By: Mudripper - Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 21:19

Friday, Jan 01, 2010 at 21:19
I have a neighbour that doesn't bother to lock up her moggy (and some big bloomin' moggy at that) at night. I'm just waiting for that golden moment when it walks into my crosshairs!

The same cat wanders on to the property of other nearby neighbours that have a wildlife rescue thing going. The cat's already got a criminal record: killed a Bronzewing pigeon, ripped the head off a small roo, etc, etc. And there's no point in raising the issue with the cat owner, because it's impossible to reason with her.

The owner took the bells off of the cat so that it would lurk around unnoticed. Very sneaky.

Not to mention the amount of feral cats that are lurking around day or night. Every year I keep on seeing more and shooting more.

I'm looking forward to the day when new tough laws come in for cat owners, and heavy penalties for those who don't comply.
AnswerID: 397257

Reply By: get outmore - Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 04:28

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 04:28
bought a cat trap from some country hardware store for $50

amazing how every cat owner always keeps there cat in and it never prowls and yet my trap has no end of customers
AnswerID: 397277

Follow Up By: Top End Explorer - Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 21:36

Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 21:36
I don't always agree with some of the things you say, but on this occasion you have 100% support from me.

Cheers Steve.
FollowupID: 666358

Reply By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 11:03

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 11:03
Just to throw the cat (or Dog) amongst the pigeons so to speak there is a

thread on a certain Caravanning Forum advocating Passports for Dogs to enter

National Parks .

What is the opinion on that

Im a definitely not.
AnswerID: 397296

Follow Up By: Fatso - Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 16:27

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 16:27
National parks in Qld are over run with pigs, cats & cross-bred dingos already.
It would be a dangerous place for the average house dog.
What they should allow in is the pig hunters & their dogs.
Tell you how stupid the EPA is in Qld.
A few years back they trained a group of indigenous rangers to use rifles. What it was for was they could then trap pigs in Lakefield NP, then transfer them to a truck, then transported them outside the NP where they were to be shot.
Why you ask? Because guns aren't allowed in NPs in Qld.
Obviously thought up by a green vote chasing bureaucrat from Brisbane.
FollowupID: 666164

Follow Up By: Member No 1- Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 18:46

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 18:46
lots of dogs go missing in national parks here in SA
NP in association with Hunting and Conservation allow feral pest culls in some of the Parks......they are allowed to shoot all ferals includng lost/forgoten/abandoned/strayed/or whatever dogs they come across

what a tragic end for a pet?...keep em locked/chained up

giving passports to dogs in NP's is just going to increase the incidence of the pet straying from camp and getting lost thus being left behind
FollowupID: 666187

Follow Up By: Fatso - Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 21:24

Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 21:24
At least the ferals crapp in the bush & not the camp ground
FollowupID: 666356

Follow Up By: OREJAP - Wednesday, Jan 06, 2010 at 10:16

Wednesday, Jan 06, 2010 at 10:16
I was camped 50 metres inside a National park boundary but according to a print out from Parks Vic from THEIR website we were camped in a state forest....dogs allowed. Parks ranger ordered us to move or we would receive penalty notices for two dogs. I asked him if the rangers could do their utmost to keep all the animals that were in the National park from entering the state forest. He was confused by my request. I have two dogs that are extremely well trained and can work cattle they are Aust. Cattle dogs. Why can't I take dogs (under my control) everywhere in MY country. I am in favoured of registered,chipped & govt permitted dogs in National parks. My dogs DO NOT charge people or are disobedient in anyway. If a dog is NOT deemed to be under your control then a Penalty Notice should be issued. As for ferals!!! Can I mention the Human variety. How often do we put up with idiots causing BIG dramas at camp sites. My idea to eradicate this vermin is to report them to the ranger when (if they patrol) the parks & when there are numerous complaints from campers the Parks officers move these idiots on recording details on their duty sheet.
FollowupID: 666713

Reply By: D200Dug- Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 13:12

Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 at 13:12
I love cats I am a cat person I would love to own another cat but I simply refuse to because of the massive amount of damage they do to native animals.

The only way I would one one is if I could have a specially constructed cat cage / aviary attached to my house.

I think the fashion industry has a lot to answer for by making fur clothing and accessories unfashionable they have allowed feral animals to increase.

I would love to see some up and coming fashion designer make a name for themselves by launching a feral fur line of clothing to support Australian native animals.

If any of you have kids going to fashion schools make the suggestion. they would get a LOT of publicity for free :-)

"If it's feral, It's in peril "

I also feel that removing guns from so many Australians like myself has not done anything for the feral population, I used to go out and occasionally pop some cats bunnies and foxes but I no longer have firearms so I don't do this anymore I know a lot of people who are in the same class of now non shooters.
AnswerID: 397305

Reply By: Member - Royce- Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 22:02

Sunday, Jan 03, 2010 at 22:02
Well.. I'm back home in Gippsland now. This evening out checking stock and a black cat walked across my path. Someone's once loved pet or the progeny thereof.

Bad luck? Time for me to finally get a gun licence??
AnswerID: 397512

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